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Webinar for managing board members of companies listed at Oslo Børs (in Norwegian)




The next course for board members are planned for 7 September.

This course will be held in Norwegian. If you are interested in this course (in both Norwegian and English), please send an e-mail to and we will add you to the invitation list.

Online training for Managing Board members of listed companies.

Training program for listed company to comply with stock exchange requirements for board members.

This training is in Norwegian.

About the course

Oslo Børs invites you to an accelerated refresher course, held over half a day, to contribute to both knowledge and awareness of the board and board members' responsibilities, tasks and possible pitfalls. The use of the capital market, current regulations as well as the board's role in listed companies are topics currently on the event's agenda. Our ambition for this course is to help you be better prepared to take care of both your continuing responsibilities and to meet unforeseen challenging events.

The course is aimed at board members, the company's management and others who work with the board of the company.