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All Bell ceremonies

  • TechShare

     |  Brussels



    TechShare revient pour une seconde édition!

    Hier, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir un groupe d’entreprises belges en plein croissance pour la première session de TechShare, le programme européen développé par Euronext pour les compagnies tech prometteuses et non cotées en bourse. En lançant le programme il y a un an, nous avions un objectif précis à l’esprit : transmettre au chefs d’entreprises tech une meilleure compréhension des marchés financiers et de leur fonctionnement. Grâce à cette connaissance, ceux-ci pourront considérer leur stratégie de croissance, décider du bon moment pour entrer en bourse, et se préparer en temps et en heure.

    Pour cette nouvelle édition, nous sommes très fiers d’avoir pu réunir un groupe de dix pépites ambitieuses en plein essor: Awingu, iTeos, Ometa, Opinum, Ovizio, Sentiance, Synergia Medical, Unified Post, ainsi que deux compagnies qui ont préféré ne pas révéler leur participation. Nous sommes également chanceux de bénéficier du soutien et de la connaissance d’un groupe de partenaires reconnus, qui ont chacun été choisi pour leur expérience spécifique.

    Pour lancer cette première soirée, nous avons invité participants et partenaires à une closing bell chez Euronext, une très bonne occasion pour permettre aux entrepreneurs et professionnels de mieux faire connaissance. Après la cérémonie, direction BNP Paribas Fortis, à la Chancellerie, pour la première session de coachingorganisée par Baker & McKenzie et BNP Paribas Fortis. Thème de la soirée : comprendre les intérêts des marchés financiers, les différents types d’outils offerts et les compagnies à qui ils sont destinés.

    Une session riche et interactive, qui fut une excellente mise en bouche pour la suite du programme.

  • Dutch Payment & Exchange Company

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Payment & Exchange Company

    Dutch Payment & Exchange Company opens trading

    The Dutch Payment & Exchange Company opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange. Rolf van Woerkom, Head of Marketing & Sales, sounds the gong accompanied by his colleagues. 

    Thousands of transactions in foreign currencies are being executed by Dutch entrepreneurs on a daily basis. Banks charge high fees in order to process these transactions, which could accumulate into high costs. The Dutch Payment & Exchange Company (NBWM) is a newcomer to this industry. They charge 5 EUR for international payments in foreign currencies, which makes them approximately 90 percent cheaper than some of their peers.

    “The high level of digitalization into this current world also translates into a connection between all national payment systems”, says Pieter-Jan Datema, CEO and founder of NBWM. “A client can add all the data himself in order to execute a payment, without interference of a bank.”

    For more information: www.nbwm.nl

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  • ABN AMRO redesigned investing website

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN AMRO redesigned investing website

    ABN AMRO sounds gong for redesigned investing website

    By sounding the gong Job Mantz, Senior Digital Product Manager ABN AMRO, opens trading day at the Amsterdam exchange. With the opening he and his colleagues celebrate the improved opportunities for investing via the ABN AMRO website.  

    For the last six months, a team consisting of online marketeers, copywriters and product managers worked hard on these improvements as they mainly focused on the user experience of customers. The overall customer journey was tested and reviewed extensively in customer panels. This modern way of involving customers in the development of new possibilities and working with multi-disciplinary teams enabled them to quickly improve on the feedback of customers.

    ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN) serves retail, private and corporate banking clients with a primary focus on the Netherlands and with selective operations internationally. In the Netherlands, clients are offered a comprehensive and full range of products and services through omni-channel distribution including advanced mobile application and internet banking.

    For more information: www.abnamro.nl/beleggen

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  • DAM Award 2016

     |  Amsterdam


    DAM Award 2016

    Finalists DAM Award 2016 visit Amsterdam exchange

    The finalists of the DAM Award 2016 sound the gong and visit the Amsterdam exchange. The DAM Award is a business award that helps make sustainable entrepreneurs visible in Amsterdam.

    By organizing the DAM Award, Amsterdam wants to make sustainability visible and reward it. They are an example to the city and show you how to work with each other to include renewable energy, clean air and a circular economy.

    In each district one entrepreneur is nominated: Cartridge Depot (North), Intersafe (West), Moyee Coffee (New West), New Electric (East), Paul de Ruiter Architects (South) and Yoni (Centre). The audiences’ votes count for 40 percent. Inhabitants of Amsterdam have until 30 October to vote for one of the six finalists.

