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Settlement Summit 2024: Towards T+1 and Enhancing Efficiency



As the US market gears up for the transition to T+1 settlement cycles, Europe is also weighing the potential advantages and challenges of this shift.

Euronext Securities Milan is pleased to  invite you to join us for an informative session featuring representatives from regulatory authorities, industry associations, and financial institutions.

Together, we will examine how ongoing operational, regulatory, and technological changes will affect participants and offer practical guidance for implementing these changes in the European market.
9h00 Registration + welcome coffee
9h30 Opening Remarks

Alessio Mottola, CEO - Euronext Securities Milan
9h45 - 10h10

T+1 Settlement: The current status in the EU

Andrea Gentilini, GFR | Head of Market Infrastructure DIvision, CSSF and Chairman of the Post Trade Working Group at ESMA  



Opportunities & Risks of  T+1 Settlement

Moderator: Alessandro Zignani  | Head of Sales Financial Institutions | Euronext Securities Milan


  • Adriana Pierelli, MD Global Client Management | BNY Mellon
  • David Angeloni, Capital Markets Unit | ABI
  • Haroun Boucheta, Head of Public Affairs | BNP Paribas Securities Services
  • Kristoffer Kjelsø Sønderlev, Head of Settlement & Client Connectivity  | Euronext Securities 
  • Peter Tomlinson, Director Post-Trade and Prime Services | AFME
11h00 Coffee Break
11.30 Salvatore Lo Giudice, Responsible Post-Trading Division | Consob


How is the market preparing?

Moderator: Miriam Felici, Deputy Secretary General | AMF Italia


  • Anna Kulik, Secretary General | ECSDA
  • Armanda Mago, Head of Custody Europe | Citibank
  • Paola Deantoni, Public Affairs Officer | Société Générale Securities Services 
  • Roberta Dibenedetto, Senior Manager Go-to-Market Securities | Swift

Closing Remarks