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All Bell ceremonies

  • Holland FinTech - Annual Member Summit

     |  Amsterdam


    Holland FinTech - Annual Member Summit

    Holland FinTech opens trading with AFS

    Holland FinTech organizes the Annual Member Summit. This year the host is AFS Group, a financial service provider specialized in the business segment and also affiliated with Holland FinTech. Three years after the establishment of Holland FinTech, she brings together more than 320 affiliated parties. During the Summit, they look forward to the new year. The day starts with the opening of the trade on the Amsterdam exchange.

    By linking parties from large to small, the organization is committed to accelerating innovation in this sector. With events and matchmaking they bring expertise together and stimulate new developments. Currently, more than 320 parties are connected within the network, different from large established parties and new startups with ideas that improve decades of old processes. Only by working together can progress be made and the Netherlands can put itself on the map as progressive in financial innovation.

    For more information: www.hollandfintech.com

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  • Amsterdam Young Citizen of the Year 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Young Citizen of the Year 2017

    Amsterdam Young Citizen of the Year 2017 sounds the gong

    The Stadmakertjes Foundation (‘little citymakers’) has organized the junior election ‘Amsterdammertje van het Jaar’ for the sixth time. The City of Amsterdam and Rabobank support this initiative financially. In the past couple of months, everyone in Amsterdam could nominate their little hero, aged 8 to 15 years. A jury chose the top 10 finalists and the winner. The most important selection criteria: the winner should be someone who is selflessly committed to something or someone, and sets an example for others.

    Amsterdam Young Citizen of the Year 2017, 15-year-old Salim El Meriami, sounds the gong and opens the trading day. For over 4 years, Salim has committed himself to bringing together people from Amsterdam Nieuw-West. In a very professional way he has organised dozens of neighborhood events where people can meet each other. He was nominated by 5 Amsterdam organizations, characterizing him as “responsible, well-organized, indispensable, a great person to be proud of, hard-working, professional, and someone who prevents problems.”

    For more information: www.stadmakertjes.nl

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  • IMC Weekend School

     |  Amsterdam


    IMC Weekend School

    IMC Weekend School celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2018

    IMC Weekendschool Amsterdam Zuidoost is celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year. To kick off this special anniversary year, a delegation of pupils and alumni will sound the gong. IMC Weekend School is a supplementary school for children (aged 10-14) in underprivileged neighborhoods, often of immigrant backgrounds, in the larger cities of the Netherlands.

    Through a three-year course, professionals (volunteers) introduce students to a wide range of topics, including journalism, medicine and law but also training in presentation, research, debate and conflict resolution. It is an education focused on developing an all-round character.

    IMC Weekend School connects youth to passionate professionals who engage them in their fields. The contacts created between social classes affect both the students and the guest teachers. In the alumni program, guest teachers, sponsors and Weekend School alumni stay connected, and develop professional relationships. Research shows that IMC Weekend School alumni have better professional prospects, are more confident, and feel more connected with society than control groups.

    For more information: www.imcweekendschool.nl

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  • Dutch IR Awards 2018

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch IR Awards 2018

    Winners of the Dutch IR Awards 2018 sound the gong at Beursplein 5

    The winners of the Dutch IR Awards 2018 visit Beursplein 5. David Tailleur, Director of Investor Relations at the Euronext Amsterdam listed Randstad (ticker symbol: RAND) and winner in the AEX professional category, sounds the gong.

    The Dutch Association for Investor Relations (NEVIR) presented the Dutch IR Awards 2018 last night. For the eleventh year in a row, prizes were awarded to Dutch listed companies and professionals who excel in Investor Relations. An independent expert jury consisting of Corné van Zeijl (ACTIAM), Frederik van Beuningen (Teslin), Holger Weeda (BNP Paribas IP), Joop Witteveen (Kempen), Maarten Verbeek (the IDEA!) And Willem Burgers (Add Value Fund), determines who are the winners in the different categories.

    NEVIR is the professional representative body and the interest group for Investor Relations professionals of Dutch listed companies. More than 70% of Euronext Amsterdam listed companies are NEVIR member.

