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  • Hedge Fund WinCap visits Euronext

     |  Amsterdam


    Hedge Fund WinCap visits Euronext

    By sounding the gong fund manager Iwan Vink marks the end of the year in which the WinCap Fund opened to new investors.

    The WinCap Fund has developed its own independent strategy on the basis of a market neutral approach including a non-speculative culture, full transparency and a team of experienced investment professionals. The Fund is based on the value investing principles of economist Benjamin Graham: Return of capital is more important than return on capital.

    For more information: www.wincapfund.nl

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    Foundation Help for Aid Workers sounds gong for aid workers

    Member of Parliament on behalf of the ChristenUnie, Gert Jan Seegers, opens trading on behalf of the Foundation Help for Aid Workers.

    Mr Seegers is one of the initiators who have submitted a motion in which they ask the Government to create a knowledge center that helps signaling violence against professional and voluntary aid workers. On Monday 29 December the foundation also launches the results of a survey on the declaration willingness among 2551 aid workers in The Netherlands.Many aid workers are struggling to report because they are afraid of threats and reprisals.The report is available right after the gong ceremony.

    For more information: www.hulpvoorhulpverleners.nl

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  • Rabobank sounds gong for WeHelpen

     |  Amsterdam


    Rabobank sounds gong for WeHelpen

    Just before Christmas, Rabobanks sounds the gong to draw attention to partner WeHelpen.

    Standing stronger together and the power of a cooperative is the idea behind the Rabobank Foundation, the bank's social fund. Partner of the Rabobank WeHelpen also believes in the power of each other, ininvesting in people's self-sufficiency. Together they aim to invest in people who work hard to become and remain (economically) self-sufficient. In people who dare to ask as well as offer each other that proverbial helping hand. Especially during these days around Christmas, when we all tend to share and care just a little more. Which goes without saying.The other partners of WeHelpen are Achmea, Bureauvijfig, CZ, Menzis, PGGM, Caretakers and VitaValley. Co-founder, Coen van de Steeg, sounds the gong.

    For more information:

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  • Winners RTL Z Trading Game sound gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Winners RTL Z Trading Game sound gong

    The winners of the RTL Z Trading Game visit Euronext Amsterdam and sound the gong together with partner ING Sprinters.

    From November 10 until December 19, Dutch television channel RTL Z hosted the fourth series of the Trading Game together with ING Sprinters. In the game investors receive 100.000 EUR virtual money to learn how to invest in shares, ETF’s, options and Sprinters. Players could buy and sell products at real time prices. Besides real time trading, players could also watch a weekly TV program at RTL Z, participate in online webinars, read columns from analysts and follow trading portfolios of experts active in the game. The trading game was available at smartphone, tablet and desktop. So people could play the game anywhere and anytime. In 2015, RTL Z will host a new Trading Game.

    For more information: www.rtlzbeursspel.nl

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  • Philips draws attention to UN initiative ‘Every Woman Every Child’

     |  Amsterdam


    Philips draws attention to UN initiative ‘Every Woman Every Child’

    By sounding the gong Philips (ticker symbol: PHIA) draws attention to the project ‘Every Woman Every Child’, launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The project aims to save the lives of 16 million women and children by 2015.

    An estimated eight million children die a year before reaching their 5th birthday, and about 350,000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. In Philips’ pledge of support to the UN, the company commits to improving the lives of 100 million women and children by 2025 in the areas where maternal and infant mortality is concentrated and where nutrition and energy challenges are most acute. By targeting sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia specifically, Philips will mobilize resources to support access to healthcare through large scale healthcare transformation projects, in combination with clinical education and skills training for healthcare professionals. Category Leader Mother & Child Care, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Aliette van der Wal and her daughter Nicholas sound the gong.

    For more information: Philips News Center

    No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information. No video provider was found to handle the given URL. See the documentation for more information. Amsterdam
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    Philips draws attention to UN initiative ‘Every Woman Every Child’

    By sounding the gong Philips (ticker symbol: PHIA) draws attention to the project ‘Every Woman Every Child’, launched by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The project aims to save the lives of 16 million women and children by 2015.

    An estimated eight million children die a year before reaching their 5th birthday, and about 350,000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. In Philips’ pledge of support to the UN, the company commits to improving the lives of 100 million women and children by 2025 in the areas where maternal and infant mortality is concentrated and where nutrition and energy challenges are most acute. By targeting sub-Saharan Africa and South East Asia specifically, Philips will mobilize resources to support access to healthcare through large scale healthcare transformation projects, in combination with clinical education and skills training for healthcare professionals. Category Leader Mother & Child Care, Philips Consumer Lifestyle, Aliette van der Wal and her daughter Nicola sound the gong.

