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All Bell ceremonies

  • 75th anniversary Het Parool

     |  Amsterdam


    75th anniversary Het Parool

    Het Parool celebrates 75th anniversary by sounding gong

    On February 10, 2016, Het Parool celebrates its 75th anniversary by launching a fully restyled newspaper, a new website, a new app and a new logo. Ronald Ockhuysen, Editor in Chief, sounds the gong.

    Het Parool is an Amsterdam-based newspaper that was first published as a resistance paper on 10 February 1941.

    For more information: www.parool.nl

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  • ING Start-up of the Year

     |  Amsterdam


    ING Start-up of the Year

    ING Start-up of the Year 2015 Bannerwise visits Beursplein 5

    The  public has elected Bannerwise ING Start-up of the Year 2015. To celebrate this they open trading at the Amsterdam exchange.

    Bannerwise provides an online tool with which entrepreneurs and marketing professionals can make their own banners. The software automatically adjusts the banners for different formats, mobile devices, and advertising platforms, allowing advertisers to increase reach and sales with less investments.

    ING has organized this election for the third time. The winners of the previous editions were Huren.nl in 2013 and Athom in 2014.

    For more information: www.bannerwise.nl

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  • Chinese New Year

     |  Amsterdam


    Chinese New Year

    Sounding of the gong to celebrate Chinese New Year

    February 8 2016 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year - The year of the Monkey. The chairman of the Chinese Business Association Amsterdam, Tony Fung, sounds the gong for this occasion.

    It is a good, and long standing tradition that the Chinese Entrepreneurs Society of Amsterdam organises the celebrations in China Town Amsterdam. This year a colourful Lion-dance and spectacular fireworks will be part of the celebrations. The lion will accompany the opening of trading accompanied by a drum and percussion to bless the new year.

    For more information:www.chineseondernemers.nl

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  • Objectif Bourse

     |  Paris


    Objectif Bourse

    Matthias Baccino, responsable Vente et Marketing Produits de Bourse BNP Paribas, ouvre les marchés européens à Paris

    BNP Paribas Produits de Bourse, Bourse Direct et Euronext célèbrent le 8 février 2016 le lancement d'une initiative d’envergure destinée à former les particuliers à l’investissement boursier : Objectif Bourse. Ce programme ambitieux a pour but de donner aux investisseurs, ou futurs investisseurs particuliers, des outils pratiques pour investir en Bourse . Les différentes sessions permettront ainsi à ces derniers de comprendre les règles, le fonctionnement et les acteurs des plateformes règlementées de négociation.

    Le programme s’ouvrira par une journée d’antenne sur BFM Business le 8 février, avec l’animation des émissions « Intégrale Bourse » et « Intégrale Placements », et s’étendra sur quinze jours avec une série de webinaires pédagogiques disponibles en direct sur le site de l’événement.  Née de la volonté de BNP Paribas Produits de Bourse d’aller plus loin dans sa démarche de formation pédagogique, cette initiative originale a abouti à une synergie entre plusieurs acteurs majeurs du secteur : BFM Business, Bourse Direct, Euronext, L’Ecole de la Bourse ou encore la F2iC (Fédération des Investisseurs Individuels et des Clubs d'investissement). Le projet est soutenu par l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers. C’est une première dans le paysage boursier français.

    « Objectif Bourse » est gratuit et ouvert à tous les particuliers souhaitant investir en Bourse, pour apprendre à maîtriser les codes des marchés réglementés d’Euronext (le rôle de la Bourse, le passage d’ordres, les paramètres de marchés à surveiller, …) ou développer leur expertise sur les titres négociés sur ces marchés (actions, Turbos, Warrants, Certificats, ETFs). Sur la base d’une présence 100% digitale (conférences et vidéos en ligne), les inscrits pourront choisir de suivre une formation complète à travers deux parcours complémentaires, allant de l’initiation à l’expertise.
    Le dispositif sera enrichi d’outils en ligne pour mettre en pratique les concepts expliqués durant cette quinzaine de formation. Le courtier en ligne Bourse Direct va ainsi proposer un portefeuille virtuel d’actions et de produits de Bourse, permettant aux participants de tester leurs anticipations boursières.
    Enfin, un site Internet dédié à l’événement permettra de suivre les formations en vidéo, et de se tester avec des quizz interactifs.

