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All Bell ceremonies

  • Sif Group

     |  Amsterdam


    Sif Group

    Sif Group celebrates listing on Euronext Amsterdam

    EnterNext, the Euronext subsidiary dedicated to promoting and growing its SME market, welcomes Sif Group (ticker symbol: SIFG) on Euronext Amsterdam. Sif celebrates its listing by sounding the gong.

    Sif is a leading manufacturer of large steel tubulars which are used as foundation components for the offshore wind and offshore oil & gas markets. The company manufactures customized tubular components for offshore foundations, predominantly in the greater North Sea region. Sif is headquartered in Roermond, the Netherlands, with a production site of over 100,000m2 and 13 production halls, strategically located along a key waterway in the Netherlands.

    For more information: www.sif-group.com

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  • ASIT biotech

     |  Brussels


    ASIT biotech

    ASIT biotech fait ses premiers pas en Bourse

    Euronext Bruxelles et Paris ont accueilli aujourd’hui ASIT biotech, une société belge spécialisée dans le traitement des allergies. Thierry Legon, CEO d’ASIT biotech, a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés à Bruxelles pour saluer la première cotation de la société qui a levé 23,5 € millions lors de cette IPO. ASIT biotech rejoint de la sorte une communauté de 77 sociétés spécialisées dans les sciences de la vie cotées sur les marchés Euronext.

  • 25th Roparun

     |  Amsterdam


    25th Roparun

    Roparun Foundation visits Beursplein 5 prior to 25th Roparun

    Next Saturday the 25th Roparun will start in Hamburg and Paris and finishes Whit Monday in Rotterdam. Michael Beenhakker, Director Roparun Foundation, sounds the gong accompanied by ambassador Nelli Cooman and participants of team Unilever, team KPN and team Tref & Co.

    The Roparun is a relay race of more than 500 kilometers from Paris and Hamburg to Rotterdam, in which people work as a team to give a combined sports performance in order to raise money for people who suffer from cancer.  

    Besides the physical challenge, the team must also make an effort to raise money for the cause. Teams do this by organizing various activities. The three teams who raise the most money and the six teams who win for their running speed are honored during the final celebration of the Roparun, which takes place a few weeks after the finish. Over the past twenty-four editions of the Roparun, more than sixty-seven million Euros have been raised.

    For more information: www.roparun.nl

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  • State Street Global Advisors

     |  Amsterdam


    State Street Global Advisors

    State Street Global Advisors Launches 10 SPDR ETFs on the Euronext Exchange

    State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), the asset management arm of State Street Corporation recently announced that it has launched 10 World Sector SPDR ETFs, on Euronext Amsterdam. Edwin Mars, Senior Sales Manager SPDR ETF’s, sounds the gong for this occasion.

    Drawing on SSGA’s heritage and experience in sector investing, with global sector assets under management totaling $105bn, SPDR ETFs has built the broadest range of physically-replicated sector ETFs in Europe. Investing in sectors enables investors to precisely target the drivers of risk and return, and adjust exposures simply and cost-efficiently, to respond to changes in the economic cycle.

    SSGA is one of the leading ETF providers in the world and offers 99 ETFs in Europe, with $14 billion in assets under management (AUM). SPDR ETFs is the only European provider with a comprehensive and consistent suite of sector funds, totaling 29 ETFs across global, US and European exposures.

    For more information: www.ssga.com

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  • State Street Global Advisors

     |  Paris


    State Street Global Advisors

    State Street Global Advisors Launches 10 SPDR ETFs on Euronext Amsterdam

    State Street Global Advisors (SSGA), the asset management arm of State Street Corporation recently announced that it has launched 10 World Sector SPDR ETFs, on Euronext Amsterdam. Olivier Paquier, Head of SPDR ETFs France, rings the bell in Paris to further celebrate this launch.

    Drawing on SSGA’s heritage and experience in sector investing, with global sector assets under management totaling $105bn, SPDR ETFs has built the broadest range of physically-replicated sector ETFs in Europe. Investing in sectors enables investors to precisely target the drivers of risk and return, and adjust exposures simply and cost-efficiently, to respond to changes in the economic cycle.