    For more information: www.amsterdam.nl/damprijs

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  • Rabo Museumkidsweek

     |  Amsterdam


    Rabo Museumkidsweek

    Rabobank sounds gong for Rabo Museumkidsweek

    During the autumn holidays the Rabo Museumkidsweek takes place. Rabo Museumkidsweek is a joint initiative of the Museum Association and Rabobank to create nationwide public attention. Together they visit the Amsterdam exchange and open trading by sounding the gong.

    Across the Netherlands, over 200 museums organise fun, educational and exciting activities for children up to 12 years. Main goal is to connect children with their cultural heritage and lower the threshold to museums. Children are the museum visitors of tomorrow. Higher valuation for museums and its collection starts at childhood. Therefore Rabo Museumkidsweek is an important tool for museums to connect with new visitors.

    For more information: www.museumkidsweek.nl

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  • FMO visits Beursplein 5

     |  Amsterdam


    FMO visits Beursplein 5

    FMO visits Beursplein 5

    Jurgen Rigterink sounds the gong to celebrate his appointment as new Chief Executive Officer of the Dutch development bank FMO as of 1 October.

    He has served there since 2008 as a member of the Management Board, first as Chief Investment Officer, and as of 2014 as Chief Risk & Finance Officer. Rigterink started his career with Bank Brussels Lambert, in Brussels, Chicago and New York, before he joined ABN Amro in 1997. Before his start at FMO he was Chairman of the Board and Country Executive at ABN Amro Bank Kazachstan.

    FMO is the Dutch development bank. FMO has invested in the private sector in developing countries and emerging markets for more than 46 years. Their mission is to empower entrepreneurs to build a better world. They invest in sectors where they believe their contribution can have the highest long-term impact: financial institutions, energy and agribusiness. Alongside partners, they invest in the infrastructure, manufacturing and services sectors. With an investment portfolio of EUR 8.9 billion spanning over 85 countries, FMO is one of the larger bilateral private sector development banks globally. 

    For more information: www.fmo.nl

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  • BFM Business

     |  Paris


    BFM Business

    Partenariat Euronext et BFM Business : la bourse de retour sur le petit ecran

    À partir du 18 octobre, BFM business sera en direct du studio TV d’Euronext.

    Euronext et BFM business donnent aujourd’hui le coup d’envoi du retour des points Bourse en direct à la télévision, depuis la salle de surveillance des marchés d’Euronext, le premier opérateur pan-européen de la zone euro. Cet accord va permettre de redonner de la visibilité à l’actualité boursière et aider à la compréhension du rôle de la Bourse dans le financement de l’économie réelle. À partir du 18 octobre, BFM business sera en direct du studio TV d’Euronext à La Défense pour des points marchés tout au long de la journée, du lundi au vendredi. Antoine Larigaudrie, correspondant BFM business, commentera les sujets qui animent la place financière de Paris et les marchés financiers au niveau international.

  • ING Starter of the Month

     |  Amsterdam


    ING Starter of the Month

    ING Starter of the Month October Bellamy Gallery sounds gong

    Mireille van der Sprong and Imke Bens are named ING Starter of October with their company Bellamy Gallery. To celebrate this, they open trading on the Amsterdam exchange.

    Bellamy Gallery, a striking fashion concept, is an online shop with eye-catching shops in Haarlem, Den Bosch, Maastricht, Rotterdam and Laren. The two businesswomen left the beaten path of the retail landscape.

    Mireille and Imke have made their mark in the fashion industry. They noticed that retail didn’t suit the needs of the customer anymore. "No transparency on price and origin of clothing but more and more emphasis on clothing on sale and low-quality", says Mireille. "We think we can make a change by adapting more to the needs of the customer."

    ING Netherlands (ticker sybol: INGA) organizes the ING Starter of the Month contest every month. Previous winners this year are Velodrôme Wielersport en Whydonate.

    For more information: www.ing.nl

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  • 1st listing anniversary Intertrust

     |  Amsterdam


    1st listing anniversary Intertrust

    Intertrust celebrates one year listed anniversary

    Intertrust NV (ticker symbol: INTER) is celebrating its one year anniversary of the listing on Euronext Amsterdam by opening the markets. CFO Ernesto Traulsen sounds the gong to mark the occasion.  

    Intertrust is the leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, with approximately 2,400 employees located throughout a network of 42 offices in 31 jurisdictions across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle-East. The company focuses on delivering high-quality, tailored services to its clients with a view to building long-term relationships. Intertrusts business services offering is comprised of corporate services, fund services, capital market services, and private wealth services.

