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All Bell ceremonies

  • International Day of United Nations

     |  Amsterdam


    International Day of United Nations

    By sounding the gong Renée Jones-Bos, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, raises awareness for the International Day of United Nations (UN).

    The Kingdom of the Netherlands is deeply committed to promoting the core work of the UN at the highest level. That is why the Kingdom is a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Candidate for the period 2017-2018. “The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Your Partner for Peace Justice and Development” is the slogan that reflects this international ambition. The Kingdom of the Netherlands is one of the founding members of the UN, which was established exactly 69 years ago. Today, the UN is still the main organization for international peace and security, human rights and development, with the UNSC as its most powerful body.

    For more information: www.rijksoverheid.nl

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  • 7981d12b5b2b-d8fb-4c96-8aa9-a875fe4d633f

    Jacques Moineville, directeur général adjoint de l'AFD sonne la cloche

    Etablissement public au cœur du dispositif français de coopération, l’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) agit depuis plus de soixante-dix ans pour lutter contre la pauvreté et  favoriser le développement dans les pays du Sud . Elle soutient également le dynamisme économique et social des  Outre-mer.

    Au moyen de subventions, de prêts, de fonds de garantie ou de contrats de désendettement et de développement, elle finance des projets, des programmes et des études et accompagne ses partenaires du Sud dans le renforcement de leurs capacités.

  • NBWM celebrates winning the National Business Success Award

     |  Amsterdam


    NBWM celebrates winning the National Business Success Award

    The Nederlandsche Betaal & Wisselmaatschappij (NBWM) is a new non-bank provider of currency exchange and international payment services for Dutch SME. By sounding the gong the winning of the National Business Success Award in the category ‘Specialist Financial Services’ is marked.

    The jury: "NBWM is a reliable money-saving alternative for entrepreneurs in foreign exchange transactions. The organization offers better and according to experts the best exchange rates. Thanks to the innovative, cost-effective organization with a personal, customer-focused and proactive service, the organization offers an unprecedented attractive economic benefit to its customers."

    NBWM focuses on serving medium-sized and small companies with international payment or currency conversion requirements. The office is located at Beursplein 5. Managing Partner and co-founder, Pieter-Jan Datema, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.nbwm.nl

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  • Inverko sounds gong for circular economy

     |  Amsterdam


    Inverko sounds gong for circular economy

    By sounding the gong the CEO of recycling specialist Inverko (ticker symbol: INVER), Henk Alssema, marks the start of the cooperation with Friesian waste- and collection company Omrin and its umbrella company Midwaste.

    With the same vision on waste the chain partners found each other on their way to a circular economy. Inverko, Omrin and Midwaste consider waste as raw material. The collaboration consists of developing sustainable projects where domestic plastic waste is processed into raw material. From this raw material products are created that can be delivered to municipalities and consumers. This life cycle cooperation not only delivers a saving of raw materials and a reduction in waste, but also products that are still valuable at the end of their service life. That means in addition to ecological economical capital appreciation.

    “Closing the loops” is a sustainable project in which Inverko and Omrin with their project partners Philips, Lankhorst, Cumapol and Stenden University join forces. By sharing knowledge and technologies, collector, recyclers and producers are able to reprocess more waste streams to raw material into new products. This project is supported by the Province of Friesland and the packaging industry.

    For more information: www.inverko.nl

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  • EnterNext accueille SAFTI sur Alternext à Paris

     |  Paris


    EnterNext accueille SAFTI sur Alternext à Paris

    Gabriel Pacheco, Président Directeur Général de SAFTI, sonne l'ouverture des marchés boursiers.

    Safti Groupe est un réseau national de négociateurs indépendants en immobilier à domicile et par Internet, couvrant l'ensemble du territoire national.Les négociateurs assurent la prise en charge des projets (achat, location ou vente) jusqu'à la signature chez le notaire, et mettent au service des clients une communication nationale d'envergure, via notamment une diffusion massive des annonces des biens sur Internet.

