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Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Lisbon rings the Closing Bell


Paulo Carvalho, from the City Hall, four entrepreneurs (Miguel Santo Amaro from Uniplaces, Filipe Botto from Yonest, Domingos Guimarães from Live Content and Bernardo Gaieras from Fab Lab Lisboa,)  as well Inês Domingos, from the Macrometria and the author of the study “Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Lisbon” rang the closing bell in Lisbon to celebrate the launch of the study.

Euronext Lisbon organized a conference to present the study and the developments of the Entrepreneurial Network, an initiative that has been supported by the Lisbon municipality. Four young entrepreneurs were also invited to talk about their projects. Now in its seventh year, Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is currently celebrated in 140 countries and thousands of cities around the world.