    Intertrust has leading market positions in selected key geographic markets of its industry, including the Netherlands, Luxembourg, the Cayman Islands and Jersey. Intertrust works with global law firms and accountancy firms, multi-national corporations, financial institutions, fund managers, high net worth individuals and family offices.

    For more information: www.intertrustgroup.com

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  • Montea

     |  Brussels



    10ème anniversaire de cotation Montea

    Aujourd’hui, nous avons eu le plaisir d’accueillir Montea pour célébrer son 10ème anniversaire sur Euronext Bruxelles. Le CEO Jo De Wolf a souligné l’incroyable performance de l’entreprise au cours des 10 dernières années et a félicité ses équipes et partenaires pour le chemin accompli. Le spécialiste de l’immobilier logistique reste concentré sur son objectif, à savoir créer un espace de croissance (le ‘space for growth’ de sa signature) pour clients, investisseurs et employés. Tous attendent les dix prochaines années avec impatience.

  • RTL Z Beursspel

     |  Amsterdam


    RTL Z Beursspel

    Sounding of the gong for RTL Z Beursspel

    RTL Z presenter Elianne Kuepers sounds the gong ahead of a new round of RTL Z Beursspel (Exchange Game).

    A new round of the RTL Z Beursspel starts on Monday 17 October. Beursspel offers people the opportunity, without risk, to invest in stocks, options, ETFs, funds and sprinters with a virtual starting capital of €100,000. The platform approximates reality, so that participants can safely become more familiar with the dynamics of financial markets. RTL Z also broadcasts a weekly TV program on developments in the Beursspel, starting 24 October. The sounding of the gong is done in the presence of ING Sprinters, one of the partners of the Beursspel.

    For more information: www.rtlzbeursspel.nl

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  • Fonds Gehandicaptensport

     |  Amsterdam


    Fonds Gehandicaptensport

    Fonds Gehandicaptensport and Paralympics participants open trading

    Nike Boor, CEO of Fonds Gehandicaptensport (Disability Sport Foundation), opens trading in the company of several participants in the 2016 Rio Paralympics. Fonds Gehandicaptensport is set out to enable everyone to exercise, no matter the circumstances. It is specifically their mission to help all 1.7 million Dutch people with disabilities to participate in sports.

    By creating a suitable infrastructure and through extensive coaching and training, Fonds Gehandicaptensport supports the Dutch disabled athletes and improves the quality and quantity that sports offers them. Amongst others, Fonds Gehandicaptensport finances sport events, grants subsidies to non-profit sport organisations, helps to raise money and means for sports organisations and gives lectures to educate both athletes with disabilities as well as sports organisations.

    For more information: www.fondsgehandicaptensport.nl

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  • Bourse du Qatar

     |  Paris


    Bourse du Qatar

    Euronext célèbre son partenariat stratégique avec la Bourse du Qatar

    Monsieur Rashid Al Mansoori, PDG de la Bourse du Qatar, a sonné la cloche marquant la clôture des marchés d’Euronext Paris, aux côté de Stéphane Boujnah, PDG d’Euronext.

    Aujourd’hui, Euronext a accueilli une délégation de hauts responsables de la Bourse du Qatar, menée par le PDG Rashid Al Mansoori. Pour célébrer l’évènement, M. Al Mansoori a sonné la cloche marquant la  clôture des marchés d’Euronext Paris, aux côtés de Stéphane Boujnah, Directeur général et président du directoire d’Euronext.

    Le Qatar Stock Exchange est la principale Bourse du Qatar, dont l’objectif est de servir de plateforme de financement pour les entreprises et de soutenir ainsi l’économiedu pays. A l’instar d’Euronext, QSE fournit aux investisseurs une plateforme de négociation de produits financiers transparente et efficace.

    QSE opère une version adaptée de UTP, le système de négociation d’Euronext, depuis le 5 septembre 2010. La technologie joue un rôle majeur dans la vocation du Qatar à être reconnu comme centre financier de classe mondiale, et c’est l’une des raisons pour lesquelles ce dernier utilise la même technologie de pointe opérée sur les marchés d’Euronext.

    Le Qatar est un investisseur majeur en France et dans d’autres pays européens, de même que le Qatar Stock Exchange est un client stratégique pour Euronext. La relation entre les deux Bourses a démarré en 2009 et concerne la technologie et les opportunités commerciales. En outre, l’importance grandissante du Qatar au Moyen-Orient et au niveau des places financières internationales souligne le potentiel crucial pour les futurs émetteurs et investisseurs européens.