    For more information: Philips News Center

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  • EnterNext accueille I.CERAM sur Alternext à Paris

     |  Paris


    EnterNext accueille I.CERAM sur Alternext à Paris

    André Kérisit, Président d'I.CERAM et Christophe Durivault, Directeur financier sonnent la clôture des marchés européens d'Euronext à Paris à l'occasion de l’introduction en Bourse d’I.CERAM sur Alternext.

    La société I.CERAM conçoit, fabrique et commercialise des implants orthopédiques innovants (11 brevets internationaux) et des implants en céramique offrant une biocompatibilité unique. S’appuyant sur son savoir-faire et une expérience de plus de 30 ans de ses dirigeants, la société a décidé d’accélérer son développement sur les biocéramiques. I.CERAM est labellisée « entreprise innovante », certifiée ISO 9001, ISO 13485 et bénéficie du marquage CE. Forte d'un outil de production à la pointe de la technologie, I.CERAM bénéficie d’un très fort potentiel développement.

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    Bell Ceremony pour célébrer la cotation des obligations émises par Integrale CCA

    Ce jeudi 18 décembre 2014, Diego Aquilina, Président de la Direction Effective et P. Beaupain, Directeur Financier d’Integrale, ont clôturé les marchés financiers à Euronext Bruxelles avec une Bell Ceremony afin de célébrer la cotation des obligations émises par Integrale. Cette émission représente une valeur de 100.900 euro. Le taux d’intérêt s’élève à 6.25%. Kepler Capital Markets et ING  sont les Joint Book Runners de l’opération. Les code mnémoniques de l’obligation est INT25.

    Integrale est une Caisse commune d’assurance. Le Conseil d’administration est composé de manière paritaire de représentants des employeurs et de représentants des affiliés des entreprises membres.  Integrale est spécialisée dans les pensions complémentaires.

    Pour en savoir plus :  www.integrale.be

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    NautaDutilh celebrates its anniversary at Euronext Amsterdam

    NautaDutilh’s chair of the executive board, Erik Geerling, sounds the gong at Euronext Amsterdam to mark the 290th anniversary of this international law firm.

    Founded in 1724 by Erik’s forerunner Adriaan Schadee, NautaDutilh is one of the oldest law firms in the Netherlands, with an eventful history.  For instance, many unconventional thinkers emerged from the firm, such as Nobel Prize Winner Tobias Asser and Adolphine Kok, who in 1903 became the first female lawyer in the Netherlands at one of NautaDutilh's forerunners.

    Today, NautaDutilh has branches in Amsterdam, Brussels, London, Luxembourg, New York and Rotterdam. With approximately 400 lawyers, civil-law notaries and tax consultants, NautaDutilh is one of the largest independent law firms in Europe. It is recommended by leading international legal publications such as The European Legal 500, IFLR and Chambers Global directory.

    “It is, of course, marvellous to be able to look back on such a splendid and long history”, Erik Geerling explains, “but looking to the future is more important. We owe our long existence to the fact that for almost three centuries, we have been able to offer our clients what they need: high-quality and solution-oriented legal advice. Because we wish to maintain this tradition in the long term, we must continue to develop and to improve our working processes in line with the wishes of our clients. It is also vital for us to innovate, particularly in a globally-based and technically-driven environment. We are convinced that we have an exciting future ahead of us.”

    For more information: www.nautadutilh.com

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    Alderperson Kajsa Ollongren sounds gong for ‘Amsterdam, A City of Opportunity’

    By visiting Euronext Amsterdam the city of Amsterdam, PwC and the Amsterdam Economic Board celebrate the city of Amsterdam ranks high amongst the world’s most successful cities. Alderperson of Economy, Arts & Culture, Kajsa Ollongren, sounds the gong.

    Amsterdam finishes fourth from the top when ranked against the 30 other cities in PwC’s global ‘Cities of Opportunity report’. The city’s number one position in Health, safety and security as well as in Sustainability and the natural environment underlines the importance of a good living environment for citizens which is a key to success for global cities.

    For more information: www.pwc.nl

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    Foreign Bankers’ Association sounds gong for collaboration within Dutch Banking industry

    Foreign Bankers’ Association Board member and Country Executive at The Bank of New York Mellon, Leonique van Houwelingen, opens trading. By sounding the gong the importance of the contribution of foreign banks to the Dutch banking sector is underlined in terms of sharing (international) knowledge, diversity and employment within the sector.

    The Foreign Bankers’ Association (FBA) was initiated by Foreign Banks based in the Netherlands 21 years ago. The FBA is linked to and supported by the Dutch Banking Association (NVB). Both associations contribute to the upholding and enhancing of the stronger and healthier Dutch Banking industry.

