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Cancellation of registry of bonds issued by BANIF - Banco Internacional do Funchal, S.A.



NOTICE N.º 0796/22

We hereby inform that, by taking his transference of system of registry to the company itself on that date, on 1st August, 2022, one was cancelled the registry of the following issues:

PTBAFEOM0022 BAFEOM Banif/2014 - Obrigação Subordinadas - Taxa Fixa USD - 2024
PTBAFHOM0011 BAFHOM Banif/2012 - Subordinated Fixed Rate Notes due 2019 - Sér.17
PTBAFMOM0014 BAFMOM Banif/2015 - 2025 - Obrigações Subordinadas - Sér. 1
PTBAFOXE0003 BAFOXE Banif/2008 - 2018 - Obrigações Caixa Subordinadas
PTBAFQOM0002 BAFQOM Banif/2009 - EUR 100 M Fixed To Floating Rate Subordinated Notes
PTBCAFXE0007 BCAFXE BCA/2006-2016 - obrigação caixa subordinada - taxa variável - 1ª série
PTBCAIXE0004 BCAIXE BCA/2007 - 2017 - Ob.Caixa Subordinadas - Taxa Variável

Euronext Securities Porto, 1st August, 2022