    For more information: www.nevir.nl

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  • Oddo Forum

     |  Paris


    Oddo Forum

    Philippe Oddo, Associé gérant Oddo & Cie et son équipe ouvrent les marchés depuis le Forum Oddo à Lyon.

    A l'occasion du partenariat entre les deux sociétés, l'équipe ODDO et Eric Forest, PDG d'EnterNext ont sonné la cloche pour accueillir les 268 sociétés venues pour rencontrer les 524 investisseurs à Lyon. 

  • MiFID II trading license ATG

     |  Amsterdam


    MiFID II trading license ATG

    ATG opens trading day at Beursplein 5

    Chief Compliance Officer and co-owner of Algorithmic Trading Group (ATG), Jochem van Steijn, gives the starting signal of the trading day at the Amsterdam stock exchange by sounding the gong. ATG celebrates obtaining its trading license under MiFID II.

    ATG is a young trading company founded in October 2008 in Hong Kong by Tom Voûte. ATG specializes in algorithmic trading on the global financial markets. ATG is based in Hong Kong and the Netherlands, where it recently moved to Beursplein 5.

    For more information: www.algorithmictradinggroup.com

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  • 10th anniversary Fintessa

     |  Amsterdam


    10th anniversary Fintessa

    Fintessa celebrates its 10-year anniversary by sounding the gong

    Fintessa Vermogensbeheer celebrates its 10-year anniversary this month. At the start of 2008, Martine Hafkamp and Han Schulten, together with Mark Sombekke and Jan Bouius, began to offer investment services under the name of Fintessa Vermogensbeheer, being authorized by both the AFM and DNB. To celebrate their 10-year jubilee, Martine Hafkamp sounds the gong on the Amsterdam exchange.

    Over the past 10 years, Fintessa has grown into one of the larger independent asset managers in the Netherlands. Fintessa mainly works for private individuals and (former) entrepreneurs, but also for foundations and institutes. This independence ensures that free investment choices are made without own products or forced shopping.

    For more information: www.fintessa.nl

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  • The IDEA!

     |  Amsterdam


    The IDEA!

    The IDEA! sounds the gong for its 10th year in business

    The Idea-Driven Equities Analyzes Company ('the IDEA!') celebrates its tenth anniversary by sounding Euronext Amsterdam's gong and opens the trading day.

    The company was founded by Henk Slotboom and Maarten Verbeek and started its activities in 2007. Together with Paul Hofman, the IDEA! has about eighty years of sector experience and has become the leading independent research-only boutique in the Benelux. the IDEA! focuses on presenting attractive investment propositions in the Benelux to its clients, with the emphasis on providing all relevant information and knowledge needed to be able to form their own judgment.

    For more information: www.theidea.nl

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  • New Managing Director WDP Netherlands

     |  Amsterdam


    New Managing Director WDP Netherlands

    WDP sounds gong for new Managing Director WDP Netherlands

    Started on January 1st 2018, Michiel Assink is the new Managing Director of WDP Netherlands and sounds the gong on the Amsterdam exchange together with his new colleagues.

    After a running period, Michiel Assink will take over duties of former Director of the Netherlands, Rien van Ast, who at own request will dedicate himself exclusively to the realization of complex projects. Michiel Assink was previously active at real estate agency CBRE, where he led the Industrial & Logistics team and built a team with strong focus on users, investors and developers of logistics and industrial properties.

    Listed on Euronext Brussels and Amsterdam, the logistics real estate specialist WDP (ticker symbol: WDP) was named Company of the Year in Belgium in 2017 and continues to grow the operating teams by recruiting extra project- and facility managers.

    For more information: www.wdp.eu

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    New Managing Director WDP Netherlands Placeholder
  • Sounding the gong for AFS OTF

     |  Amsterdam


    Sounding the gong for AFS OTF

    AFS Group announces to be the first in the Netherlands to have officially received its license to operate as an Organized Trading Facility (OTF) under MiFID II.

