Listing of Qrf on Euronext Brussels
Since 18 December 2013 is the company Qrf listed on Euronext Brussels. Quares stands for Quality Real Estate Services. Quares is a real estate specialist operating in Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and France. The company’s primary objective is to maximise the financial returns on real estate of private clients, business partners and investors.Qrf-Quares Retail Fund- founded on 3 September 2013, is part of the group and is a quoted fixed-capital real estate investment fund investing in commercial real estate under Belgian law. Qrf focuses on inner-city stores in streets that are dominant in their catchment areas. The fund seeks to create value through active portfolio management and an innovative, professional approach.
To celebrate this event, Anneleen Desmyter, CEO of Qrf opened the markets with a Bell Ceremony on 18 December 2013 together with Freddy Hoorens and Herman Du Bois. Anneleen Desmyterhad the honour to write the first opening price on the blackboard. Other guests of honour were Inge Boets, Chairman of the Board, Frank De Moor and Jan Brouwers, Board members - Francis Hendrickx, CFO - Bert Weemaes, COO and An Bertels, Finance Manager.
The ticker code : QRF.
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