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  • ING sounds gong for Amsterdam Career Days 2014

     |  Amsterdam


    ING sounds gong for Amsterdam Career Days 2014

    March 3rd marks the beginning of the 19th edition of the Amsterdam Career Days. Main sponsor ING and the committee of eight students, from study associations Sefa (UvA) and Aureus (VU), visit Euronext Amsterdam.

    The largest career event in its kind takes place from March 3-6. Through presentations , cases, trainings and individual meetings, students will get the chance to get in touch with 58 leading companies, including main sponsor ING. Committee chairman, Emil Rijcken, sounds the gong. Other main sponsors are Pon, Liander en HP.

    For more information: www.acd.nu

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    Euronext accueille GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) sur Euronext Paris


    Philippe Berterottière, Président-Directeur Général de GTT, ouvre les marchés européens à Paris.

    GTT (Gaztransport & Technigaz) est le leader mondial de la conception de systèmes de confinement à membranes cryogéniques utilisés dans l’industrie navale pour le transport du GNL.

    Depuis plus de 50 ans, GTT propose à ses clients des technologies leur permettant d’optimiser l’espace de stockage et de réduire les coûts de construction et d’exploitation des navires ou des réservoirs équipés de ces systèmes. GTT intervient sur quatre secteurs : la construction de méthaniers, de FPSO (unités flottantes de production, stockage et déchargement du GNL), de FSRU (unités flottantes de stockage et de regazéification du GNL) et de réservoirs terrestres.

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    Rintje Ritsma sounds gong for KPN Dutch Allround & Sprint speed skating championships

    This winter, the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam is transformed into the ‘Coolste Baan van Nederland’, a Grand Oval 400 meter ice rink. Co-initiator Rintje Ritsma opens trading in honor of this occasion.

    Sponsor KPN (ticker symbol: KPN)offers skating fans, their customers and employees the experience of ice skating in a historic sporting environment. From 28 February through 2 March 2014, the ‘Coolste Baan van Nederland’ has been designated by the KNSB as the location for the KPN NK Allround & Sprint.

    For more information: www.coolstebaanvannederland.nl

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  • 7712f060b4e2-163c-4e88-a849-e9cd77595855

    Richard Krajicek and winner ABN AMRO Young Talent Trophy sound gong

    Richard Krajicek, founder of the Richard Krajicek Foundation, sounds the gong together with the winner of the ABN AMRO Young Talent Trophy.

    The ABN AMRO Young Talent Trophy is a yearly tennis tournament for children between the ages of 10 and 12. Children who are not members of a tennis club get the chance to shine in a major tournament in front of a large audience. The sports leaders of our playgrounds put teams together and organized preliminaries. The final is played at the ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament in Rotterdam.

    The Richard Krajicek Foundation, that was founded 16 years ago, develops playgrounds in densely populated areas to stimulate youth to exercise. In doing so, the Foundation not only promotes health, but also social opportunities and social safety for youngsters living in the area. With the support of the business community, funding organizations and local governments, more than 100 playgrounds have so far been realized.

    For more information: www.krajicek.nl

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  • SOS Children’s Villages visits Euronext Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    SOS Children’s Villages visits Euronext Amsterdam

    SOS Children’s Villages has been committed to children without parents or safe home for 65 years.

    The international children's charity believes that family is the most important basis for the healthy development of children. Thanks to SOS Children’s Villages hundreds of thousands of children worldwide have found a solid foundation to develop into independent and promising adults. Preferably within the family, but if that's not possible, in a SOS family in a Children's Village.

    Ceu Gonçalves grew up in Portugal with her two sisters in a SOS Children's Village because they would have otherwise stood alone. Ceu looks back on a loving and secure childhood with her mother and her SOS brothers and sisters. She went to school, graduated, got a job and met her (Dutch) husband. They now live with their daughter in the Netherlands. Ceu is an example of how children can grow up happily with family love and how they can develop. Ceu Gonçalves sounds the gong to call attention to all children in the world who stand alone.

    For more information: www.soskinderdorpen.nl

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  • 771426e82972-c85e-4141-9266-0d054f659075

    Man and robot celebrate 100-years Shell innovations by sounding gong

    On 24 February 2014 it will be precisely 100 years since Shell (ticker symbol: RDSA) began its research activities in Amsterdam Noord. With the help of a robot from the University of Twente, Shell’s Chief Technology Officer Gerald Schotman sounds the gong to kick off this jubilee year, and to highlight the cooperative efforts of universities, government and companies aimed at accelerating the rate of innovation in the Netherlands.

