Euronext's commitment to gender equality: Building a better future


At Euronext, we are deeply committed to diversity, inclusion, and gender equality.

In line with the UN's theme for International Women’s Day 2024, "Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress”, we are determined to create positive change within Euronext and in the communities and ecosystems we are part of. From signing the UN Women's Empowerment Principles to establishing the Euronext Women's Network, our actions aim to make an impact to improve inclusivity.

International Women’s Day celebrations

As we mark International Women’s Day, we stand with the movement for gender equality. Throughout March 2024, Euronext will host initiatives to promote gender equality towards a future where every individual can reach their full potential. Our markets will join the 'Ring the Bell for Gender Equality' campaign, raising awareness worldwide. We will host diverse events across our locations, engaging both customers and our own staff to foster dialogue, share experiences, and cultivate a culture of inclusivity and mutual support. At the same time, as we celebrate the first anniversary of our Women's Network, we recognise achievements across our locations and will strengthen our initiatives introducing specialised internal training programmes such as “Know Your Strengths to Boost Your Development” to empower our workforce.

Mentorship and Education

Mentorship is key to our diversity efforts, fostering a supportive environment for everyone. Through training and mentorship, we aim to empower everyone to grow and thrive. In 2023, 46% of participants in our mentoring programmes were women, demonstrating our commitment to equality and support for women in the workplace. Education is also vital for an inclusive workplace. In 2023, over 400 employees have undergone unconscious bias training to promote fairness.

Our efforts to boost female participation are showing positive results. Our latest employee survey confirms that our people appreciate our commitment to diversity and inclusion, with almost 90% of Euronext employees believing that management genuinely supports equality between genders.

Moving forward

Every step towards gender equality is a step towards a better future. Let's stand together for change and create a world where everyone has equal opportunities. International Women's Day is a reminder of our progress towards gender parity and the work that remains ahead.

More International Women's Day


ELITE launches its second group of leading companies in Portugal, growing Euronext’s large private market ecosystem

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The latency costs of Dark MTFs on continental stocks: How kilometres translate into basis points


Pages: 18

Publication date: 24 February 2024

Authors: Paul Besson, Head of Quantitative Research & Anatole Casimir, Quant Research Analyst

In this Quant Research report, we look at implicit latency costs of London-based Dark MTFs for trades on stocks listed on Euronext, whose data centre is located in Italy.

Did you know you are paying a latency tax?

The matching engines of continental Primary Markets are located in Europe, hundreds of kilometres away from London-based Dark MTFs.

It takes 7-8 milliseconds for MTFs to import Euronext Mid-Point prices from Euronext’s Data Centre in Bergamo to London.

31% of Dark trade prices on MTFs are stale on Euronext-listed stocks, and the Opportunity Cost per stale Dark trade amounts to 1.0 tick and 2.3 bps. The overall expected Implicit Latency Cost for a passive Dark trade therefore amounts up to 0.69 bp for a participant unable to benefit from favourable stale trades.

How can you avoid it?

We encourage Sell-Side and Buy-Side institutions to conduct bespoke estimates on their proportion of stale Dark trades, and on their Implicit Latency Costs.

Nevertheless, Euronext’s new Dark trading functionality - Euronext Mid-Point Match - will have no latency; therefore, its total trading cost will amount to only 0.3 bp, as no participants will be exposed to Latency Costs.

For more information and to receive a copy of the report, contact

To connect to Euronext Mid-Point Match, contact and check out our webpage.

Equity Trading News - February 2024


Are you afraid of the dark? Thanks to Euronext Mid-Point Match, you won't be.

On 18 March 2024, Euronext will launch dark, mid-point and sweep functionalities with Euronext Mid-Point Match.

For the first time, you will be able to trade Euronext stocks without any implicit cost related to latency, whilst benefiting from a unique pool of liquidity fostered by local brokers and investors.

Did you know? 31% of Dark MTF trades happen at stale mid-point prices, leading to an implicit 'latency tax' up to 0.69bps for your execution on London-based MTFs.

Read all about it below.

Equity Trading Newsletter February 2024 Image




Quantitative Research Report:
Latency cost on Dark MTFs when trading continental stocks

Authors: Paul Besson - Head of Quant Research, Euronext; Anatole Casimir - Quant Analyst, Euronext

1. How often do Dark MTFs display stale (i.e. outdated) prices on Euronext listed stocks? And what is the opportunity cost of such stale prices?

31% of Dark trades on MTFs are stale.

The opportunity cost per stale trade amounts to 1 tick. 

2. What is the overall expected latency cost across different stocks?

The overall expected latency cost for a Dark trade is up to 0.69 bps, and it increases up to 0.89 bps for stocks with larger primary spread.


% of Stale
Dark Trades

Price absolute
difference for
Stale Trades

Latency cost
(bps) if 100%
adverse latency
on stale trades

Latency cost
(% of Primary Spread)

Primary spread ≤ 4.1bps


1.51 bps

0.50 bps


Primary spread > 4.1bps


3.02 bps

0.89 bps


All Stocks


2.27 bps

0.69 bps



3. How will the total cost of Euronext's Dark offering compare to Dark MTFs' total cost?

Euronext Mid-Point Match will have no latency: total cost to trade in the dark will only amount to 0.3 bps (pure dark execution fees).