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    CEO Randstad Group Netherlands, Chris Heutink and television host Lucille Werner sound gong to mark cooperation

    CEO Randstad Group Netherlands and member of the board of Randstad Holding, Chris Heutink and Lucille Werner, television host and founder of the Lucille Werner Foundation, sound the gong to mark their new cooperation.

    The partners are combining forces to empower people with disabilities and prepare them for their own spot on the labor market. The Lucille Werner Foundation has the knowledge on how to reach, mobilize and empower people with a disability in order to make them job ready. Randstad (ticker symbol: RAND) is familiar with the business and supports and accompanies employers to hire employees with a disability. The two parties combining results in greater force. January 1st 2015 is the starting date for the law on participation. With this law, the government hopes to create more job opportunities for people with a disability. With this cooperation Randstad and the Lucille Werner Foundation hope to make this law a success.

    For more information: www.lucillewernerfoundation.nl

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  • 797585c6c5a3-63ef-4261-929d-d3b0d3260f0a

    CEO and CFO Sligro Food Group celebrate 25th listing anniversary

    CEO Koen Slippens and CFO Huub van Rozendaal from Sligro Food Group N.V. (ticker symbol: SLIGR) sound the gong  to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the company's listing.

    In 1989, Sligro Beheer N.V., as the former Slippens family business was then known, was floated in order to raise capital to finance further growth. The past 25 years can best be described as a period of value creation. At the time of its listing in 1989, the company had net sales of €190 million and net profit of €2.8 million. The issue price was NLG 52 (now €1.18), and following the issue the company's market capitalization stood at €28 million. The company progressed from the Parallel Market to the AScX index, and today it is included in the AMX index. Sligro Food Group N.V. currently has annual net sales of €2.5 billion with net profit of almost €70 million and a market capitalization of €1.2 billion. The average compound return over 25 years amounts to 17% a year. An interim dividend will be made payable on Monday, 20 October to mark the anniversary of the company's listing.

    Sligro Food Group encompasses food retail and foodservice companies selling directly and indirectly to the entire Dutch food and beverages market. The Group is active in foodservice as a wholesaler (Sligro and Van Hoeckel) and in food retail (EMTÉ supermarkets) as a wholesaler and retailer.

    For more information: www.sligrofoodgroup.nl

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  • 7974e64f4175-d0d7-4abc-b9a7-058d5cbe2764

    La première cotation des options spotlight de Melexis à Bruxelles

    Ce jeudi 17 octobre 2014, Euronext a annoncé le lancement des Options Spotlight sur Melexis. Afin de célébrer cette nouvelle cotation, Geert Reynders, Investor Relations and Group Treasurer de Melexis a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés financiers à Euronext Bruxelles. En Juillet 2014, Euronext a annoncé le lancement des Options Spotlight sur les marchés des dérivés.

    Pour en savoir plus, merci de cliquer sur le communiqué de presse : Euronext Brussels introduces spotlight options on Melexis

  • Gong marks Amsterdam Marathon 2014

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks Amsterdam Marathon 2014

    By sounding the gong the launch of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon, the running event that’s taking place this Sunday the 19th of October, is marked.

    A record number of 42,500 participants take part in the marathon. With 16,000 entries for the classic distance the marathon is the biggest marathon of the Netherlands. No less than 89 different nationalities are represented and the event will be broadcast live on television in at least 130 countries.

    Manon Schutter, the face of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon Superhero campaign, sounds the gong. With this campaign runners and supporters were asked to share their stories on social media with #TCSsuperheroes.The Superheroes concept recognizes that behind every runner there is a story of individual achievement. Regular people make superhuman efforts to train for the race and strive for their personal bests, while very humanely contributing generously towards the research of VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, the official charity of the event.

    For more information: www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl

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  • 15ème anniversaire de cotation d'IPSOS

     |  Paris


    15ème anniversaire de cotation d'IPSOS

    Didier Truchot, Président et Directeur Général, IPSOS (IPS), sonne la cloche qui clôture les marchés Européens. 

    Ipsos est une société d’études indépendante, contrôlée et dirigée par des professionnels du secteur. Fondé en France en 1975, Ipsos est devenu l’un des premiers groupes mondiaux d’études, avec une forte présence sur tous les grands marchés. Ipsos est la troisième société d’études au monde. Elle est cotée à la Bourse de Paris depuis 1999 et a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires total de 1 712,4 MEUR (2 274 MUSD) en 2013.