    SSGA is one of the leading ETF providers in the world and offers 99 ETFs in Europe, with $14 billion in assets under management (AUM). SPDR ETFs is the only European provider with a comprehensive and consistent suite of sector funds, totaling 29 ETFs across global, US and European exposures.

    For more information: www.ssga.com

  • Mobistar devient Orange

     |  Brussels


    Mobistar devient Orange

    Mobistar n’est plus. Vive Orange ! C’est sous de nouvelles couleurs que les membres de la direction de Mobistar ont ouvert les marchés Euronext pour célébrer le rebranding de l’opérateur télécoms ainsi que son premier jour de cotation avec le nouveau ticker OBEL.

    Ce changement permettra à l’entreprise de dynamiser sa transformation et de soutenir son développement stratégique au travers de nouveaux services. L’introduction de la marque Orange permettra à Mobistar de renforcer son positionnement sur le marché belge, comme opérateur convergent aussi bien que mobile.

    Plus d’infos sur www.orange.be

  • RTL Z Trading Game

     |  Amsterdam


    RTL Z Trading Game

    RTL Z and ING Sprinters open trading to mark start RTL Z Trading Game

    ING Sprinters and RTL Z open trading at the Amsterdam exchange to mark the start of the 6th series of the successful RTL Z Trading Game.

    The Trading Game is an online investment game where (beginning) investors can invest with a notional amount of 100,000 euros in shares, trackers, funds, options and Sprinters. The Trading Game is mobile responsive and had apps for Apple and Android. RTL Z Trading Game is a collaboration between RTL Z and ING Sprinters, and was developed by VI Company.

    For more information: www.rtlzbeursspel.nl

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  • The Netherlands Red Cross sounds gong for Africa

     |  Amsterdam


    The Netherlands Red Cross sounds gong for Africa

    Floortje Dessing en Juriaan Lahr van het Rode Kruis luiden de gong voor Afrika. Een grote hongersnood dreigt hier voor minstens 42 miljoen mensen. Door het weerfenomeen El Niño is er al maanden extreme droogte in verschillende landen in het continent, met  grote water- en voedseltekorten tot gevolg.

    Door het uitblijven van regen is de situatie in verschillende landen verergerd. Kinderen, zwangere vrouwen en vrouwen die borstvoeding geven zijn het meest kwetsbaar en hebben acuut hulp nodig. Bijvoorbeeld in Ethiopië waar het land op dit moment te maken heeft met de grootste droogteperiode in 50 jaar. Meer dan 10 miljoen mensen hebben hier voedselhulp nodig en bijna 6 miljoen mensen hebben niet genoeg water of sanitaire voorzieningen. In Oost- en Zuidelijk Afrika, hebben op dit moment zo'n 1 miljoen kinderen extra medische hulp nodig wegens ernstige uitdroging of ondervoeding.

    Op de Internationale Dag van het Rode Kruis, 8 mei, wil de hulporganisatie aandacht vragen voor deze nijpende situatie en de nodige hulp.

    Voor meer informatie: www.rodekruis.nl

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  • National Committee 4 and 5 May

     |  Amsterdam


    National Committee 4 and 5 May

    National Committee 4 and 5 May visit Euronext

    John Bakker, board member of the National Committee 4 and 5 May and a member of the National Fund 4 and 5 May, opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange on Liberation Day.

    On 4 May we commemorate all war victims who died during and after World Way 2. On 5 May, we celebrate that we live in freedom for over 70 years. Freedom only becomes meaningful if you know what it means to not be free. That this freedom is fragile is apparent every day. Freedom needs more than silent nurturing. The preservation of a free society also requires responsibility. The organizations of all festivities is not possible without all business and volunteers who contribute to this both at national and local level.

    A new memorial will be unveiled on Dam square in Amsterdam in the presence of Mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan. The memorial commemorates the 31 known victims who perished during the shooting on the Dam square on May 7th, 1945, two days after the German capitulation in the Netherlands. Intensive research into this event by Foundation Memorial 2015 for Dam Victims May 7th, 1945 led to the actual number and names of the victims.

    For more information: www.4en5mei.nl

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  • Joep van Beurden new CEO Kendrion

     |  Amsterdam


    Joep van Beurden new CEO Kendrion

    New CEO Kendrion visits Amsterdam exchange

    Joep van Beurden was recently appointed CEO of Kendrion (ticker symbol: KENDR). He sounds the gong together with Executive Board Member Frank Sonnemans and colleagues from the Kendrion head office in Zeist.