    AFS OTF is the first-of-its-kind in the Dutch market and will operate as a discretionary voice/chat trading system. This allows investment firms to execute various financial instruments on-venue. Additionally, AFS OTF will be regulated by AFM and must comply with certain rules. The reporting and publishing requirements will be satisfied by AFS’ use of Euronext APA and ARM. By operating as an OTF, AFS can play a valuable role in achieving the most important objectives under MiFID II. More specifically, to provide more protection for investors and to increase transparency in the various asset classes.

    AFS Group is a medium-sized financial services provider specializing in the mediation of financial instruments and green certificates. With 90 employees, from 4 offices AFS serves more than 1,000 complete sales parties: asset managers, banks, companies and other non-financial institutions.

    For more information: www.afsgroup.nl 

  • ING sounds gong after winning Gouden Stier

     |  Amsterdam


    ING sounds gong after winning Gouden Stier

    For more than ten years, Gouden Stier has been rewarding brokers with awards. ING received two prizes at the end of 2017 in two categories: ‘Best investment institution’ and ‘Best technical Analyst’. Bas Heijink sounds the gong and opens the trading day at the Amsterdam exchange.

    ING may call themselves the best investment institution in the Netherlands for a year. They are particularly appreciated for their visibility in the market, successful innovation and the impactful growth they are experiencing.

    Bas Heijink won the Gouden Stier in the category 'Best Technical Analyst', just like last year. A reward for his work after he was already voted 'Best Investment Expert' in 2014.

    For more information: www.ing.nl

  • DSI opens trading day

     |  Amsterdam


    DSI opens trading day

    By sounding the gong, DSI wishes all organizations part-taking in DSi and all professionals a happy New Year.  As of 3 January 2018, the compulsory ESMA Guidelines of the European Securities and Markets Authority on knowledge, skills and expertise will come into force. These guidelines are part of MiFID II. DSI ensures that financial professionals who are fully DSI-certified comply with the ESMA criteria.

    DSI implements strict self-regulation at the request of the sector. Here, implementation implies through personnel screening, certification, disciplinary law and a public register. The foundation screens (new) employees in the sector and certifies staff. The certificate holders also regularly check on integrity, knowledge and professional competence.

    For more information: www.dsi.nl

  • Euronext wishes you a happy New Year

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext wishes you a happy New Year

    Euronext wishes you a happy New Year

    With the sounding of the gong Euronext wishes you all a prosperous New Year on the first trading day of 2018.

    Euronext is the leading pan‐European exchange in the Eurozone with nearly 1,300 listed issuers worth close to €3.6 trillion in market capitalisation as of end September 2017, an unmatched blue chip franchise consisting of 24 issuers in the Morningstar® Eurozone 50 Index℠ and a strong diverse domestic and international client base.

    Euronext operates regulated and transparent equity and derivatives markets. Its total product offering includes Equities, Exchange Traded Funds, Warrants & Certificates, Bonds, Derivatives, Commodities and Indices. Euronext also leverages its expertise in running markets by providing technology and managed services to third parties. In addition to its main regulated market, Euronext also operates Euronext GrowthTM (formerly known as Alternext) and Euronext AccessTM (formerly known as the Free Market).

    For more information: www.euronext.com/en

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  • Run4Schools

     |  Amsterdam



    DoubleDividend and Run4Schools sound gong on last trading day of the year 

    DoubleDividend opens trading with Run4Schools on the last trading day of the year. The sustainable investment funds of DoubleDividend, DD Equity Fund and DD Property Fund N.V. are listed on Euronext Amsterdam and with the final gong of the year, DoubleDividend likes to draw attention to the runners of Stichting Run4Schools. On March 31, 2018, they will run the 56 kilometers of the Two Oceans Marathon in Cape Town, South Africa for this charity.

    DoubleDividend bridges financial and social return and fully supports the mission of Stichting Run4Schools. The team of DoubleDividend is composed of a few fanatical runners who frequently run to support charity. “Run4Schools is a beautiful initiative for young South African children. By organizing both in - and after - school sports activities these kids are of the streets and work on a better future. This is financed by the runners for this charity. Today, we are pleased to make these runners more visible with the sound of the gong”, says Marian Hogeslag, partner at DoubleDividend.

