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  • Nyenrode Business University

     |  Amsterdam


    Nyenrode Business University

    Nyenrode celebrates expansion to Amsterdam by sounding gong

    Students of Nyenrode Business Universiteit open the Amsterdam exchange for the university’s expansion to Amsterdam.

    As of September 2017, the first full time MBA students began their education at Nyenrode’s Amsterdam campus. Next year, the seperate full-time Master of Science in Management track will kick off at the Keizersgracht location.

    Nyenrode is a private university, founded in 1946 by and for business and with an international orientation. The university is working on a sustainable future by encouraging students and participants to become responsible leaders. This is done by providing intensive academic programs, and short and longer programs in the fields of business, management, accountancy, controlling and fiscal law.

    For more information: www.nyenrode.nl

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  • Introduction en bourse d'SMCP

     |  Paris


    Introduction en bourse d'SMCP

    SMCP s'introduit sur Euronext

  • Bol.com - Retailer of the Year

     |  Amsterdam


    Bol.com - Retailer of the Year

    Bol.com wins Retailer of the Year awards

    Bol.com, part of Euronext listed Ahold Delhaize (ticker symbol: AD), has won two prizes during the yearly the ABN AMRO Retailer of the Year awards and sounds the gong at the Amsterdam exchange.

    Bol.com has been elected as best webshop of the Netherlands in the categories Books and Music, movies & games.

    This year, over 260,000 Dutch consumers have rated more than 450 retailers for the ABN AMRO Retailer of the Year awards. Consumers have rated their favorite retailers on aspects related to price, service and assortment.

    For more information: www.bol.com

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  • Market Wizards

     |  Amsterdam


    Market Wizards

    Market Wizards sounds the gong

    Market Wizards sounds the gong with an eye on the future and MiFID II. Market Wizards is keen to enter into partnerships with trading companies that want to focus on trading but at the same time, want to ensure that business is compliant with what MiFID II demands.

    Established in 1999, Market Wizards, located at Beursplein 5, is a Dutch proprietary trading firm engaging in day trading, market making, high-frequency trading and electronic execution. The firm operates two sophisticated dealing rooms in the Netherlands, Amsterdam and Den Bosch. Market Wizards has also expanded its management, since 1 October 2017.

    For more information: www.marketwizards.com

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  • Ebbinge Investment Program

     |  Amsterdam


    Ebbinge Investment Program

    Ebbinge Investment Program opens trading

    For the kick-off of the Ebbinge Investment Program 2017-2018, Ebbinge opens Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange.

    The third edition of Ebbinge's Investment Program started recently with a career event involving students and private equity parties. This initiative allows a selected group of around 50 top students to meet the world of private equity and leading private equity houses during a college year.

    Ebbinge has been a consultancy firm in the field of Search, Interim and Advice for over 30 years. With offices in Amsterdam and Brussels, it is focused on the strengthening and development of people and teams in management, senior management and supervisory positions in the enterprising industry and public sector.

    For more information: www.investmentprogram.nl

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  • Introduction en bourse d'Adeunis

     |  Paris


    Introduction en bourse d'Adeunis

    Introduction en bourse d'Adeunis sur Euronext Growth

    Pascal Saguin, Président-directeur général d'Adeunis, sonne la cloche qui marque l'ouverture des marchés à Paris.

    Adeunis est spécialisé dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation d’objets connectés et de solutions de transmission par radiofréquence, dédiées à l’Internet des Objets (IoT) et à la communication de machine à machine (M2M) dans les secteurs du bâtiment intelligent, du télérelève des données énergétiques, de l’optimisation industrielle, de l’agriculture connectée, du transport, des infrastructures, du sport, des services, etc. En outre, le groupe conçoit et développe des solutions radio sur mesure, adaptées aux besoins spécifiques des clients. L’activité du groupe s’organise autour de 3 familles de produits :

    • modules de transmission radiofréquence longues portées ;
    • systèmes de transmission sans fil prêts à l'emploi : modems radio, émetteurs et récepteurs de trames radio, passerelles de communication sans fil, systèmes de télémétrie, systèmes de récupération des données, émetteurs radio de températures, télécommandes, etc. ;
    • systèmes de communication sans fil : systèmes de conférence audio et terminaux radios portatifs pour communications sécurisées et confidentielles en environnements bruyants ou difficiles, vendus sous la marque Vokkero
  • Options trading ABN AMRO

     |  Amsterdam


    Options trading ABN AMRO

    Sounding of gong for return Options trading ABN AMRO

    ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN) opens the trading day at Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange. They do this for the return of Options trading ABN AMRO to Euronext.