  • ForFarmers completes takeover Vleuten-Steijn

     |  Amsterdam


    ForFarmers completes takeover Vleuten-Steijn

    ForFarmers sounds gong for completion of takeover

    Jan Potijk, managing director at ForFarmers Netherlands (ticker symbol: FFARM) , sounds the gong for the recently completed takeover of Vleuten-Steijn. Vleuten-Steijn is a fodder company focused on the pig sector, mainly in the southeast of Netherlands. ForFarmers, market leader in the animal feed sector, is committed to "For the Future of Farming". By working closely with customers, ForFarmers offers them a better return, healthier livestock and increased efficiency.

    ForFarmers believes in a profitable pig sector for the long term. The specific knowledge and experience of the employees of Vleuten-Steijn contributes to a further strengthening of the Total Feed approach offered to pig farmers.

    For more information: www.forfarmers.nl

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  • Introduction en bourse de ABEO sur Euronext

     |  Paris


    Introduction en bourse de ABEO sur Euronext

    Introduction en bourse de ABEO sur Euronext

    Olivier Estèves, CEO of ABEO, opens the trading day in Paris.

    ABEO is a major player in the sports and entertainment (“sportainment”) market. The Group posted revenue of €148 million for the year ended 31 March 2016, 66% of which was generated outside France, and has around 1,000 employees.
    ABEO is a designer, manufacturer and distributor of sports and leisure equipment. It also provides assistance in implementing projects to professional customers in the following sectors: specialised sports halls and clubs, leisure centres, education, local authorities, construction professionals, etc.
    ABEO has a unique global offering, and operates in a wide variety of market segments, including gymnastics apparatus and landing mats, team sports equipment, physical education, climbing walls, leisure equipment and locker room fittings. The Group has a portfolio of strong brands which partner sports federations and are featured at major sporting events, including the Olympic Games.

  • Ordina Open Innovation Days

     |  Amsterdam


    Ordina Open Innovation Days

    Ordina kicks off Open Innovation Days by sounding the gong

    With a loud sounding of the gong, the brand new CFO of Ordina (ticker symbol: ORDI) , Annemieke den Otter, opens the Amsterdam exchange. The gong signals the opening of the annual Ordina Open Innovation Days, which this year are being held on 11 and 12 October at Ordina’s head office in Nieuwegein.

    In addition to the speakers who tackle the subject of ‘why change is so difficult for so many people’, three environments have been constructed. Ordina presents inspiring business models that it has implemented for its clients. Together with the most recent winners of the Innovation Challenge, they look back at the process from being a start-up to a scale-up. More than 500 clients and contacts are expected to attend the Innovation Days.

    For more information: www.ordina.nl

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  • SnowWorld opens 300 meter track

     |  Amsterdam


    SnowWorld opens 300 meter track

    SnowWorld celebrates opening new 300 meter track

    The ski season is opened at SnowWorld (ticker symbol: SNOW). Koos Hendriks, CEO of SnowWorld, sounds the gong to celebrate the occasion.

    This week, after a long preparation period, the new 300 meter track will be taken into use. The first slopes at SnowWorld Zoetermeer opened in 1996. In 2001, a third track was inaugurated. This run has been extended over the past six months as far as 300 meters. It has become the steepest indoor ski slope in Europe. This red run is therefore only suitable for advanced skiers. A viewing platform at the top of the slope offers the opportunity to enjoy the widest view over the surroundings.

    SnowWorld has experienced rapid growth since its inception in 1996 and is, with its two indoor ski facilities in the Netherlands, one of the leading companies in this industry in the world. In line with the strategy of SnowWorld ,to further roll out the proven successful concept, SnowWorld has made the step to list on Euronext Amsterdam in 2013.

    For more information: www.snowworld.com

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  • 10th anniversary online broker LYNX

     |  Amsterdam


    10th anniversary online broker LYNX

    Online broker LYNX celebrates 10th anniversary

    From the beginning on, online broker LYNX has facilitated her online trading platform to many active investors. This year, LYNX is celebrating her 10th anniversary. To seal this milestone, the company is opening the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong. In 2006, LYNX was established specifically to provide active investors the  trading possibilities on stocks all around the world.

    Sander Schwanen, branch manager of LYNX Netherlands, is proud of this achievement: “10 years is a real milestone. But that’s not all; we’re still growing in all seven countries in which we operate. Recently we opened an office in Slovakia and the plans to expand to other countries within Europa are in an advanced stage.”

    To celebrate her 10 years anniversary, LYNX gives away $250 transaction credits to new customers. Also, the fares of the American products are lowered for all clients and there are great prizes to be won.

    For more information: www.lynx.nl

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