    Accédez ici au site de l’événement : www.objectifbourse.fr


  • NU.nl Startup Award: Land Life Company

     |  Amsterdam


    NU.nl Startup Award: Land Life Company

    NU.nl Startup Award winner Land Life Company opens trading

    During the Big Improvement Day the winner of the NU.nl Startup Award 2016 has been appointed. This year’s winner, Land Life Company, opens trading. Rebekah Braswell, Director Land Life Company, sounds the gong together with her colleagues and NU.nl employees.

    The Amsterdam-based startup Land Life Company develops technology to contribute to the restoration of the 2 billion hectares of degraded land on the planet. Their Cocoon planting technology is a proven biodegradable, low-cost and water-efficient solution for planting trees in arid soils and revitalizing ecosystems and communities worldwide. 

    Big Improvement Day (BID)  was established in 2008 from the need to expose and bring further positive developments in the Netherlands. Since then, the top of the Dutch government and business come together each year on the third Tuesday in January at the most positive day.

    Every year NU.nl and BID search for standouts in their industry. This year, the NU.nl Startup Award will be presented to a new company (max. 3 years old) with an impact that is relevant and has the potential to break through internationally.

    For more information: www.landlifecompany.com

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  • Grupo Douro Azul

     |  Lisbon


    Grupo Douro Azul

    Grupo Douro Azul  lists €20 million in Bonds

    To celebrate the raising of €20 million in bonds, Douro Azul CEO, Mário Ferreira, rang the Closing Bell with the Euronext team. This issue aims to support the growth of Douro Azul Group's, that  plans to issue in the near future more bonds in the amount of € 17.5 million.

    The Douro Azul Group, the largest operator of river cruises in Portugal, with an operation on the Douro River for more than 20 years , has activity in the tourism and leisure sector , with special focus on the segment of river cruises which currently represent 98% of its sales. In 2015, Mystic Invest acquired 100% of the German operator Nicko Cruises , becoming one of the major players in river cruising segment , operating in 12 different cities and three continents.

  • Lucas Bols listing anniversary

     |  Amsterdam


    Lucas Bols listing anniversary

    Lucas Bols celebrates one year listing anniversary by sounding gong

    Lucas Bols (BOLS) celebrates its first year of listing at Euronext Amsterdam by sounding the gong. Huub van Doorne, CEO Lucas Bols, marks this occasion by sounding the gong to open trading.

    Huub van Doorne: "Our mission is to create great cocktail experiences worldwide. The passion with which Lucas Bols cocktail operates on the international market is also seen and appreciated by the financial markets. The listing offers us an additional platform to position ourselves even better. The share of Lucas Bols, with a broad shareholder base of both private and institutional investors, can look back on a successful first year. "

    Lucas Bols is the world's oldest distilled brand and one of the oldest active Dutch companies. Over the past 440 years, Lucas Bols became the expert in the art of distilling, mixing and blending liquors, jenever, gin and vodka. The Lucas Bols portfolio consists of over 20 premium and super premium brands that are used as a base for cocktails at cocktail bars all over the world. Lucas Bols's products are sold in more than 110 countries worldwide.

    For more information: www.lucasbols.com

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  • 20th Anniversary VBDO

     |  Amsterdam


    20th Anniversary VBDO

    Sounding of gong marks 20th anniversary VBDO

    Piet Sprengers, founder VBDO, sounds the gong on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of VBDO. He opens trading together with Euronext Amsterdam listed companies.