    "Operations Securities is responsible for processing all securities transactions for the Retail and Private Banking customers of ABN AMRO", says Ria Soedhoe, Director Operations Securities at ABN AMRO. "It is a flourishing business, especially since ABN AMRO  introduced the easy to use and customer friendly mobile banking app. The transformation of our old securities platform has been completed, allowing us to return the business to Euronext. We are very excited to be  back after three years. Euronext is a solid and professional organisation that offers the stability and continuity of services we require to offer our clients excellent trading services now and in the future. "

    For more information: www.abnamro.nl

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  • Green Bond d'Icade

     |  Paris


    Green Bond d'Icade

    Green Bond d'Icade

    Olivier Wigniolle, Directeur général d’Icade, et Victoire Aubry, Membre du Comex en charges des Finances, célèbrent le lancement de leur premier Green Bond.

    Foncière, développeur et promoteur, Icade est un opérateur immobilier intégré, qui conçoit des produits et des services immobiliers innovants pour répondre aux nouveaux usages et modes de vie urbains. Plaçant la RSE et l’innovation au cœur de sa stratégie, Icade est au plus près des acteurs et des utilisateurs qui font la ville – collectivités et habitants, entreprises et salariés, institutions et associations… Icade allie l’investissement en immobilier tertiaire et de santé (patrimoine au 30/06/17 : de 9,9 Md€) à la promotion (CA économique 2016 de 1 005 M€) pour réinventer le métier de l’immobilier et contribuer à l’émergence des villes de demain, vertes, intelligentes et responsables. Icade est un acteur majeur du Grand Paris et des métropoles régionales. Icade est une société cotée (SIIC) sur Euronext Paris. Son actionnaire de référence est le Groupe Caisse des Dépôts.

    Pour plus d’information: www.icade.fr

  • Introduction en bourse de Biom'up

     |  Paris


    Introduction en bourse de Biom'up

    Introduction en bourse de Biom'up sur Euronext

    Etienne Binant,directeur général,  Biom'up, sonne la cloche qui marque l'ouverture des marchés à Paris.

    Biom’up est spécialisé dans la recherche, le développement et la fabrication de dispositifs médicaux implantables et résorbables à base de collagène dédiés aux secteurs de la chirurgie et de la médecine régénérative. La société propose notamment un produit hémostatique destiné à contrôler les saignements lors des actes chirurgicaux (Hemoblast) et une membrane de collagène qui vise à prévenir les adhérences d'organes lors des interventions chirurgicales (Cova).

  • 70th listing anniversary Nedap

     |  Amsterdam


    70th listing anniversary Nedap

    Nedap celebrates its 70-year listing by sounding the gong

    This year, Nedap has been listed to Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange (symbol: NEDAP) for 70 years. To celebrate this, the technology concern opens the trading day at the Amsterdam stock exchange with the traditional gong ceremony.

    Founded in 1929, the Dutch Appliances Factory "Nedap" has been listed on the exchange since 1947. Today, Nedap supplies technology for various sectors such as healthcare, security management and retail. Nedap therefore believes that technology can make a significant contribution to solving major issues in these, and many other sectors.

    For more information: www.nedap.nl

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  • EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

     |  Amsterdam


    EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

    EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2017

    Michiel Muller has been awarded the EY Emerging Entrepreneur Of The Year Award 2017 and therefore sounds the gong together with his colleagues  and opens the trading day at Beursplein.

    Muller, co-founder of online supermarket Picnic, received the award from the jury chairman Jan Kees de Jager, CFO at KPN. The jury calls Muller an entrepreneur who shows that a changing world offers opportunities, especially in sectors where major players traditionally dominate. This entrepreneur has convinced and inspired the jury with his vision, courage and perseverance.

    The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year award has been awarded in over sixty countries for over 30 years. The award is intended to put entrepreneurship on a pedestal and encourage and support entrepreneurs to get the best out of themselves, their clients and their employees. Tijn van Elderen, CEO of Brabantia has been crowned the Entrepreneur Of The Year 2017 by EY. The oeuvre award for family companies was awarded to Agio's Wintermans family.

    For more information: www.ey.nl

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  • International Day of the Girl

     |  Amsterdam


    International Day of the Girl

    Gong is sounded for International Day of the Girl

    AkzoNobel and Plan Netherlands open the trading day for International Day of the Girl. 22-year-old Dunya Veenhof sounds the gong.

    On Day of the Girl, five hundred girls in 60 countries take over the role of a politician or director of a company for one day. Takeovers on International Day of the Girl, like a girl stepping into the role of mayor of Paris, illustrate what girls can achieve and the positive economic contributions they can make – if they get a fair chance.

    Through the Human Cities Initiative, AkzoNobel has been active for years in adding color to the world and creating an inspirational place for everyone. As part of that effort, Plan Netherlands and AkzoNobel have been working together for more than 20 years to create better living conditions for children and young people in developing countries. This strategic partnership emphasizes helping disadvantaged youth through targeted vocational education programs to access labor markets.