    The robot arm, specially programmed for this occasion by staff from the University of Twente, symbolizes cooperation between participants in the European Petrobot project. Together with other parties, including scientific advisors from the University of Twente and the University of Zurich (ETH), Shell is working within the framework of the EU to develop robots that can inspect petrochemical tanks. What began as a modest laboratory in Amsterdam, has since become a leading institute, and one of Shell’s three most important global technology centres.

    For more information: www.shell.com

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  • Hulplijn Amsterdam visits Euronext Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Hulplijn Amsterdam visits Euronext Amsterdam

    Hulplijn Amsterdam (previously known as Sensoor Amsterdam) has already been active for over 50 years and sounds the gong for its new identity.

    Hulplijn Amsterdam is a 24 hours chat- and phone helpline for everyone in need of an anonymous conversation. Hulplijn Amsterdam is a professional organisation with on average 80 well-trained volunteers and a small permanent team of paid staff. Hulplijn Amsterdam provides a service in which the volunteer offers real attention and contact to the person calling. All together the volunteers have more than 20.000 conversations per year. The reasons for people to contact are varied and topics range from depression and psychological problems to loss of work and health. Loneliness plays a big part in many of these cases. CEO Ed Theunen sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.hulplijnamsterdam.nl

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  • Gong marks listing Novisource

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks listing Novisource

    CEO of Novisource, Willem van der Vorm, sounds the gong to mark the listing of Novisource (ticker symbol: NOVI).

    The new listing gives Novisource access to the capital market, enabling it to give further shape to its growth strategy. Novisource’s portfolio of brands includes Novisource Banking & Investments, Novisource Insurance & Pensions, Novisource Technology Services, B-Street and quality rating company Inhuurwijzer. Every day, Novisource’s project managers, business consultants and interim managers translate current and relevant business and ICT themes into the operations and operational processes of organisations, predominantly in the financial sector. They bring to the table a purely enterprising approach and the ability to deliver. Novisource helps organisations to develop and to achieve their goals. Novisource’s Technology Services brand chiefly targets the Telecom, Technology and Utilities industries. Under the B-Street label, the company supplies and deploys interim professionals who are hired externally. B-Street allows the company to respond quickly to clients’ requests without being exposed to any risk of overcapacity. B-Street possesses an extensive network of external interim professionals.

    For more information: www.novisource.nl

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  • EnterNext accueille Crossject sur Alternext Paris

     |  Paris


    EnterNext accueille Crossject sur Alternext Paris

    Patrick Alexandre, Président du Directoire, sonne la cloche qui marque la clôture des marchés financiers.

    Crossject est spécialisé dans la fabrication et la commercialisation de systèmes d’auto-injection médicamenteuse sans aiguille. Le groupe propose Zeneo, un dispositif pré-rempli et à usage unique, pouvant être utilisé pour des injections intradermiques, sous cutanées et intramusculaires.

  • Kids Moving the World and PostNL sound the gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Kids Moving the World and PostNL sound the gong

    The Kids Moving the World Foundation, and PostNL, sound the gong in honour of the 444,000th child to take part in one of the programmes organised by Kids Moving the World.

    Kids Moving the World works to raise awareness among children in the Netherlands of some of the issues the world faces. Various education modules are used to introduce children to issues such as hunger, poverty and sustainability. For over 10 years PostNL, together with Ricoh and PWC, have supported the lesson plans that the organisation develops for primary school children. Their employees act as Game Guides, providing the final lessons for primary school classes from years 1 to 8. Game Guides play a colourful, interactive game with the children, which corresponds to learning material that teachers have presented to them in advance. Currently, over 250 volunteers are active as Game Guides, providing 1700 lessons at 550 schools throughout the Netherlands. Game Guide Vesna de Buck from PostNL sounds the gong along with three pupils from the De Rosa School in Amsterdam.

    For more information: www.kidsmovingtheworld.nl

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  • Tradzster sounds gong for launch of trading platform

     |  Amsterdam


    Tradzster sounds gong for launch of trading platform

    On the 18th of February Tradzster launches the first, full release of its innovative trading platform. CEO, Robbert Boutkan, sounds the gong.