    For more information: www.foreignbankers.nl

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    ING Direct France et ING Turbos sonnent la clôture des marchés européens à Paris

    Florent Dimitriou, Chef de Produit Bourse chez ING Direct France et  Louis De Vuyst Derivatives & Structured Products Sales Multi-Assets chez ING Turbos ont participé à la cérémonie de clôture des marchés européens d'Euronext à Paris à l'occasion du développement des Produits de Bourse chez ING Direct France.

  • Staalbankiers celebrates winning ‘Incompany awards’

     |  Amsterdam


    Staalbankiers celebrates winning ‘Incompany awards’

    Investments Director at Private bank Staalbankiers, Thijs van derKevie, sounds the gong to celebrate Staalbankiers’ getting three ‘Incompany awards’.

    Incompany 100 is the biggest independent customer satisfaction survey. Staalbankiers received no less than threeawards; Best Private Bank, Overall Satisfaction and Overall Reputation. Never in the eleven-year history of Incompany 100, has a Dutch organization scored as high as Staalbankiers did this year. Decision makers from small and large businesses participated in the survey and rewarded the bank with a 7.61 average.

    For more information: www.staalbankiers.nl

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    Think ETF’s celebrates fifth anniversary at Euronext Amsterdam

    By sounding the gong Gijs Koning, co-founder and managing director of Think ETF’s, celebrates the fifth anniversary of the first Think ETF’s which were listed on 14 December 2009 to make index investing more accessible to Dutch investors.

    At the launch in 2009, index investing was not very well known in the Netherlands, but times have changed and over the years more and more Dutch investors have adopted ETF’s in their investment portfolios. The Think AEX ETF is currently one of the most frequently traded Exchange Traded Funds listed on Euronext Amsterdam. 

    For more information: www.thinketfs.nl

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  • Gong marks entrepreneurial event De OndernemersClub Placeholder

    Gong marks entrepreneurial event De OndernemersClub

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks entrepreneurial event De OndernemersClub

    By sounding the gong the entrepreneurial event held at Beursplein 5, is marked. The event is organized by De OndernemersClub (The Entrepreneurs Club).

    De OndernemersClub is a combination of a TV program and business event, created by and for entrepreneurs, focused on growth, financing and innovation. The event takes place at a different location every week. Partners of the club are TNO, NPEX, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Chamber of Commerce. Speaker at the event, Hans Biesheuvel, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.deondernemersclub.com

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    Gong marks entrepreneurial event De OndernemersClub Placeholder Amsterdam
  • Gong marks Investment Fair 2014

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks Investment Fair 2014

    By sounding the gong the opening of the Investment Fair 2014 is marked. The fair takes place on 12 December at the Beurs van Berlage, located next to Euronext Amsterdam.

    The Investment Fair is a new event for investors who are looking for investment advice for the coming year. During several workshops and seminars visitors can listen to six speakers from the investment community. Initiator of The Investment Fair, Jean-Jacques van Bemmel, sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.beleggingsfair.nl

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  • Winner FD Gazellen Award, Aeves, sounds gong

     |  Amsterdam


    Winner FD Gazellen Award, Aeves, sounds gong

    Aeves, named the fastest growing company in the Netherlands, and winner of the FD Gazellen Award 2014 sounds the gong.

    The consultancy and interim office posted a whopping 1945% growth over the last three years. Aeves received the award from Jan Bonjer, editor of Het Financieele Dagblad. The FD Gazellen Award, which is organized for the eleventh time, is an initiative of newspaper the FD, credit rating agency Graydon, ABN AMRO and MAZARS Accountants and Tax Advisors. To be eligible for nomination companies must realize a business revenue growth of at least 20% within three years, have a positive net result and be financially healthy.Sherief Abdalla and Pieter van der Vloed, both Fouder and Partner of Aeves, open trading.

    For more information: www.fd.nl

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    Winner The Next Entrepreneur Award 2014, Skycap, sounds gong

    Skycap Netherlands, the winner of The Next Entrepreneur Award 2014 visits Euronext Amsterdam and sounds the gong.

    MKB Nederland (SME Netherlands) and Rabobank organized the election for the third consecutive year. The Next Entrepreneur is a campaign for new businesses in which they are helped by a knowledge process to increase their chances of success. The most ambitious Netherlands start-up wins the award. COO and co-founder Skycap, Laurens de Groot, opens trading together with the other finalists United Wardrobe, DigiTrage and BitesWeLove and representatives from Rabobank and MKB Nederland.

    For more information: www.thenextentrepreneur.nl

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