Listing Structured Notes on Euronext

Information on the listing process for Structured Notes with Euronext.

Listing guidelines

Documentation requirements for new issuance are covered in the listing guidelines. Issuers are welcome to liaise with our Corporate Actions department for assistance.

Overview of the required documents:

  • Issuance of new programme
  • Additional tranche of an existing and already admitted programme
  • Standalone issuance
  • LP Update
Smiling Business women sitting at desk in front of laptop

A straightforward procedure

Issuers can manage their instruments overnight via fully-automated communication channels. New listings, delistings, characteristics update, and other actions can be carried out with ease.

Issuers can list Structured Notes on Euronext overnight. The process is fully automated and developed together with Euroclear.


Multi-listing of Warrants & Certificates and Structured Notes is offered between any of the following listing venues:

  • Euronext Amsterdam
  • Euronext Brussels
  • Euronext Paris

Multi-listing is not available between the above three marketplaces and Euronext Lisbon/EasyNext Lisbon.

Simplified Straight-Through Process

Our Straight-Through Process (STP) enables issuers to manage their instruments from issuance to maturity. 

Issuers can choose from two communication methods to list and manage their instruments:

  1. PLUG & Clear, a joint Euroclear-Euronext data entry and validation gateway
  2. PLUG Web, Euronext's own web interface

Alternatively, registered issuers can contact our Corporate Actions department for listing operations.

Download our listing guidelines & PLUG Web Format Table to assist you with new Structured Notes listings / updates.

  • XLS

PLUG Web Format Table


English PLUG Web Format Table /sites/default/files/2019-04/plug_web_format_table.xls

A flexible fee structure

Euronext offers an innovative fee scheme to encourage product innovation and improve market quality. Issuers and their Liquidity Providers offering specific services aimed at improving market quality (such as Extended Trading Hours, Knock-Out By Issuer, Payment After Knock-Out, offering a full product range, etc.) can benefit from listing fee reductions.

Thoughtful businessman looking out the window

Structured notes trading

Euronext's unique Warrants & Certificates pan-European trading platform focuses on:

  • Investor protection

  • Market quality

  • Efficiency

List of Structured Notes


Contact the Structured Products team to receive more information about listing Structured Products and the fees for Issuers and Liquidity Providers.

General Assistance

Structured Products Team

+33 (0)1 70 48 28 90

Listing Assistance

Euronext Corporate Actions Team

+33 (0)1 85 14 85 94