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All Bell ceremonies

  • Warrants & Certificats de Goldman Sachs en France

     |  Paris


    Lancement de l’activité Warrants & Certificats de Goldman Sachs en France

    Le 25 novembre 2022, des représentants de Goldman Sachs étaient présents à Euronext Paris pour célébrer le lancement de l’activité Warrants & Certificats de l’entreprise en France, lequel a eu lieu plus tôt cette année.

    En entrant sur le marché français, Goldman Sachs est devenu l’émetteur offrant la plus large gamme de produits de bourse sur Euronext et contribue ainsi à fournir aux investisseurs une plus grande diversité de ces produits disponibles à la négociation.

    Guillaume Tropenat, Sales-Trader Actions & Produits de Bourse et James Allen, Responsable Public Distribution Trading Europe chez Goldman Sachs ont sonné la cloche et le groupe a été accueilli par Alexandre Atlani, Responsable des Produits de Bourse chez Euronext.

    Warrants & Certificats de Goldman Sachs en France
  • ClimateLaunchpad - Euronext Amsterdam


     |  Amsterdam



    Emilie Bronsing, programme leader of ClimateLaunchpad, sounded the gong today to celebrate the success of this edition of ClimateLaunchpad.

    ClimateLaunchpad is a competition for green companies, which this year saw over 600 green companies from 59 countries guided and trained, from idea to business plan. The company also celebrated the success of the 16 start-ups in the ClimAccelerator programme.

    The group was welcomed by Francesco Valdini, Corporate Actions Analyst at Euronext Amsterdam.

    ClimateLaunchpad ClimateLaunchpad - Euronext Amsterdam Amsterdam
  • Young Captain Award 2022

     |  Amsterdam


    Young Captain Award 2022

    Marleen Smits, Commercial Manager Convenience Retailing Benelux & France at SHELL, was last night elected Young Captain 2022. She celebrated her win by sounding the gong today in the presence of her team.

    This year saw the award presented for the 18th time to the most talented young business leader at the top of the business community. Marleen received the award from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate at an event at the High Light at Capital C in Amsterdam.

    The group was welcomed by Alexander Voorham, Account Manager Listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Young Captain Award 2022
  • Exchange Drumming

     |  Amsterdam


    Exchange Drumming 2022

    This morning, a new trading day on Euronext Amsterdam opened with more noise than usual. More than 100 children drummed happily from the trading floor during the traditional ‘Exchange Drumming’.

    Exchange Drumming is a tradition that was started 400 years ago, after an orphan boy managed to prevent the Amsterdam Stock Exchange building from being blown up by Spaniards during the Eighty Years’ War. As a thank you, his wish was granted and he, together with other orphans, was allowed to drum in the Stock Exchange building.

    Today, 400 years later, more than 100 Amsterdam school children continue this tradition, and they came – drumming – to take a look behind the scenes at the Amsterdam Stock Exchange.  

    Exchange Drumming
  • Economics Education Week

     |  Amsterdam


    Economics Education Week 2022

    Today is the official start of Economics Education Week. In this week, education professionals in the economic education of secondary education, mbo, hbo and wo are given tools and inspiration for making economics education sustainable, inclusive and future-proof.

    Giuseppe van der Helm, director at Coöperatie Leren voor Morgen and SDG4 Alliantie coordinator of the Netherlands, sounded the gong to celebrate this initiative.

    The group was welcomed by Marianne Aalders, Communications Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Economics Education Week
  • Hydratec Industries - Euronext Amsterdam

    Hydratec Industries

     |  Amsterdam


    Hydratec Industries – 25th anniversary of listing

    Bart Aangenendt, CEO of Hydratec Industries, sounded the gong today to celebrate Hydratec’s 25th anniversary on the stock exchange.

    The world’s population will continue to grow significantly in the coming years. As a result, the demand for basic necessities such as food, drinking water, transport and health is increasing. Hydratec Industries helps to meet these needs and wants to contribute to a world without waste with smart and sustainable solutions.

    The group was welcomed by Alexander Voorham, Account Manager Listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Hydratec Industries Hydratec Industries - Euronext Amsterdam Amsterdam
  • Flow Traders Investment Competition

     |  Amsterdam


    Flow Traders Investment Competition

    Today is the official opening of the Flow Traders Investment Competition. During this competition, B&R student investment groups invest with real money. The group with the highest risk-adjusted return at the end of the academic year wins the trophy.

    Minou de Bois, President of B&R Beurs, sounded the gong to celebrate this occasion.

    The group was welcomed by Marianne Brackel, Senior Liquidity Provider Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Flow Traders Investment Competition
  • Pension3days

     |  Amsterdam


    Pension3days 2022

    Renee Martius, Manager of the life and income department at the Dutch Association of Insurers, sounded the gong in celebration of this occasion.

    On 1, 2 and 3 November 2022, the twelfth edition of the Pension3days will take place at the initiative of the ‘Money Wise’ platform. During this period, Money Wise and partners are committed to motivating the Dutch to delve into their pension and to take action if necessary.

    The group was welcomed by Pepijn Paanen, Head of Legal and Regulatory Affairs at Euronext Amsterdam.

  • Week of the Investor 2022

     |  Amsterdam


    TRIPLE i – Opening Week of the Investor 2022

    Ferry Roersma, General Manager of TRIPLE i, Financial Content BV, opened the stock exchange today with a sound of the gong to open the Week of Investors.

