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Alle Bell- en Gongceremonies

  • Choice

     |  Brussels


    Choice lists on Euronext Brussels

    Bart Van Coppenolle, Chief Executive Officer of Choice, opens the trading day in Brussels.

    Choice NV is a holding company specialised in the development of a collaborative platform allowing consumers to recommend TV and video content, online telecom services, etc.

  • Rana Gruber admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Rana Gruber admitted to trading

    Rana Gruber admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 26 February 2021.

    Rana Gruber admitted to trading
  • Arctic Bioscience admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Arctic Bioscience admitted to trading

    Arctic Bioscience admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 24 February 2021.

    Arctic Bioscience admitted to trading
  • – 1-jaar beursgenoteerd

     |  Amsterdam

    1721218bb009eac-0160-4a32-a239-0bd4ca944d3e – 1-jaar beursgenoteerd is 1 jaar genoteerd op Euronext Amsterdam. Om dit bijzondere moment te vieren luidde Gilbert Gooijers, COO van, vanochtend de gong. Hij werd vergezeld door onder andere René van Vlerken, Hoofd Listing van Euronext Amsterdam. noteerde vorig jaar succesvol aan de Amsterdamse beurs door middel van een fusie met de Special Purpose Acquisition Company (SPAC) Dutch Star Companies One. Het was de eerste SPAC-notering bij Euronext Amsterdam. – 1-jaar beursgenoteerd
  • Skandia GreenPower admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Skandia GreenPower admitted to trading

    Skandia GreenPower admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 22 February 2021.

    Skandia GreenPower admitted to trading
  • Otovo admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Otovo admitted to trading

    Otovo admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 19 February 2021.

    Otovo admitted to trading
  • Arctic Fish admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Arctic Fish admitted to trading

    Arctic Fish admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 19 February 2021.

    Arctic Fish admitted to trading
  • Envipco admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Envipco admitted to trading

    Envipco admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 18 February 2021.

    Envipco admitted to trading
  • Sonans admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Sonans admitted to trading

    Sonans admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 17 February 2021.

    Sonans admitted to trading
  • Technip Energies lists on Euronext Paris

     |  Paris


    Technip Energies lists on Euronext Paris

    Arnaud Pieton , Chief Executive Officer of Technip Energies , opens the trading day in Paris.

    Created from the spin-off from TechnipFMC plc group in 2021, Technip Energies N.V. is an Engineering and Technology company specialized in providing projects, technologies, products and services on energy infrastructure both onshore and offshore (LNG, downstream, sustainable chemistry, hydrogen, CO2 management and marine infrastructure).

    Technip Energies lists on Euronext Paris
  • Pryme admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Pryme admitted to trading

    Pryme admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 16 February 2021.

    Pryme admitted to trading
  • Huddly admitted to trading

     |  Oslo


    Huddly admitted to trading

    Huddly admitted to trading on Euronext Growth Oslo 16 February 2021.

    Huddly admitted to trading
  • Rize ETF – ETFs Listings

     |  Amsterdam


    Rize ETF – ETFs Listings

    Rize ETF viert dat zij vandaag drie ETF’s noteren op Euronext. Jason Kennard, mede-oprichter van Rize ETF, luidde daarom op afstand de gong. Dit deed hij in het bijzijn van onder meer Thomas Weber, ETFs Manager Bedrijfsontwikkeling bij Euronext. De 3 genoteerde ETFs zijn Cybersecurity, Edtech en Sustainable food.

    Rize ETF – ETFs Listings Rize ETF – ETFs Listings
  • ESG Core Investments – SPAC Listing en eerste handelsdag

     |  Amsterdam


    ESG Core Investments – SPAC Listing en eerste handelsdag

    Hans Slootweg, Managing Director van ESG Core Investments, werd verwelkomd door Simone Huis in ’t Veld, CEO van Euronext Amsterdam. Van Roij luidde de gong naar aanleiding van de notering van ESG Core Investments, een Special Purpose Acquistion Company (SPAC) met een sterke focus op Environment, Social and Governance (ESG). Het is de eerste SPAC-listing op Euronext van dit jaar.

    ESG Core Investments – SPAC Listing en eerste handelsdag SPAC-listing ESG Core Investments
  • Beaconsmind lists on Euronext Access+ Paris

     |  Paris


    Beaconsmind lists on Euronext Access+ Paris

    Max Weiland , CEO and Founder, of Beaconsmind , open the trading day in Paris.

    Beaconsmind AG specializes in the development of location-based marketing software solutions for retailers. The group allows retailers to carry out marketing campaigns to increase customer loyalty, revenue and sales at the point of sale and in online.

    Beaconsmind lists on Euronext Access+ Paris
  • Medesis Pharma lists on Euronext Growth Paris

     |  Paris


    Medesis Pharma lists on Euronext Growth Paris

    Jean-Claude Maurel , CEO and Founder of Medesis Pharma, opens the trading day in Paris.

    Medesis Pharma S.A. is specialized in the research and development, based on a breakthrough technology (AONYS®) for the delivery of therapeutic molecules, of drugs to treat diseases for which there is no effective treatment.

    The company's portfolio includes two candidates in the fields of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease and Huntington's disease), two candidates for antiviral treatments to respond to the health emergency towards the treatment of COVID-19 at different stages (one for hospitalized patients in acute respiratory distress, and another for early treatment in urban medicine), and 2 candidates to treat contaminated populations after a civil or military nuclear accident (Plutonium decorporation and cesium decorporation).

    Medesis Pharma lists on Euronext Growth Paris
  • UBS Asset Management

     |  Amsterdam


    UBS Asset Management – 20 jaar ETFs

    UBS Asset Management vierde vandaag dat zij al twintig jaar ETFs aanbieden. Marcel Danen, Executive Director van UBS, luidde daarom op afstand de gong, in het bijzijn van onder meer Brieuc Louchard, verantwoordelijk voor ETFs binnen Euronext. Tien jaar geleden lanceerde het bedrijf haar eerste duurzame ETF en sinds vijf jaar zijn verschillende ETFs genoteerd aan de Amsterdamse beurs.

    UBS Asset Management UBS - 20 years ETF
  • Hydrogen Refueling Solutions

     |  Paris


    Hydrogen Refueling Solutions lists on Euronext Growth Paris

    Hassen Rachedi , CEO and Founder, Philippe Bottu, General Manager, and Olivier Dhez, Business Development & Marketing Director of Hydrogen Refueling Solutions , open the trading day in Paris.

    Hydrogen Refueling Solutions is specialized in the mass production of turnkey hydrogen refueling stations with large capacities (100 kg to 1 ton) for heavy vehicles (transport, buses, garbage trucks, etc.) and passenger vehicles.

    At the end of 2020, the group has a production site located in France.

    Hydrogen Refueling Solutions HRS