You will not be exposed to a 'latency tax' when trading on Euronext.

4. How can Buy-side firms estimate their opportunity costs on Dark MTFs?

Ask brokers for the percentage of stale Dark trades, and the implicit adverse opportunity cost on such trades.

5. How can you avoid paying this implicit 'latency tax'?

Connect to Euronext Mid-Point Match: the suite of dark, mid-point and sweep functionalities embedded within Euronext's Central Order Book.

  • No latency in mid-point computation
  • No latency in sweeping from dark to lit book
  • No implicit 'latency tax'
  • Unique liquidity including from local brokers and investors

Download the official communication and technical documentation here:

Euronext Mid-Point Match Dark Order Book Go-Live dates for Euronext Cash Markets  

ENX Mid-Point Match



Interested in reading the full quant study?


Please request a copy from

Learn more about Euronext Mid-Point Match and dark functionalities from our recent webinars:

  • Sell-side: Euronext dark value proposition & technical specifications
  • Buy-side: Euronext dark value proposition & quant study on latency impacts

The Euronext Equities team at events - see you there!

7 March, London

FIX EMEA Trading Conference

Hear Simon Gallagher, Euronext London CEO & Head of Global Sales, speak on the panel "Fixing Equities" at 14.35, and stop by the Euronext booth to discuss our "Dark Latency tax" quant report with the Equity and Quant teams. 

Event website


AFME Annual Equities Dinner

Event website

22-24 April, Paris

Trade Tech Europe

Meet up with Paul Besson, our Head of Quant Research, and Vincent Boquillon, our Head of Equity Trading, during the Buy-side roundtables (Mon 22 April)

Hear Emilie Rieupeyroux, our Head of Market Strategy, speak on the panel "Exploring the major market structure themes: how can our industry create an efficient European equities market structure that delivers liquidity and alpha opportunities for investors?" (Tues 23 April)


Event website

For more information

Don't hesitate to contact your sales representatives with any queries or feedback.

Thank you!



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Uses a variety of software development toolkits, programming languages, testing/verifying applications, while adhering to specific development best practices and quality standards.

Gathers business requirements, translating that information into detailed technical specifications from which programs will be written or configured, and validating that the proposed applications align with the architectural design and with the business needs.

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Euronext Lisbon Awards 2024


A Euronext, a infraestrutura líder de mercado pan-Europeia, anunciou no dia 23 de fevereiro de 2024 a lista de nomeados e vencedores da 13ª edição dos Euronext Lisbon Awards.

Criados em 2011, os Euronext Lisbon Awards distinguem emitentes, intermediários financeiros, e outras instituições e pessoas que, no ano anterior à atribuição, se destacaram no mercado de capitais.

Nomeados e Vencedores

Equity Champion - Blue Chip

  • Mota-Engil - VENCEDOR
  • Galp
  • Millennium BCP

Equity Champion – SME

  • Altri
  • Cofina - VENCEDOR
  • Ibersol

Issuer of the Year

  • Banco BPI
  • EDP – VENCEDOR ex-aequo
  • EDP Renováveis - VENCEDOR ex-aequo
  • Santander

Local Market Member – Equity

  • CaixaBank / BPI
  • Caixa BI
  • Millennium Investment Banking – VENCEDOR

Market Member – Equity

  • Hudson River
  • JP Morgan
  • Morgan Stanley – VENCEDOR

Market Member – Bonds

  • CaixaBank / BPI - VENCEDOR
  • Kepler Cheuvreux
  • Millennium Investment Banking

Structured Finance – Warrants and Certificates

  • Citigroup
  • Millennium Investment Banking - VENCEDOR
  • Societe Generale

Structured Finance – Derivatives

  • Deutsche Bank
  • Santander
  • Societe Generale - VENCEDOR

Book Runner – Equity

  • BNP Paribas
  • Citigroup e Morgan Stanley - VENCEDORES
  • Goldman Sachs e J.P. Morgan

Book Runner – Bonds

  • CaixaBI - VENCEDOR
  • Santander
  • Societe Generale

Research House

  • CaixaBank /BPI
  • JB Capital - VENCEDOR
  • Santander

Law Firm – Equity

  • Morais Leitão - VENCEDOR

Law Firm – Bonds

  • Morais Leitão
  • PLMJ

Investment Fund Portugal

  • Optimize Portugal Golden Opportunities Fund, Optimize Investment Partners
  • GNB Portugal Ações, Grupo Novo Banco Gestão de Ativos
  • IMGA Ações Portugal, IMGA - VENCEDOR

Finance for the future

  • Lançamento de novo certificado OT 2025, Millennium BCP - VENCEDOR
  • Ordens Smart, BPI / Grupo CaixaBank