    The new broker/trading platform Tradzster will focus on innovation and useful functionality benefiting the online investor. Tradzster is a trading name of Capital Intervest BV and is active as a Dutch broker since the end of 2013 with a user friendly, in-house developed trading platform which enables the online investor to manually or automatically trade the global financial markets. Tradzster stands for innovative online trading for both the retail and professional online investor.

    For more information: www.tradzster.com

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  • 7677f1339599-62a5-4ab7-97b7-1e408b42fe8f

    Marianne Vos sounds the gong to celebrate being named Sportswoman of the Year

    Marianne Vos, a cyclist from Brabant who has been named Sportswoman of the year for the third time, sounds the gong.

    Vos has won twelve world titles in three different cycling events: cyclo-cross, road and track. At the beginning of February she won the World Cyclo-Cross Championship, which was held in Hoogerheide, for the seventh time. She also holds two Olympic titles. During the 2008 Beijing Olympics she captured the title for the points race in field cycling. Four years later, in London, Marianne’s career reached a high point when she won the most coveted gold medal in cycling: the road race title. The winner of so many awards is certainly one of the most successful sportspersons in the Netherlands.

    Marianne Vos is also active when she is not cycling. As a member of the Athletes Committee of the UCI (the international cycling union) she represents the women’s team, with a special focus on the future of women’s cycling. In addition, Marianne Vos is an ambassador for BikePure and 100% Dope Free, anti-doping organisations that want to ensure that the sport is completely clean.

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    Only Friends & Johan Cruijff Foundation celebrate anniversary

    Sport club Only Friends sounds the gong to celebrate its 14th anniversary.

    Founder Dennis Gebbink started Only Friends 14 years ago and celebrates this together with  the Johan Cruijff Foundation, a foundation with which Only Friends has a close relationship for many years now.

    Only Friends is an organization that provides sports and activities for disabled children and young adults. With the help of 150 volunteers and 50 interns the organization is able to offer the 600 members a variety of 19 sports and activities, 7 days a week. Chairman of Only Friends, Jacques Parson, and president of the Johan Cruijff Foundation, Carole Thate, sound the gong.

    For more information: www.onlyfriends.nl

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  • Royal Delft Group celebrates 60th listing anniversary

     |  Amsterdam


    Royal Delft Group celebrates 60th listing anniversary

    CEO of the Royal Delft Group, Henk Schouten, opens trading to celebrate 60 years of listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    For Delft earthenware manufacturer “De Porcelyne Fles”, established in 1653, 2014 is a special anniversary year in a couple of ways. 110 Years ago, in February 2014, the company turned the legal entity form into a Public Limited Company (PLC). Besides this it is 60 years ago that the company applied for stock exchange listing on Euronext Amsterdam.

    Since 2008 the Royal Delft Group does not only consist of Royal Delft, well-known for the Delft Blue earthenware, but also Royal Leerdam Crystal, silver manufacturer Koninklijke Van Kempen & Begeer and BK Cookware. From that moment forward the group has also been active on the markets for pans, cutlery and designer products.

    For more information: www.royaldelftgroup.com

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  • ALS Foundation sounds gong for Valentine’s Run

     |  Amsterdam


    ALS Foundation sounds gong for Valentine’s Run

    On Friday February 14, Valentine's Day 2014, the first edition of Valentine’s Run is organized in the Vondelpark in Amsterdam.

    In America, the Valentine's Run is hugely popular and millions of dollars have been raised for charity so far. The Valentine’s Run is an official five-mile track, but before and after the run several romantic activities are organized to celebrate love. On top of that, money will be raised for the ALS Foundation. The registration limit for single women has been achieved, but for about 50 single men, there is still a chance to sign up for the most loving run of the Netherlands. ALS Foundation sounds the gong together with the event organizer Tim van Os and Madventures CEO, Maarten Hendriks.

    For more information: www.valentijnsloop.nl and www.stichting-als.nl

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  • iShares luidt gong voor lancering ETF

     |  Amsterdam


    iShares luidt gong voor lancering ETF

    iShares, het ETF-platform van BlackRock (ticker symbol: BLK), luidt de gong voor de listing van haar iShares Euro Stoxx 50 ex-Financials UCITS ETF (EXFN) die genoteerd wordt aan de Amsterdamse markt van Euronext. Dit fonds is de eerste ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) op het Europese continent dat gebruik maakt van een internationale effectenstructuur, waarbij transacties exclusief worden afgewikkeld bij Euroclear Bank - de in Brussel gevestigde internationale centrale effectenbewaarder (ICSD). Head of iShares The Netherlands, Gert-Jan Verhagen, luidt de gong.