    For more information:  www.doubledividend.nl

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  • Da Vinci Derivatives

     |  Amsterdam


    Da Vinci Derivatives

    Sounding of the gong for Da Vinci Derivatives

    Da Vinci Derivatives opens the market to celebrate that, thanks to the construction of their own infrastructure and structured and controlled growth, they will trade fully independently in 2018 using the recently obtained license from The Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets. This will be done from their newly opened office at Beursplein 5.

    Da Vinci Derivatives, a trading house founded in 2015 by three traders who trade for own account with own capital, trades in financial derivatives with a short to medium term maturity focused on volatility. This means that several products are traded based on correlations, but also that long/short positions are taken in under- or overvalued volatilities in different market segments. Over the past two years, the company has grown strongly and are recruiting the best people, both nationally and internationally, with a strong focus on recent graduates.

    For more information: www.davinciderivatives.com

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  • Unox New Year’s Dive 2018

     |  Amsterdam


    Unox New Year’s Dive 2018

    Gong sounds for Unox New Year’s Dive 2018

    On Monday, January 1st 2018, the Unox New Year's Dive takes place. At 140 locations across the country, more than 50,000 people start the year with a refreshing dive. Unox, part of Euronext listed Unilever (ticker symbol: UNIA), opens the trading day at Beursplein 5 for this.

    The biggest dive takes place in Scheveningen where 10,000 participants are expected to dive into the ice-cold North Sea water. Unox donates one euro to the food banks for every diver in Scheveningen. In addition, well-known food vloggers and celebrities bake a '#Food bank letter' this week. The Food Bank Letter is a savory banquet letter with a smoked sausage in it, in the form of a V. The food banks help more than 130,000 Dutch people by providing them with food packages temporarily. Because these people also earn a good start in the new year, Unox donates one food bank letter to food banks for every baked and online shared letter with the hashtag #Voedselbanketletter.

    For more information: www.unox.nl

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  • Topsport Amsterdam Fanny-award winners

     |  Amsterdam


    Topsport Amsterdam Fanny-award winners

    Topsport Amsterdam sounds gong with ‘Fanny’-award winners

    Topsport Amsterdam organizes the annual Sports Gala of Amsterdam together with the City of Amsterdam. Here the ‘Fanny’ is awarded. This is the award for the ‘Amsterdam Best Athletes of the Year’. Desiree van Lunteren, female football player at Ajax, European and national champion and Female Athlete of Amsterdam 2017, sounds the gong and opens trading.

    Topsport Amsterdam gives talented athletes, living in Amsterdam, the unique opportunity to achieve their goals and ambitions. Through the Centre for Elite Sport and Education (CTO) Amsterdam, they offer these talents a unique opportunity. By playing a key role in attracting and facilitating international top sport events in Amsterdam, they offer these athletes a platform to excel in their own city and thus serve as an incentive for the sport. Brilliant sponsors are, amongst others, Euronext listed KPN and Heineken.

    For more information: www.topsport.amsterdam

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  • NN Group wins SponsorRings

     |  Amsterdam


    NN Group wins SponsorRings

    NN Group wins three SponsorRings 

    NN Group, listed on Euronext Amsterdam (ticker symbol: NN), has won three SponsorRings during this year’s SponsorRing awards, and on this occasion they open the trading day on the Amsterdam exchange.

    The group has won a gold, silver and bronze Ring. The golden one was awarded to Delta Lloyd in the category Long-term Sponsorships for its contribution to watersports. NN silver and bronze SponsorRings in the categories Sport Sponsorships and Art and Culture.

    Dorothee van Vredenburg, member of NN Group’s Management Board: “Winning the SponsorRingen is a wonderful recognition for the way in which we implement our sponsorship policy. NN Group is an active sponsor in various sectors that are close to what many people find important, where we think our contribution can add value. I am proud that the jury rewarded our approach with gold, silver and bronze.

    For more information: www.nn-group.com

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