    For more information: www.akzonobel.nl

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  • Brainport Monitor

     |  Amsterdam


    Brainport Monitor

    Brainport Eindhoven sounds the gong for the Brainport Monitor

    By sounding the gong chairman of the Brainport Foundation and mayor of Eindhoven, John Jorritsma celebrates the ten-year anniversary of the Brainport Monitor together with (former) employees of Brainport Development.

    The Brainport Monitor is an analysis of the economic and innovative strength of Brainport Eindhoven. The monitor provides over 30 statistics, ranging from subjects such as business, export, and jobs. All backgrounds and knowledge about the progress, innovative performance and changed competitive position of Brainport Eindhoven are featured in the Brainport Monitor.

    John Jorritsma, Mayor of Eindhoven and Chairman of the Brainport Foundation launches the tenth edition of the Brainport Monitor during a festive anniversary gathering.

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  • Robeco ONE

     |  Amsterdam


    Robeco ONE

    Robeco opens trading day for Robeco ONE

    Robeco celebrates Robeco ONE’s fifth anniversary by opening the Amsterdam exchange.

    Robeco ONE is the successful all-in-one investment proposition for private investors. It has grown to around 30,000 customers since its launch in 2012. The managed assets increased to almost 1 billion euros in five years. The underlying aim of introducing Robeco ONE in 2012 to make investing accessible and approachable for everyone has been a success. The three variants of Robeco ONE (defensive, neutral and offensive) give investors access to all of Robeco's know-how, fund managers and advanced investment strategies. At launch, Robeco ONE was the first low-threshold total solution and set the market in motion.  

    For more information: www.robeco.nl

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  • CFF Communications

     |  Amsterdam


    CFF Communications

    Citigate First Financial changes name to CFF Communications

    Communication agency Citigate First Financial changed its name to CFF Communications. To celebrate its renaming and 25th anniversary, CFF Communications will sound the gong to open trading at the Amsterdam stock exchange.

    CFF Communications started 25 years ago as a financial communications and investor relations bureau. CFF Communications now supports customers in all aspects of corporate communication. Uneke Dekkers, Managing Director: “Over the past few years, we have significantly expanded our proposition to clients. Now, it is time our name better reflects the increased scope of services. Our 25th anniversary is the perfect moment to change our name to CFF Communications. This new name not only refers back to our origins but also represents the broad corporate communications role we now fulfil for our clients.

    For more information: www.cffcommunications.nl

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  • 10th listing anniversary Fagron

     |  Amsterdam


    10th listing anniversary Fagron

    Fagron celebrates 10-year listing anniversary

    Fagron N.V. (ticker symbol: FAGR) celebrates its 10-year listing anniversary with the sounding of the gong by CEO Hans Stols.

    Fagron has been listed on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Brussels since 5 October 2007. With the completion of the sale of its dental and medical divisions in 2014, and the sale of the software division in 2015, Fagron has been transformed into a leading company active in pharmaceutical preparations.

    Fagron focuses on providing personalized care to hospitals, pharmacies, clinics and patients in its core markets Europe, North America and South America.

    For more information: www.fagron.nl

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  • Top Woman of the Year 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    Top Woman of the Year 2017

    Top Woman of the Year 2017 Ingrid de Graaf sounds the gong

    Ingrid de Graaf, member of the board of Aegon (ticker symbol: AGN), has been named Top Woman of the Year 2017 and celebrates by sounding the gong.

    According to the jury under the direction of Pamela Bouwmeester, De Graaf emphasizes the significance of her role in management in society and acts as someone who connects people: "She not only wants to build bridges between men and women, but also between different cultures". The jury also states that De Gaaf "as a role model can be an inspirational example for young women and men."

    During the celebration ceremony, the Young Talent 2017 was also announced. The Young Talent Award is an encouragement award for female talent up to the age of 31 years, and was awarded to Disa Jironet, prosecutor in training at the Public Prosecution Service.

    The annual election is held by the Stichting Topvrouw van het Jaar, which aims to give female talent the attention it deserves.

    For more information: www.topvrouwvanhetjaar.nl

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  • 8997a6b45c81-107f-4827-8413-b5a35ce64ef8

    Lancement du livre sur les sociétés immobilières cotées en bourse

    Cérémonie d’ouverture des marchés en compagnie de l’analyste Gert de Mesure afin de célébrer le lancement de son livre sur les sociétés immobilières belges : « GVV’s van A tot X: Beleggen in beursgenoteerd vastgoed ». Cette cérémonie s’est déroulée en présence des sociétés immobilières Ascencio, Montea, Wereldhave, QRF, Befimmo ainsi qu’Home Invest Belgium.

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