    L’expertise d’Ipsos, qui compte des bureaux dans 86 pays, s’exerce dans six domaines d’activité : études publicitaires, gestion de la relation client, marketing, médias, études d’opinion et gestion des enquêtes.

    Les spécialistes d’Ipsos évaluent les potentiels de marché et interprètent les tendances. Ils développent et construisent des marques. Ils aident les entreprises à nouer des relations de long terme avec leurs clients. Ils testent les publicités, mesurent l’audience de divers médias et mènent des sondages d’opinion dans le monde entier.

    Pour en savoir plus sur les offres et les compétences d’Ipsos, veuillez consulter le site à l’adresse suivante : www.ipsos.com

  • 79727b069b88-2d6a-49f0-9d1b-a0bf5b92c30c

    Les lauréats de L’Entreprise de l’Année 2014® chez Euronext Bruxelles

    Ce jeudi 16 octobre 2013, Euronext Bruxelles a célébré les lauréats du trophée l’Entreprise de l’Année®, organisé par Ernst & Young en collaboration avec Mediafin et BNP Paribas Fortis.

    A cette occasion, Vincent Crahay, CEO de la société Belourthe, gagnant de « l’Entreprise de l’Année 2014 » et Ferdinand Huts, CEO de Katoen Natie, gagnant de « Onderneming van het Jaar 2014 » ont sonné la cloche de clôture des marchés à Euronext Bruxelles. Des représentants d’EY, du jury, de Mediafin et de BNP Paribas Fortis étaient également présents.

    Cette année, pour la partie francophone, la société Belourthe a été choisie parmi les quatre entreprises nominées dont Colona, le groupe Eggo-Euro Center et Lampiris.

    Depuis 1996, EY récompense les entreprises qui affichent une croissance spectaculaire et qui se distinguent en termes d’innovation, d’internationalisation, d’esprit d’entreprise, de vision stratégique et de persévérance.

    Pour en savoir plus sur les lauréats : www.belourthe.be et www.katoennatie.com

  • Vanguard celebrates listing three new ETFs

     |  Amsterdam


    Vanguard celebrates listing three new ETFs

    Vanguard, one of the world’s largest investment management companies, celebrates the listing of three new Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on Euronext Amsterdam.

    The ETFs provide investors with international diversification across North America, the developed world, and developed Europe excluding the UK. The new products are available for trading on the Amsterdam market as of today. The Vanguard FTSE North America UCITS ETF, Vanguard FTSE Developed Europe ex-UK UCITS ETF and Vanguard FTSE Developed World UCITS ETF will enable investors to construct a more diversified equity portfolio. With the addition of these products to its existing range of ETFs, Euronext currently has 611 ETFs listed on its markets.

    To celebrate the listing, Institutional Sales Executive, Marcel Danen, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.vanguard.nl

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  • Movimento 2020 rings the opening bell in Lisbon

     |  Lisbon


    Movimento 2020 rings the opening bell in Lisbon

    Zélia Santos, president of the Portuguese Association of Dieticians, along with promoters of Movimento 2020 rang the opening bell in Lisbon to celebrate the ‘World Food Day ’.

    Movimento 2020 promotes and implements best practices regarding nutritional health and healthy lifestyle habits.

    More information: www.movimento2020.org

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    The Financial Planner of the Year, Alex Erlings, sounds gong

    The winner of the 2014 FFP Financial Planner of the Year Award, Alex Erlings, working as FFP certified financial planner at Rabobank Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht, visits Euronext Amsterdam and sounds the gong.

    The competition is the initiative of the Federation of Financial Planners (FFP). 800 financial planners attended this year’s ceremony, which was held during the FFP Conference on 9 October. The jury report determined 50% of the final score, while the public determined the other 50% following elevator pitches given by the three finalists. The jury’s vote is based primarily on the candidate’s ability to interpret the clients’ needs correctly, to offer an appropriate form of planning in response to those needs, and to do so in a way that the client can understand.