    The Week of the Investor started today and ends on Friday 4 November with the BeleggersFair, the largest investor event in the Netherlands. The BeleggersFair offers a diverse and broad program for both advanced and novice private investors who want to increase their knowledge and their wealth.

    The group was welcomed by Dirk Donker, Head of Financial Derivatives at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Week of the Investor 2022
  • 100th issue of De Aandeelhouder magazine

     |  Amsterdam


    De Aandeelhouder – Publication of 100th magazine

    Nico Inberg, stock market analyst at De Aandeelhouder, opened the trading day by sounding the gong.

    This week, De Aandeelhouder celebrates the 100th issue of De Aandeelhouder on Saturday, the online stock magazine of De Aandeelhouder. In December 2020, De Aandeelhouder started with De Aandeelhouder Premium, the online magazine offering premium articles, videos and webinars to inform investors about the opportunities and threats on the stock market.

    The group was welcomed by Han Zwakenberg, Compliance Officer at Euronext Amsterdam.

    100th issue of De Aandeelhouder magazine
  • 30th anniversary Kempen Oranje Participaties

     |  Amsterdam


    Van Lanschot Kempen – 30-year anniversary of Kempen Oranje Participaties

    Today, Ingmar Schaefer, Senior Portfolio Manager at Van Lanschot Kempen, sounded the gong to celebrate the Kempen Oranje Participaties fund’s 30th anniversary.

    Kempen Oranje Participaties is an investment fund that offers investors the opportunity to invest in small European companies.

    The group was welcomed by Alexander Voorham, Account Manager Listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    30th anniversary Kempen Oranje Participaties
  • TaTaTu

     |  Paris


    TaTaTu s'introduit sur Euronext Growth Paris.

    Andrea  Iervolino, Fondateur et CEO, ouvre les marchés financiers à Paris.

    TaTaTu S.p.A. est spécialisé dans le développement et l’exploitation d’une plateforme qui récompense ses utilisateurs pour le visionnage de contenus et pour les activités sur les réseaux sociaux. Tout utilisateur peut regarder des contenus vidéo, poster des photos et des vidéos et gagner des TTU Coins (points de fidélité) pour chaque like, commentaire, vue ou partage de son post. Ces TTU Coins peuvent être utilisés pour acheter des produits sur le site de commerce électronique ou pour participer à une vente aux enchères.

  • CIO of the Year 2022

     |  Amsterdam


    CIO of the Year 2022

    Rob Visser, CIO NN Group, opened the trading day today by sounding the gong.

    Visser was named this week as the winner of the CIO of the Year Award 2022.

    The group was welcomed by Marianne Brackel, Senior Liquidity Provider Sales Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    CIO of the Year 2022
  • CES Unveiled - Euronext Amsterdam

    CES Unveiled

     |  Amsterdam


    CES Unveiled 2022

    John Kelley, Vice President and Acting Show Director CES, opened the Amsterdam stock exchange today by sounding the gong. This also marks the official kick-off of the Dutch CES start-up mission during the CES Unveiled Amsterdam event in the Beurs van Berlage.

    CES Unveiled is an official Consumer Electronics Show (CES) preview event showcasing the latest products and trends leading up to CES Las Vegas 2023. 

    Alexander Voorham,Account Manager Listing, joined the group in the Beurs van Berlage.

    CES Unveiled CES Unveiled - Euronext Amsterdam Amsterdam
  • Argentex – Granting of E-money licence

     |  Amsterdam


    Argentex – Granting of E-money licence

    This morning Harry Adams, CEO of Argentex, sounded the gong.

    Together with his team, they celebrated the granting of their E-money licence from the Dutch Central Bank. Argentex offers foreign exchange services to financial institutions, companies and private customers.

    The group was welcomed by Robin van Rijn, Client Relationship Manager at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Argentex – Granting of E-money licence
  • Association of Compliance Professionals – 20th anniversary

     |  Amsterdam


    Association of Compliance Professionals – 20th anniversary

    Today Michelle Fisser, Management VCO and Founder Compliance in Motion, sounded the gong to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Association of Compliance Professionals. The association will also be holding an event at the ‘De La Mar Theatre’ with the theme ‘Compliance in Transformation’. The group was welcomed by Tjerk de Jong, Team Lead Member Compliance, and René van Vlerken, Head of Listing at Euronext Amsterdam.

    Association of Compliance Professionals – 20th anniversary
  • International Teachers Day 2022

     |  Amsterdam


    International Teachers Day 2022

    Rens van Stigt, lecturer in (business) economics at the Koningin Wilhelmina College in Culemborg, celebrates International Teachers Day by opening the trading day with his students. Mr van Stigt was awarded this honour because he won the last Scholenstrijd competition. At that time the market opening could not take place due to Covid related restrictions.

    The Scholenstrijd competition is a digital investment competition for secondary school students. The event is organised by the Capital Amsterdam Foundation.

    The new edition of the Dutch national Scholenstrijd competition starts this October. Schools compete for the best result in virtual trading trading on the stock exchange.

    International Teachers Day reflects on the social importance of education and expresses special appreciation for teachers.

    The group was welcomed by Henry van Glabbeek, Deputy Corporate Secretary Europe at Euronext.

    International Teachers Day 2022
  • World Investor Week

     |  Amsterdam


    World Investor Week 2022

    In celebration of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s World Investor Week 2022, Euronext colleagues from all over Europe rang the Bell for Financial Literacy.

    World Investor Week is a week-long, global campaign to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection and highlight the various initiatives of securities regulators in their areas.

    World Investor Week World Investor Week - Euronext Amsterdam