    Kendrion published its first quarter results for 2016 and presented a new strategic plan for the next three years in Amsterdam on 3 May 2016.

    Kendrion develops, manufactures and markets high-quality electromagnetic and mechatronic systems and components for industrial and automotive applications. For over a century, they have been engineering precision parts for the world's leading innovators in passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial applications. As a leading technology pioneer, Kendrion invents, designs and manufactures complex components and customised systems as well as local solutions on demand. They are committed to the engineering challenges of tomorrow, and taking responsibility for how they source, manufacture and conduct business is embedded into their culture of innovation.

    Formore information: www.kendrion.com

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  • Natuurmonumenten - National Nature Quiz

     |  Amsterdam


    Natuurmonumenten - National Nature Quiz

    Natuurmonumenten sounds gong ahead of National Nature Quiz

    Financial director of Natuurmonumenten Coraline Bronsky opens the Amsterdam exchange together with rangers Hanne Tersmette and Frans Kapteijns on the occasion of the first National Nature Quiz which airs on 11 May at the VARA on NPO1.

    For the National Nature Quiz, Chris Zegers explores nature in our own country, along with ranger Hanne Tersmette of Natuurmonumenten. He wanders through the caves of the St. Pietersberg in Maastricht and gets his feet wet in Overijssel. “The more you know, the more you will experience and enjoy. And also want to protect", said ranger Hanne Tersmette," You step out your front door and the nature is everywhere. "

    Natuurmonumenten wants to share their love and fascination for nature. Natuurmonumenten protects nature areas, valuable landscapes and cultural heritage. Nature is preserved for future generations by purchasing land, managing nature reserves and making natural areas accessible for all. Their work is made possible by volunteers, members, benefactors and corporate sponsors. Partners of Nature include the Euronext-listed ING, DSM and PostNL.

    For more information: www.natuurmonumenten.nl  

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  • Benfica SAD

     |  Lisbon


    Benfica SAD

    Benfica SAD rings the closing bell

    To celebrate the listing of €50 million in bonds, Benfica SAD management team rang the closing bell, along with the Euronext team. Bonds demand exceeded offer in 2.6 times. This bonds pay 4.25% in interest rate, and more than 6,800 investors purchased Benfica SAD 2016-2019 bonds.

  • DPA and De Nieuwe Zaak

     |  Amsterdam


    DPA and De Nieuwe Zaak

    DPA and De Nieuwe Zaak celebrate joint venture by sounding gong at Euronext

    To mark the occasion of their new joint venture, DPA (ticker symbol: DPA) and De Nieuwe Zaak sounded the opening gong to usher in the new trading day on Euronext. These two companies have launched Digital Marketing Professionals B.V., which focuses on the (ongoing) training, and placement of young professionals and senior marketing specialists.

    This initiative will contribute to the improved recruitment and promotion of online marketers. “We ensure that talented individuals acquire specific knowledge and experience, enabling them to immediately offer clients added value. This is especially useful for organizations that want to optimize their online marketing strategy and operations, or that want to design new online activities,” says Eric Winter, DPA’s CEO.

    Johan Keurentjes, the Managing Director of De Nieuwe Zaak, points out that, in partnership with Windesheim University, the new company has developed a traineeship for college and university level students. “Our experienced specialists provide them with a wealth of knowledge on topics such as online advertising, SEO, social media and big data analytics. In addition to strategic, legal and technical modules, they will also take a training course in communication skills. They will then start work on appropriate projects, under the guidance of our clients. In this way, these young people develop into fully-fledged online marketing professionals in a very short space of time.”

    For more information: www.dpa.nl

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  • World Wish Day

     |  Amsterdam


    World Wish Day

    Make-A-Wish The Netherlands sounds gong on World Wish Day

    Every year on the 29th of April Make-A-Wish celebrates World Wish Day all over the world. In 1980 the first wish was granted to the 7-years old Chris, he suffered from leukemia. The whole village contributed enthusiasm to fulfil his dearest wish: being a cop. Make-A-Wish The Netherlands is founded in 1989 and annually fulfills more than 500 dearest wishes of children between 3 and 18 years with a life-threatening illness. Fulfilling a wish means a world of difference for these children and provides them and their family with hope and strength for the future.