Market Promotion

  • “ECO-Talk Futuro das Pensões em Portugal”, BBVA
  • “Podcast: No final de Contas, ação no âmbito da literacia financeira”, Doutor Finanças - VENCEDOR
  • “III Congresso de Valores Mobiliários”, Governance Lab

Media Article

  • “Chuva de lucros em tempo de crise”, Rui Barroso, Exame
  • “Salário já não chega. Investir atrai mais jovens.”, Leonor Mateus Ferreira, Jornal de Negócios - VENCEDOR
  • “Reportagem primeira linha: Sustentabilidade das bolsas”, Mariana Ferreira Azevedo, Jornal de Negócios

Sustainable Finance

  • Linha de Crédito com critérios ESG, EDP - VENCEDOR
  • Livro “Climate Finance”, Nuno Fernandes, IESE Business School

Settlement & Custody

  • Caixa BI
  • Montepio
  • Santander - VENCEDOR


Euronext Lisbon Awards 2024

Vencedores dos Euronext Lisbon Awards 2024

Os prémios foram atribuídos durante o evento anual da Euronext, este ano com o apoio da Capgemini



Breve descrição das categorias Euronext Lisbon Awards

Equity Champion | Destaca a empresa cotada com o maior retorno total, refletindo a evolução dos preços das ações e o pagamento de dividendos. São elegíveis as empresas cotadas nos mercados geridos pela Euronext Lisbon, incluindo as empresas estrangeiras. As empresas cujo turnover velocity seja inferior a 10%, bem como as que apresentem desempenho negativo, não são elegíveis. Este prémio é atribuído em duas categorias: Blue Chip e SME. Para efeitos de atribuição deste prémio, uma empresa é considerada Blue Chip se apresentar, no final do ano anterior,uma capitalização bolsista igual ou superior a €1.000 milhões de euros, e é considerada SME se apresentar uma capitalização bolsista inferior a esse montante.

Issuer of the Year | É distinguida a Entidade Emitente que realizou a operação com maior relevância e visibilidade no mercado de capitais português.

Market Member | É distinguido o membro com o maior valor (€) negociado na Euronext Lisbon, nos valores mobiliários identificados nesta categoria (Ações e Obrigações).

Structured Finance | É distinguido o membro que gerou maior crescimento dos valores mobiliários identificados em duas categorias: Derivados: e Warrants e Certificados.

Book Runner | O vencedor é o intermediário financeiro colocador com o maior número de emissões e montantes colocados nos valores mobiliários identificados nesta categoria, cotados na Euronext Lisbon. São elegíveis as ofertas iniciais e ofertas subsequentes. Em colocações sindicadas, apenas os intermediários financeiros líderes são selecionados.

Research House | O vencedor é escolhido em função do nível de cobertura das ações cotadas na Euronext Lisbon, examinando o número de empresas avaliadas e relatórios publicados por cada Research House no ano em análise, bem como a respetiva equipa dedicada e alocada para o efeito.

Law Firm | É selecionada a firma de advogados mais ativa, considerando os montantes e o número de emissões de ações e obrigações cotadas nos mercados geridos pela Euronext Lisbon em que estiveram envolvidas. Caso duas ou mais firmas estejam envolvidas na mesma emissão, ambas são consideradas.

Investment Fund Portugal | É reconhecido o fundo de investimento / fundo de pensões aberto que tenha realizado o maior esforço do investimento em ações cotadas nos segmentos da Euronext Lisbon, relativamente à sua carteira inicial de ações nacionais. Este prémio é desenvolvido em parceria com a APFIPP, que contribui para a definição dos critérios e dá o suporte técnico ao apuramento anual do vencedor.

Finance for the Future | Categoria aberta a todas as iniciativas, incluindo produtos, serviços, eventos ou outras, que se distingam pela inovação no mercado de capitais português. Esta categoria carece de submissão de candidatura.

Market Promotion Initiative | Distingue o evento de promoção do mercado de capitais português que revela maior impacto, avaliado, tanto quanto possível, por critérios objetivos, nomeadamente pelo número de participantes, meios envolvidos, e cobertura mediática. Esta categoria carece de submissão de candidatura.

Media Article | Distingue o melhor artigo publicado sobre mercado de capitais, avaliado por critérios de relevância, oportunidade, profundidade e rigor. Os candidatos têm de ser jornalistas com carteira profissional válida à data da publicação (que deverá estar anexa à candidatura). São admitidos os artigos publicados em qualquer formato (papel, online, vídeo) que tenham alguma referência ao mercado de capitais português, no período em análise no ano anterior. Esta categoria carece de submissão de candidatura.

Sustainable Finance | Distingue a iniciativa, projeto, evento, programa e/ou produtos relacionados que revele maior impacto positivo em matérias ambientais, sociais ou de governo da sociedade. Esta categoria carece de submissão de candidatura.

Settlement & Custody | É selecionado o Intermediário Financeiro que efetuou o maior número de emissões de ações e obrigações registados na Euronext Securities Porto (e não admitidas à negociação), ponderado pelos respetivos montantes.