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  • Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour

     |  Amsterdam


    Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour

    North Sea Foundation organizes fifth Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour

    The North Sea Foundation (Stichting de Noordzee) kicks off the fifth Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour. Floris van Hest, General manager Stichting de Noordzee, sounds the gong.

    From August 1st till 15th the North Sea Foundation organizes the Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour where the entire Dutch North Sea coast is cleared of waste. The Cleanup kicks off simultaneously in Cadzand and Schiermonnikoog. Volunteers take on 30 stages in 15 days, where half walk towards the north, the other half towards the south of Holland. After two weeks the two teams meet and finish the Cleanup in Zandvoort. Those interested can register for one or multiple stages online. Together with 6.377 volunteers, the North Sea Foundation cleared 57.426 kilos off the Dutch beaches, since the first edition in 2013. This boils down to over 10.000 waste bags full of waste.

    The North Sea Foundation is an environmental non-governmental organisation (NGO) advocating the protection and sustainable use of the North Sea marine ecosystem. The goal is a clean, healthy sea and a well-functioning ecosystem. Its activities are focused on clean seas and beaches, clean shipping, sustainable fisheries, eco-friendly  sustainable energy and marine protected areas. The Boskalis Beach Cleanup Tour is made possible by the support of their main sponsor and partners.

    For more information: www.beachcleanuptour.nl

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  • Aegon Investment TV

     |  Amsterdam


    Aegon Investment TV

    Aegon sounds gong for 100th episode of Aegon Beleggings TV

    The editors of Aegon Beleggings TV (Aegon Investment TV) open the trading day, consequently they will film the 100th episode at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext. Olaf van den Heuvel, Aegon Asset Management, who is the talking head in most of the episodes thus far, will sound the gong.

    How best to explain a major economic crisis? This question triggered the first episode of Aegon Beleggings TV (Aegon Investment TV) back in November 2009. Having to explain complex matters in front of a camera, forces one to be concise and plain simple. It worked, and it has been Aegon’s concept for all 99 episodes. Talking about political and economic developments and how they influence stock markets – all in a couple of minutes.

    For more information: www.aegon.nl

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     |  Paris



    Société Générale célèbre l'introduction de TURBOS LIFE

    Société Générale sonne la cloche pour marquer l'ouverture des marchés à Paris, à l'occasion de l'introduction en bourse sur Euronext Paris de ses Turbos Life.

    Turbos Life est une toute nouvelle gamme de produits structurés. Ces produits de bourse à effet de levier fonctionnent sur le même principe que les Turbos infinis à la différence que le franchissement du Seuil de Sécurité n’entraine pas la désactivation du produit mais seulement un ajustement des caractéristiques.


  • Algorithmic Trading Group

     |  Amsterdam


    Algorithmic Trading Group

    Algorithmic Trading Group BV moves to Beursplein 5

    Chief Risk Officer and co-owner of Algorithmic Trading Group (ATG), Jelper Striet, opens trading by sounding the gong. ATG celebrates its recent relocation to Beursplein 5.

    ATG is a young trading company founded in October 2008 in Hong Kong, by Bob Collin, Chun Wing Man, and Tom Voûte . ATG specializes in algorithmic trading on the major financial markets around the world. ATG has offices in Hong Kong and the Netherlands.

    For more information: www.algorithmictradinggroup.com

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  • Arcadis

     |  Amsterdam



    Arcadis celebrates successes in its digital transformation

    Arcadis’ Chief Digital Officer (CDO) Julien Cayet sounds the opening gong at Euronext Amsterdam with the digital leadership team to celebrate a number of recent successes in its digital transformation.

    Julien Cayet has been announced as the company’s CDO. Subsequently, a multidisciplinary team has been formed to build a digitally-enabled business. The core team – whom will work closely with the office of the Chief Information Officer – comprises the CDO and leaders in BIM/digital asset lifecycle, digital innovation, data analytics and insights, ecosystem partnerships, marketing & communications and human capital.

    The team has seen a number of successes including the launch of its first design thinking innovation program Deep Orange and recognition for its digital transformation in Het Financieelee Dagblad ranking Arcadis #1 in the sector, #2 in culture and 6 out of 200 Dutch companies, according to Vlerick Business School’s FD Transformers 200 report.

    For more information: www.arcadis.com

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  • FD De Nieuwe Kampioen 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    FD De Nieuwe Kampioen 2017

    Sounding of the gong for FD De Nieuwe Kampioen 2017

    The sounding of the gong to open the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange is to call attention to The New Champions of 2017, an inventory of promising young companies with ground breaking products or services. In a series of portraits in the financial daily Het FD, online and in reports on BNR Newsradio, we have highlighted these new champions in Dutch business.

    The 2017 nominees are innovative in energy, mobility, robotics, logistics, high tech and financial sectors. They show healthy growth in sales, jobs, investment or otherwise. And they have the potential to conquer their industry. The eight nominated New Champions 2017 are: Additive Industries, Brand New Day, Five Degrees, Heliox, One of a Kind Technologies, SendCloud, Ultimaker, and Vandebron.