    The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) has worked on creating a sustainable capital market that considers not only financial criteria, but also non-financial, social and environmental criteria for the last two decades. VBDO’s vision is to increase sustainability awareness among companies and investors.

    Representatives of Dutch listed companies Unilever, Heineken and PostNL, as well as the Board and Advisory board of VBDO, are in attendance of the ceremony of sounding the opening gong.

    For more information: www.vbdo.nl

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  • Get in the Ring

     |  Amsterdam


    Get in the Ring

    Get in the Ring winners visit Beursplein 5

    The winners of Get in the Ring visit Beursplein 5 and open trading. Jurgen Nieuwenhuijsen, Get in the Ring Global Team, Management Team at Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship, sounds the gong.

    In November 2015 the Dutch finals of startup competition Get in the Ring took place. The startups Blue Battery, laevo and Nettcity were appointed Dutch winners in the Netherlands by the jurors. On February 11 the winning startups from the Netherlands, England, France, Monaco, Norway and Germany come together in London for the Regional Finals of Get in the Ring Western Europe.

    Get in the Ring is an event that has grown in just three years from a local event into a global competition that is taking place in more than 80 countries with 2,000 participating startups. The goal is to provide a platform for startups to get in touch with people around the world who can help them with further knowledge, networking, funding and time.

    For more information: www.getinthering.co

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  • Amsterdam City Index

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam City Index

    Amsterdam City Index opens trading

    Trading at the Amsterdam exchange is opened by the Amsterdam City Index. This index has existed since 2005 and is regarded as the barometer of the business in downtown Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam City is the initiator and producer of the Amsterdam City Index and Economic Lesson that took place on the 28th of January. Amsterdam City is a committed association of a large number of business associations, large and small companies, institutions and cultural organizations in Amsterdam. Their primary goal is an economically healthy city, our focus is on improving the economic climate in the centre of Amsterdam.

    The Amsterdam City Index started in 2005 with 100. The new City Index calculates with 2011 as the start year, or: 2011 = 100. And compared to 2011, the City Index has grown 11 points to the new Index Number 111.

    For more information:www.amsterdamcityindex.nl

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  • Dutch Payment & Exchange Company (NBWM)

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Payment & Exchange Company (NBWM)

    NBWM sounds gong for currency options

    Trading is opened by the Dutch Payment & Exchange Company (NBWM). Laurens Maartens, Head of Trading, sounds the gong.

    The Dutch Payment & Exchange company has launched currency options. With this they can cover against unwanted currency movements and use it as an investment instrument. The head office of NBWM is situated at Beursplein 5.

    For more information: www.nbwm.nl


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  • 84655bc9de08-f777-4e2e-badd-bd8f75d11768

    'Mini-Conferences' to discuss issues of Family Businesses

    Two 'Mini-Conferences' to discuss issues of Family Businesses

    Two 'mini -conferences' dedicated to issues related to the Family Business were held today in Euronext Lisbon. The first was entitled " CEO's Family Business and the motivation of its teams " and speaker was Carlos Douwens , Partner of Visconti , while the second discussed "The role of technology in the context of the Family Business " and was led by Luís Gravito , Business Development Manager Squad. After the event, they rang the closing bell.

  • ‘The New Flexible Retirement’ report

     |  Amsterdam


    ‘The New Flexible Retirement’ report

    Sounding of the gong for launch retirement report Aegon

    Alex Wynaendts, CEO of Aegon, sounds the gong and opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange to launch the report ‘The New Flexible Retirement’ by the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement.

    The report explores worker’s retirement-related expectations and provides insights into the extent to which employers and governments are facilitating their transition to retirement. This report calls for a new approach that makes future retirement more affordable, sustainable and achievable for all people and provides several recommendations to governments, employers and employees.

    The Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement (ACLR), founded in 2015, is a collaboration of experts assembled by Aegon with representation from Europe, the Americas, and Asia. ACLR’s mission is to conduct research, educate the public, and inform a global dialogue on trends issues, and opportunities surrounding longevity, population aging, and retirement security.

