‘The New Flexible Retirement’ report
Sounding of the gong for launch retirement report Aegon
Alex Wynaendts, CEO of Aegon, sounds the gong and opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange to launch the report ‘The New Flexible Retirement’ by the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement.
The report explores worker’s retirement-related expectations and provides insights into the extent to which employers and governments are facilitating their transition to retirement. This report calls for a new approach that makes future retirement more affordable, sustainable and achievable for all people and provides several recommendations to governments, employers and employees.
The Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement (ACLR), founded in 2015, is a collaboration of experts assembled by Aegon with representation from Europe, the Americas, and Asia. ACLR’s mission is to conduct research, educate the public, and inform a global dialogue on trends issues, and opportunities surrounding longevity, population aging, and retirement security.
For more information: www.aegon.com