Q2 2023 results


Euronext published its Q2 2023 results on Thursday 27 July 2023 after market closing. The press release, the presentation and other documents are available on this page.

A replay of the analysts webcast and conference call is available at this Link.


  • PDF

Euronext Q2 2023 Results - Presentation

English Version

English Euronext Q2 2023 Results - Presentation /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2023-07/20230728Euronext_Slides_Q223%20Vf.pdf
  • PDF

Euronext Q2 2023 Results - Press release

English Version

English Euronext Q2 2023 Results - Press release /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2023-07/20230727_Euronext_PR_Q223_VF.pdf
  • XLSX

Euronext Q2 2023 Results - P&L

English Version

English Euronext Q2 2023 Results - P&L /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2023-07/Euronext%20-%20P%26L.xlsx
  • PDF

Euronext Q2 2023 - transcript

English Version

English Euronext Q2 2023 - transcript /sites/default/files/financial-event-doc/2023-08/28.07%20-%20Euronext%20Q2%202023%20Results_CLEAN.pdf