    For more information: www.aegon.com

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  • Lusiaves lists €25 million in Bonds

     |  Lisbon


    Lusiaves lists €25 million in Bonds

    Lusiaves rings the closing bell to celebrate the listing of €25 million in Bonds

    To celebrate the raising of €25 million in bonds, Lusiaves-SGPS rang the Closing Bell. The CEO, Avelino Gaspar, was accompanied by Euronext team.
    The company assumed that it will invest € 100 million in 2016 to expand and internationalization of their business.
    Lusiaves’ activity is varied, from rearing reproductive hens through the production of eggs with the respective hatching and production of chicks, to the poultry production of broilers, free-range chicken and turkey, as well as poultry slaughtering and processing. Lusiaves also has a network for distributing and marketing food products. It has a factory for producing compound feed and has a plant for recovering and processing animal by-products.

  • UBS Asset Management

     |  Amsterdam


    UBS Asset Management

    UBS celebrates ETFs listing at Euronext Amsterdam

    UBS Asset Management has announced the listing of ETF’s at Euronext Amsterdam. The occasion is marked by Marcel Danen, Head of UBS ETFs Netherlands, who opens the trading day by sounding the gong.

    Index-tracking investment solutions have been a core competence of UBS Asset Management for over 35 years. As a fund house in Europe, UBS launched its first ETF in Europe in 2001 and is currently both one of Europe´s foremost providers as well as a dominant force in currency hedged ETFs in the region. The range comprises more than 200 ETFs and offers investors a transparent and flexible opportunity to diversify their investments across key markets and all asset classes, including equities, bonds, real estate, commodities and alternative investments.

    For more information: www.ubs.com/etf

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  • Launch of Global Investment Challenge

     |  Lisbon


    Launch of Global Investment Challenge

    Launch of Global Investment Challenge

    The launch of another edition of the Global Investment Challenge (GIC) was held in Euronext Lisbon. The event brought together around the same table the sponsors of GIC , which already has four editions.
    The start of the competition , which aims to test knowledge of the markets, is scheduled for February 3rd . Participation is free. The GIC is an online competition of 12 weeks.

  • Jumping Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Jumping Amsterdam

    Jumping Amsterdam visits Beursplein 5

    Trading is opened on the occasion of Amsterdam Jumping which is being held in the RAI Amsterdam from Thursday 28 until Sunday 31 January 2016.

    Jumping Amsterdam is an event at the highest level of dressage with the Reem Acra FEI World Cup ™. Spectacular jumping in The Telegraaf Prize at Friday night, the RAI Amsterdam Six Bar on Saturday night and the Anemone Horse Trucks Grand Prix of Amsterdam on Sunday afternoon. Participation, amongst others, by Olympic champions Jeroen Dubbeldam and Charlotte Dujardin

    Besides sports, visitors can enjoy a program filled with shows and entertainment, both inside and outside the arena. This year, there are two shows, the Catalan Santi Serra Camps and The French Horseman Team. For the youngest fans there is the Novotel Jumper Children’s Morning on Sunday.

    For more information: www.jumpingamsterdam.nl

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  • ACTIAM investment expert

     |  Amsterdam


    ACTIAM investment expert

    Winner ACTIAM investment expert opens trading

    The winner of the ACTIAM investment expert poll opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong.

    Every year asset manager ACTIAM asks more than hundred investment professionals for their expectations of the best and least performing stock in the coming year. Besides that, the participants are asked for their vision on index level. The best investment professional receives the price for best investment professional.

    The 2015 winner of the ACTIAM investment expert poll is Jacob Jurg, fund manager at hedge fund Tradewind Capital. His picks were TNT Express +41 % and Delta Lloyd -68%. These were the best of all participating experts.

    For more information: www.actiam.nl

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