    The gong is sounded by Additive Industries, which was declared  ‘New Champion of 2017’ by the expert panel of the project, accompanied by Heliox, winner of the public vote, and the members of the New Champion 2017 team, consisting of representatives of Het Financieele Dagblad and Grant Thornton, sponsor of the New Champion project.

    For more information: www.fd.nl/thechallenge

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  • Carmila

     |  Paris



    Introduction en bourse de Carmila sur Euronext

    Jacques Ehrmann, Président Directeur Général de Carmila sonne la cloche qui marque l'ouverture des marchés à Paris.

    A la suite de la fusion-absorption de Carmila en juin 2017, Cardety a pris la dénomination sociale de Carmila. Le nouveau groupe est spécialisé dans la détention et la gestion de parcs d’activités commerciales et de galeries marchandes.

  • Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp

     |  Amsterdam


    Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp

    Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp kicks off ‘Zomerpret’ project

    The trading day is opened by Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp. By sounding the gong, Chantal van Gool, Hoofd fondsenwerving Nationaal Fonds Kinderhulp, brings their new ‘Zomerpret’ (Summerfun) campaign to the attention.

    Kinderhulp states that summer vacation is usually something to look forward to, but the 1 out of 8 children who grow up in poverty are not looking forward to it at all. For the children who don’t live at their parental house  anymore it’s even more difficult. They do not go anywhere and experience few other fun things. When they go to school again, they have little stories to tell and feel left out. That’s why Kinderhulp introduces the ‘Zomerpretpakket’, which main goal is: giving children in poverty a nice summer holiday.

    They will be doing that by distributing ‘Summer boxes’ with various items, for good and bad weather, to get through the summer. For example: toys, books, a cinema voucher, a beach ball, sunscreen, a trip to a theme park, school supplies and DIY-ideas .

    For more information: www.kinderhulp.nl

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  • Finance Run

     |  Amsterdam


    Finance Run

    Finance Run opens trading

    The sounding of the gong brings attention to The Finance Run, a sporting and informal networking event in the financial services industry. The profits will be donated to Stichting LEF. LEF stands for Leven En Financiën (Living and Finance). Their goal is to increase financial awareness among youngsters.

    This year the Finance Run will take place on Friday 1 September at the Bosbaan at the Amsterdamse bos. Over 1.000 finance professionals are expected to participate, either on behalf of their company or individually. This year will be the fourth edition. The number of participants - and thereby the profits for LEF – have grown considerably over the years. The success can partially be attributed to a large number of sponsors and media partners.

    Voor meer informatie: www.financerun.nl

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  • Rijksmuseum summer exhibitions

     |  Amsterdam


    Rijksmuseum summer exhibitions

    ING and Rijksmuseum kick off new series of summer exhibitions

    Rijksmuseum and their main sponsor ING sound the gong to open the summer season. The summer exhibitions at the Rijksmuseum include the free accessible exhibition of Jean Dubuffet in the gardens of the Rijksmuseum, medieval carving art at Small Wonders and a major retrospective of 19th century photography at the exhibition New Realities.

    Since 2005, Euronext listed, ING and Rijksmuseum have been working closely in attracting a broad audience to the museum and strengthening the relationship with Dutch visitors. The ING Rijksmuseum days e.g. offer ING customers a chance to get acquainted with the Rijksmuseum. In addition, ING is also sponsor of Rijksmuseum Schiphol, this one of a kind venture is the first art museum at an airport located beyond the passport control.

    For more information: www.rijksmuseum.nl

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  • The Challenge - Best finance professional

     |  Amsterdam


    The Challenge - Best finance professional

    Gong sounds for the winner of FD The Challenge Finance

    The gong is sounded by The Challenge Finance winner Krista Luijten. The Challenge Finance is an interactive event organized by Yacht Finance, Het Financieele Dagblad and BNR Nieuwsradio.

    The Challenge is an interactive live business event where four selected professionals compete for the win in their field. This concept fully fits the Yacht idea that professionals want to matter, want to make the difference for their organization, their field of study and for society.

    This edition of The Challenge Finance revolved around the question of which financial actions should be taken to ensure that scale-up Bloomon will become the first global flower brand, with the starting point: realizable, scalable and innovative. The client, the jury and the audience eventually chose Krista Luijten, working as Product Owner Risk Innovation at ABN AMRO, as Best Finance Professional 2017. Prior to The Challenge Finance 2017, The Financieele Dagblad and Yacht The Challenge have already organized two editions in 2016. The next Challenge, focused on the IT sector, is scheduled for November 2017.

    For more information: www.fd.nl/thechallenge

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  • Fresh Funds

     |  Amsterdam


    Fresh Funds

    Fresh Funds opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange

    Fresh Fixed Income Fund sounds the gong to celebrate its one-year anniversary.  The fund allows investors the opportunity to invest in an active and professionally managed portfolio in fixed income. The primary objective is to subscribe to new issues. Those bonds frequently offer an extra premium and can be purchased without bid and offer spread. Both of these factors benefit the return.

    Fresh Fixed Income Fund is the first investment fund under the Fresh label of AIFMD manager OHV Institutional Asset Management BV. The fund kicked off with seed capital of € 27.7 million. Currently the assets under management have grown to € 67.5 million. Net return since inception is more than 4 percent.

