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Changes to the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II and notices - EGA


Reference is made to the consultation on changes to the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II and notices, as published on 14 February 2022.  The main and material amendments relate to Euronext Growth Advisors. Oslo Børs has also conducted a complete review of the Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II in relation to definitions, language, references and clarification of ambiguities. Notice 2.2 is also updated, and notice 2.3 will be replaced with a new notice 2.3 which contains more extensive guidance and information.

The consultation period is now over. There have been made some further adjustments and clarifications as a result of the consultation. The changes in the rules have been resolved by Oslo Børs in accordance with such. The changes will enter into force on 9 May 2022. The updated rule book and notices, and the DD form, EGA Agreement and updated application forms (EGA and admission to trading) are available on Euronext’s websites. Mark-up versions of the documents follow below.

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