    Het nieuw genoteerde iShares EURO STOXX 50 ex-Financials UCITS ETF is een fonds met fysieke replicatie dat belegt in blue chip-effecten uit 12 Eurozone-landen, met uitsluiting van ondernemingen uit de financiële sector, en biedt beleggers hiermee een potentieel minder volatiele exposure naar aandelen uit de eurozone. Het fonds heeft een Total Expense Ratio van 20 basispunten.

    De nieuwe ETF-notering komt na een succesvol jaar van nieuwe noteringen aan de ETF-markt van Euronext in 2013. Euronext meldde een toename van de nieuwe ETF-noteringen met 76% in vergelijking met 2012, met in totaal 51 noteringen aan haar Europese markt, zodat zij thans een totaal van 564 ETF’s genoteerd heeft. In Amsterdam bedroeg de toename van nieuwe ETF’s 223% in vergelijking met 2012, waarmee het totaal nu staat op 127 ETF’s.

    Meer informatie vindt u op: www.blackrock.nl

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    Montant des capitaux levés sur les marchés d’Euronext en 2013

    Les entreprises cotées sur Euronext et EnterNext ont levé 92 milliards d’euros en 2013, dont 81,9 milliards sur le Compartiment A d’Euronext et 6,8 milliards sur EnterNext, le nouveau marché paneuropéen dédiés aux PME-ETI1.










    Les cinq augmentations de capital les plus importantes sur le Compartiment A d’Euronext en 2013





    Montant levé (€millions)

    17 mai


    Emission suite à une offre publique

    4 766

    3 juin

    ASML Holding

    Placement privé

    2 296

    14 jan


    Placement privé

    1 340

    9 déc


    Emission suite à une offre publique


    23 déc

    Royal Dutch Shell

    Dividende en actions














    Les cinq augmentations de capital les plus importantes sur EnterNext en 2013




    Montant levé (€millions)


    5 déc


    CTT Correios Portugal


    IPO avec levée de capitaux



    24 avril


    Emission reserve


    25 nov

    Nieuwe Steen

    Placement privé


    17 déc

    Caixa Economica Montepio Geral

    IPO avec levée de capitaux


    28 mai


    Levée de capitaux



  • Focus Londres


    Focus Londres

    Norbert Dentressangle opte pour une double cotation à Londres et à Paris 

    Norbert Dentressangle, une entreprise européenne de premier plan dans les domaines du transport, de la logistique et du freight forwarding, a fait son entrée le 4 juillet dernier sur le marché londonien d’Euronext. Il s’agit d’une double cotation pour Norbert Dentressangle, déjà cotée à la bourse de Paris. Pour fêter le premier jour de sa cotation sur Euronext à Londres, Hervé Montjotin, Président du directoire de la société, a sonné la cloche à l’occasion de l’ouverture des marchés depuis le bureau londonien d’Euronext.

    Hervé Montjotin, Président du directoire de Norbert Dentressangle, a commenté : « Grâce à l’accès au vaste réseau des investisseurs londoniens d’Euronext fourni par cette cotation, Norbert Dentressangle pourra diversifier et augmenter le nombre de ses actionnaires et devenir un leader international dans les domaines du transport, de la logistique et du freight forwarding. Nous pensons par ailleurs que notre cotation sur Euronext Londres rendra Norbert Dentressangle plus visible auprès des investisseurs du Royaume-Uni, qui sont très expérimentés dans les domaines du transport, de la logistique et de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et au fait des principales caractéristiques nécessaires à une entreprise pour réussir sur ce marché, extrêmement concurrentiel et de plus en plus mondialisé. »

    Albert Ganyushin (Director International Listings, Euronext)
    Tel. +44 20 7379 2560

    Thomas Le Doeuff (Business Development Manager International Listings, Euronext)
    Tel. +33 (0)1 49 27 13 92

    Frédéric Martineau (Business Development Manager International Listings, Euronext)
    Tel. +33 (0)1 49 27 13 11

    Nathanael Mauclair (Business Development Manager International Listings, Euronext)
    Tel. +33 (0)1 49 27 11 56

    ExpertLine: +44 20 73 77 35 55
    Pour plus d’information ou des questions spécifiques, n’hésitez pas à contacter votre Responsable de compte ou à envoyer un e-mail à MyQuestion@euronext.com.