    For more information: www.freshfunds.nl

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  • Van Lanschot Kempen

     |  Amsterdam


    Van Lanschot Kempen

    New name and ticker at Euronext for Van Lanschot Kempen

    Van Lanschot is now officially Van Lanschot Kempen. The existing ticker symbol on Euronext (currently LANS) will change to VLK. Karl Guha, Chariman of the Board, opens the trading day and launches the new name and brand, by sounding the gong.

    Karl Guha says: "With the introduction of this new group name, our communication with shareholders and other stakeholders closely matches our wealth management strategy. The name Van Lanschot Kempen reflects on the character of the company, our common culture and the changes we make. The individual brands of Lanschot, Evi and Kempen remain as trusted in the market and maintain their focus on private banking, private and institutional customers, respectively.“

    The name, the logo with tree, the foundation year 1737, and the chosen color, together reflect the power of the combination of Van Lanschot and Kempen.

    For more information: www.vanlanschotkempen.com

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  • Candriam ETFs

     |  Paris


    Candriam ETFs

    Listing d’ETFs Candriam sur Euronext Paris et cross-listing sur Euronext Amsterdam

    Koen Van de Maele, Deputy Chief Investment Officer de Candriam, a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés pour le listing de leurs ETFs ESG et Smart Beta sur Euronext Paris cross-listés sur Euronext Amsterdam. Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience dans la gestion d’actifs, Candriam Investors Group est un leader pan-européen du marché dont les 500 professionnels expérimentés manageaient environ €107.2 bn AuM fin mars 2017.

  • BinckBank

     |  Amsterdam



    BinckBank and Euronext strengthen knowledge cooperation

    BinckBank opens the trading day to mark the cooperation between Euronext and BinckBank. Binck Netherlands and Euronext Amsterdam will join forces to inform –potential – retail investors about various aspects of investing, including jointly organizing informative and educational initiatives. The aim is to expand knowledge about investing.

    Jeroen Sonsma, Director Binck Nederland, is happy with the cooperation with Euronext: “As the biggest broker on the Dutch market, our valued customer service team answer hundreds of questions from our clients on a daily base. It is evident that we would like to inform (potential) investors approaching Euronext and help answering their investor questions. In addition, it demonstrates confidence that we can do this together with Euronext.”

    For more information: www.binck.nl

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  • Obligations Extensa

     |  Brussels


    Obligations Extensa

    ‘Cela fait plaisir d’être de retour’ a déclaré le CEO d’Extensa Kris Verhellen juste après que le CFO du groupe Laurent Jacquemart a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés. Le développeur immobilier célébrait la cotation sur Euronext Brussels de ses obligations émises dans le cadre du programme Euro Medium Term Notes (EMTN).

  • Robeco SummerNights

     |  Amsterdam


    Robeco SummerNights

    Gong ceremony to mark the start of the Robeco SummerNights concert series

    Wilma van Rossum, Brand Manager at Robeco, and Carlien Blok, Head Marketing, Communications and Sales at The Concertgebouw, sound the gong at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext to open the trading day. Entertainer Sven Ratzke will give a musical introduction to the striking of the gong.   

    The collaboration between Robeco and The Royal Concertgebouw on Robeco SummerNights – the longest-running and most successful partnership in the cultural sector – is about to start once again. Robeco and The Concertgebouw will start the 29th year of their collaboration. This 29th year promises another summer with soloists and orchestras from all over the world.

    During Robeco SummerNights, which this year will be held between 1 July and 31 August, audiences can enjoy over 80 concerts in The Concertgebouw in the classical, pop, jazz and world music genres. The music will vary from Max Richters 8-hour long SLEEP to three concerts by pianists Arthur and Lucas Jussen, and from the Aurora Orchestra playing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 by heart to ‘Viva la Diva’:  an evening of glitter and glamour with singers Tania Kross and Sven Ratzke and the Metropole Orchestra. And, as in every edition, there will be international youth orchestras present, amongst which the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester.

    For more information: www.robecosummernights.nl

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  • Non-financial reporting

     |  Amsterdam


    Non-financial reporting

    Sounding of the gong for non-financial reporting

    The opening of the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext brings non-financial reporting to the attention. More and more organizations recognize the importance of non-financial reporting and actively work on such (integrated) reports.

    In addition to the financial results, these reports include the results on sustainability, governance, diversity, privacy and the environment. To emphasize the growing interest in non-financial reporting, Tjeerd Krumpelman, ABN AMRO's Head of Business Advisory, Reporting & Stakeholder Management,  and Nick de Ruiter, Partner at CSR Consultancy Company Sustainalize, sound the gong and open trading at the Amsterdam exchange.

    In addition to Sustainalize and ABN AMRO, the gong ceremony is attended by representatives of relevant institutions engaged in reporting non-financial information. Thus, representatives of the Global Reporting Initiative, Eumedion, the NBA and the Association of Investors in Sustainable Development (VBDO) are present. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, responsible for the annual Transparency Benchmark, is also in attendance.

    For more information: www.abnamro.nl

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