    According to FFP managing director Bert Sonneveld: “A planner who is worthy of the FFP quality mark has to score well on these elements, and be capable of building a long-term relationship of trust with the client. We hope that this will help to restore consumer trust in the entire financial sector. Those who do it right, deserve to be called the planner of the year.” In addition to the title, Erlings receives an in-depth course aimed at improving skills, or a business course of his choice.

    For more information: www.ffp.nl

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  • Premier Ecofin Women Club à la Bourse de Bruxelles

     |  Brussels


    Premier Ecofin Women Club à la Bourse de Bruxelles

    Le 14 octobre 2014, Dominique Leroy, CEO-Administratrice déléguée de Belgacom a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés à Euronext Bruxelles pour fêter le lancement du premier Ecofin Women Club.

    L’événement est suivi par un débat animé par Martine Maelschalck, éditorialsite en chef à l’Echo.

    Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici :  www.ecofinclub.be

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    Light for the World sounds gong for ‘EmployAble’ project

    By sounding the gong the Light for the World foundation draws attention for the ‘EmployAble’ project in Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda, which aims to help young people with disabilities to find paid work.

    The foundation thinks it is totally obsolete that people with disabilities stand aside. They can fully participate in society provided that a few basic conditions are met. Light for the World strivesto give disabled people, just like those who consider themselves able, a fair chance to participate. Light for the World and the Groenhorst College make TVETs (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) accessible for youngsters with disabilities and work closely with local companies to ensure that education matches with the demand. Companies like Techno Brain, Toyota, Stantec and Infomind already joined and the foundation calls upon companies in The Netherlands and the rest of the world to follow their example. Student Mirjam Priem, traveling later this year to Ethiopia to participate in the project, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.lightfortheworld.nl

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  • Gong marks listing Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks listing Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.

    William A. Ackman, CEO of Pershing Square Capital Management, sounds the gong to mark the listing of Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd,(ticker symbol: PSH).

    Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. is an investment holding company structured as a closed end fund that is an active investor and owner of large minority stakes in North American, large-capitalization public companies.

    William A. Ackman said: “We are delighted to list Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. on Euronext Amsterdam.  The listing will dramatically expand our shareholder base improving the stability of our capital and our ability to implement our long-term, active investment strategy.

    Jos Dijsselhof, acting CEO of Euronext Amsterdam said: “We are very pleased to welcome Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. to our market today. The choice of Euronext as the listing venue by a leading investor shows the credibility that Euronext enjoys amongst the investment community.

    Anne Louise Metz, Head of Listings of Euronext Amsterdam, added: “Sophisticated investors look to the stock markets for the permanent capital it can provide. Euronext is an attractive venue for these funds and we expect to see continued interest in permanent capital vehicles from the fund community. We are delighted to support Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. in realizing its objectives and look forward to a long-standing partnership with the firm.”

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  • Gong marks launch of Reumabeweegwijzer

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks launch of Reumabeweegwijzer

    The Dutch Arthritis Foundation launches a special online tool for people with arthritis, called the Reumabeweegwijzer (‘Arthritis Exercise Guide’). Using this guide, patients can easily search for local sports’ activities. The guide stimulates them to get into action because sensible exercises for people with arthritis can reduce their complaints. The guide is launched before World Arthritis Day, that takes place on Sunday 12 October.

    We want to stimulate patients to start exercising. Even if you have arthritis, you can find sports’ activities that fit your possibilities”, explains Sija de Jong, manager patients’ Advocacy at the Dutch Arthritis Foundation. “The exercise programs are given by expert therapists, so patients are reassured that the exercises are adapted to their abilities." The sports’ activities are organized by patients’ associations and co-funded by the Dutch Arthritis Foundation.

    Prof. Thea Vliet Vlieland, Professor of Orthopaedics, Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy stresses the importance of exercising: ”Research shows that exercising helps people with arthritis. The muscles become stronger and it keeps joints flexible. It also improves endurance”. Coco Broeken, ambassador of the 2014 Dutch Arthritis Foundation campaign, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.reumabeweegwijzer.nl

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