    For more information: www.makeawishnederland.org

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  • DeGiro

     |  Amsterdam



    DeGiro opens trading at Amsterdam exchange

    DeGiro, market leader among Dutch Retail Brokers, opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange. Martijn Rehling of DeGiro sounds the gong.

    ‘’In all of our processes we make optimal use of technology resulting in efficient processes. We give all the benefits of our efficient approach to our customers through low costs. Technology allows us to offer a service in which our clients benefit fair rates. At the same time DeGiro is able to create a stable financial institution with solid results.’’, says Gijs Nagel, director DeGiro.

    DeGiro was established in 2008 in The Netherlands. Their vision was to service the professional market as well as retail investors with a highly innovative and low-cost alternative to the existing range of brokerage platforms. Low prices combined with a secure, reliable and innovative trading platform has resulted in rapid growth.

    For more information: www.degiro.nl

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  • King’s Day

     |  Amsterdam


    King’s Day

    Koninklijke Bond van Oranjeverenigingen sounds gong on King’s Day

    On King’s Day many ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ are busy organizing a village or town festival. The KBOV is the national representative of all ‘Oranjeverenigingen’. They visit Beursplein 5 and sound the gong.

    The KBOV helps ‘Oranjeverenigingen’ with advice and information and organizes meeting points for exchange of experiences and ideas. In addition, the KBOV want to make clear that this kingdom, which is not bound by party or group, will be present in the plural society for every Dutch citizen, regardless of origin, race or religion.

    The KBOV stresses the importance of promoting and strengthening the bond between the Dutch population and the House of Orange. It seeks to achieve this by initiating and stimulating celebrations, churchal- and other commemorations to mark heyday in the House of Orange. Meanwhile, more than 320 local ‘Oranjeverenigingen’  are a member of the KBOV.

    For more information: www.oranjebond.nl

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  • Eurovision Song Contest

     |  Amsterdam


    Eurovision Song Contest

    Douwe Bob sounds the gong before Eurovision Song Contest

    On May 10 the Eurovision Song Contest semi-finals will be held in Stockholm. Douwe Bob will represent the Netherlands with the song ‘Slow Down’. Before he leaves for Stockholm he visits the Amsterdam exchange and sounds the gong.

    Douwe Bob wrote the song to create an awareness that one occasionally may take things slower in life. "Slowdown is a protest song against myself, against the speed with which I live in Amsterdam." The Netherlands is 6th in line during the semi-finals and thus stands between two women from Croatia and Armenia. Douwe Bob will sing ‘Slow Down’ for all of Europe between the power-ballads of his contestants. 18 participants take part in the first semifinal.

    Douwe Bob amassed fame by winning "Best Singer-Songwriter Netherlands' in 2012. After that yielded a successful collaboration with Anouk with their hit" Hold Me "and the album 'Pass It On' the earned the number one position in the Album Top 100. Douwe Bob’s new album, ‘Fool Bar’ will be released on May 6.

    For more information: www.douwebob.nl

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  • ABN Amro and Singer Laren

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN Amro and Singer Laren

    ABN Amro and Singer Laren confirm collaboration by sounding gong

    Last week, Johan van Hall, vice-Chairman and member of the Executive Board of the Euronext listed ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN), and Evert van Os, Managing Director of Singer Laren Museum, signed the renewed main sponsor contract. This sealed their long-term partnership of over 25 years. To corroborate their collaboration once more they sound the gong to open trading at the Amsterdam exchange.

    Evert van Os was very proud and pleased that the bank, the main sponsor of the museum since 1990, chose to renew its partnership with Singer Laren. The confidence that ABN AMRO expresses with its renewal in our exhibitions, theater productions, the construction of the new theater and other activities is fantastic for us as a subsidized cultural organization.

    ABN AMRO and culture have gone hand in hand for a very long time. The bank's sponsoring ensures that art, music, design and theater reach a maximum audience. This long relationship goes beyond just sponsoring. The bank is truly Singer Laren Museum's partner, sharing its knowledge and network. This is why ABN AMRO is equally pleased to announce its renewal of its long-term partnership with Singer Laren Museum.

    For more information: www.abnamro.nl 

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