Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance at Euronext
The Corporate Governance at Euronext is based on, among other things, Dutch law, our Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedures for the Managing Board and Supervisory Board.
These arrangements include additional provisions and modifications agreed with the College of Euronext Regulators designed to ensure the long-term stability and autonomy of the Company and curb possible disproportionate levels of influence that large shareholders may have on the Company.
Euronext Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is responsible for the supervision of the activities of the Managing Board and the supervision of the general course of the business of Euronext.
The Supervisory Board consists of ten members as per 8 August 2024.
Euronext Managing Board
The Managing Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the operations of Euronext and is supervised by the Supervisory Board.
As per rules of procedure of the Managing Board, the Managing Board currently consists of the Chief Executive Officer of the Euronext Group, the Head of Markets and Global Sales, the COO and the CEOs of the local exchanges. The members of the Managing Board are appointed by the General Meeting only in accordance with a proposal of the Supervisory Board or upon a binding nomination by the Supervisory Board. Prior to making a nomination, the proposed nomination must be submitted to the College of Regulators and the Dutch Ministry of Finance for approval.
Euronext ESG Policies and Statements
Check here the Euronext ESG policies and statements, which have been reviewed and approved by the Euronext Managing Board.
They cover all the companies controlled directly or indirectly by Euronext N.V. Review by the Managing Board is done on a yearly basis. Most recent review dates from 27 March 2023.
All Euronext Policies are reviewed by the Euronext Internal Audit department at least once every three years.
The objectivity and organisational independence of the Internal Audit function is achieved through the Head of Internal Audit reporting directly to the Chairman of Euronext Audit Committee.
Non-financial Reporting
With our unique federal model as a foundation, Euronext is building the leading market infrastructure in Europe to shape capital markets for future generations. Euronext’s mission is to connect European economies to global markets, to accelerate innovation and sustainable growth.
Euronext's ESG reporting gives more insights on the different pillars of our ESG commitment.
Access here to Euronext’s non-financial reporting.
Nederlands Statuten van Euronext N.V. /sites/default/files/2021-12/Euronext%20NV%20-%20Articles%20of%20Association%20as%20per%2021-12-2021-Dutch.pdf
Articles of association of Euronext N.V. (informal translation)
English Articles of association of Euronext N.V. (informal translation) /sites/default/files/2021-12/Euronext%20NV%20-%20Articles%20of%20Association%20as%20per%2021-12-2021-English.pdf
Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board of Euronext N.V.
English Rules of procedure of the Supervisory Board of Euronext N.V. /sites/default/files/2025-02/Rules%20of%20procedure%20of%20the%20Supervisory%20Board%20of%20Euronext%20N.V..pdf
Euronext N.V. Insider Trading Policy
Policy on bilateral contacts Euronext N.V.
English Policy on bilateral contacts Euronext N.V. /sites/default/files/2019-04/policy_bilateral_contacts_0.pdf