Euronext Trader

Members easy access to the derivatives market
Euronext Trader is the new Euronext trading front-end GUI (Graphical User Interface), providing to members an easy access to the derivatives market.
  • Benefit from a simple and a secure access to Euronext’s derivatives contracts
  • Create a bespoke dashboard according to your needs
  • Profit from basic features accessible for free*
  • Take advantage of a simplified access directly via web browser (no installation required)

Powered by Gatelab, a Euronext company and leading provider of trading and market access solutions.

*According to the Euronext Trader fees guide included in the order form.

Get familiar with the tool, watch our tutorial videos


  • How to show widgets
  • Add items to the current desk
  • Change widget description
  • Customise columns

- The icon next to "Euronext Trader" on the top left corner allows to see all the available widgets 

- Clicking on each item will add the widget to the current active desk

- It is also possible to drag & drop widgets using the "triple bar" icon next to each item description and moving to the preferred place within the desk

- Clicking on the pencil icon will enable you to rename the widget


  • Add new desks
  • Change desk icon

- It is possible to add multiple desks by clicking the arrow and then selecting add

- Each desk can show seperate set of widgets that are fully independent of each other

- It is possible to change the icon of an active desk by right clicking and selecting "change desk icon"


  • Move desks
  • Remove desks

- You can rearrange the order of desk icons by dragging and dropping accordingly

- To remove a desk, simply drag to the bin icon, which will show to the right once the desk is selected


  • Market Data widget
  • Drag and drop instruments from Dictionary to Price info
  • Create an order
  • Link two widgets
  • Query trades

- The Dictionary widget under the market data tab displays reference data for each instrument

- Price Info widget provides additional data including an instruments BBO, last trade details, instrument status and current trading phase

- You can drag and drop instruments from the Dictionary into Price Info

- Right clicking on any instrument within the Price Info widget will open an "order entry" form with the instrument automatically populated

- Price Depth shows the aggregated book levels for the selected instrument

- The chain icon allows you to link two widgets, any selection made in one, will be reflected in the connecting widget

- The ticker allows you to select and view real time trades and market data for any market or segment

- Querying Intraday Trades will show all trades done on that day for the instrument selected


  • Add Wholesale Order & Monitor widgets
  • Remove optional columns
  • Wizard facility to create strategies

- This simulation of the Wholesale Order entry on a Strategy instrument has been recorded using two example members, 99101 as a trade initiator and 99100 as a trade reactor

- Let's start by adding the Wholesale Order and Wholesale Monitor to the initiator's current desk

- If needed, you can costumise columns be rescaling or removing any optional fields from the Clearing Data area

- Here, the Market and Contract will need to be selected 

- This "blue" number next to Quantity will tell you the minimum accepted quantity for this specific contract

- You will need to confirm whether the order is for an outright instrument or for a strategy

- The "Wizard" will help you to both create strategies and provide a selection of all possible strategy types

- The Price and Quantity should be filled for each leg. If the leg is a SELL side, the Offer Quantity has to be populated. If the leg is the BUY side, the Bid Quantity will need to be populated

- The overall price is calculated by taking the difference between the BUY leg minus the SELL leg, taking into consideration the required ratio. In this example: (0.02 x 2) - 0.02 = 0.02

- Then confirm the counterparty for each leg

- It should be noted that the Quantity should take in consideration the ratio of the strategy, in this case it should be doubled

- Mandatory fields for Clearing Data will then need to be filled

- Once confirmed, the Wholesale Order will be succesfully created

- The Wholesale Monitor will show a row for each counterparty that has been identified as a required reactor. The status is currently in Waiting since counterparties haven't yet reacted

- The relevant leg of the transaction will not be visible in the Wholesale Monitor of the counterparty, the reactor (99100)

- Clicking on each trade leg, you will see that most of the fields have automatically been populated with  the expected values. Any missing mandatory fields will have to be completed

- Once all reactors have responsed, the transaction is then complete and the trade fully executed


  • Add a new TRF pricer widget
  • Select conversion type
  • Link with order entry

- Let's start by placing a "TRF Pricer" in the main desk

- By selecting Publication Date, Contract Code and Expiry Code, the three fields Accrued Distribution, Accrued Funding and Days to Maturity will automatically be populated

- With this tool, you can convert BPS to Index Points or vice versa

- Complete remaining fields

- Click on Calculate to compute the conversion

- It is possible to link a TRF Pricer to an Order Panel widget. The Order Panel will then automatically pull in the selected instrument and its converted price displayed in the TRF Pricer


  • Add a new RFC widget

- To start the process, the Request For Cross widget will need to be selected

- Once done, we can then choose the required instrument by selecting from the drop down

- The price, quantiy and any other remaining mandatory fields will then need to be populated 

- When the transaction is submitted, a popup will be prompted


  • Add a new strategy Wizard widget 

- Let's start by creating a new Strategy Wizard widget

- The Market, Strategy Type and Contract will need to be added 

- Each Leg will automatically be updated to reflect the specifc contract selected

- After creating the Strategy, a confirmation pop-up with details of the instrument will appear

- Optiq Market Data disseminates this new instrument through market data chanels, making it available for any future transactions

To get onboarded

Please complete the order form and contact %6d" rel="nofollow">

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