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All Bell ceremonies

  • 60 Ans de PSB INDUSTRIES

     |  Paris


    60 Ans de PSB INDUSTRIES

    Olivier Salaun, CEO de PSB Industries, sonne la clôture des marchés boursiers à l’occasion des 60 ans de cotation.

    PSB INDUSTRIES est le partenaire industriel de référence passionné et innovant sur les marchés Luxe & Beauté, Agroalimentaire & Distribution, Santé & Hygiène et  Eclairage & Industries de pointe. Avec 4 marques de renom (BAIKOWSKI, CGL Pack, TEXEN, PLASTIBELL), 22 sites industriels et une présence dans 7 pays, le groupe français créé en 1904 à Annecy,  célèbre cette année ses 60 ans de cotation en bourse.

  • KKO International

     |  Brussels, Paris


    KKO International

    KKO International fait ses premiers pas sur Alternext

    Le holding belge spécialisé dans la production de cacao a réalisé aujourd’hui son introduction en Bourse, à la fois sur les marchés d’Alternext Bruxelles et d’Alternext Paris. Ce faisant, KKO International est la première entreprise du secteur alimentaire à réaliser une IPO sur les marchés européens en 2015 et devient par la même occasion la seule entreprise à bénéficier actuellement d’une cotation double sur les marchés Alternext.

    Propriétaire d’une plantation de cacao de 1000 hectares en Côte d’Ivoire, KKO International a levé € 6,54 millions de capitaux nouveaux et affiche une capitalisation boursière initiale de € 31,6 millions. Les fonds levés serviront à l’acquisition des droits d’exploitation de parcelles additionnelles, à l’investissement dans les équipes et le matériel et à la consolidation des investissements dans la plantation.

    Pour célébrer l’introduction en Bourse, Jacques-Antoine de Geffrier, Président  de KKO International, a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés. 

    Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur www.kko-international.com

    Brussels, Paris
  • Probiodrug

     |  Amsterdam



    Probiodrug celebrates one-year listing anniversary

    Probiodrug (ticker symbol: PBD) opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange to mark one year from the first date of listing on Euronext and as a symbol of the company’s mission to find a treatment for Alzheimer´s disease (AD). The gong is sounded by Inge Lues, CDO Probiodrug, accompanied by Dr Konrad Glund, CEO and co‑founder of the company.

    Probiodrug AG is a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialisation of new therapeutic products for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Headquartered in Halle, Germany, Probiodrug was founded in 1997 by Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Demuth and Dr. Konrad Glund and successfully developed a novel therapeutic concept for diabetes. Today Probiodrug’s aim is to become a leading company in the development of Alzheimer’s treatments and to thereby provide a better life for patients.  

    For more information: www.probiodrug.de

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  • Euronext launches AtomX

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext launches AtomX

    Sounding of the gong launches Euronext initiative AtomX

    Euronext celebrates the launch of its new initiative AtomX. By enriching services for off-orderbook, on-exchange trading, Euronext can meet demand from clients currently trading OTC to clear centrally, while maintaining the bespoke contract features that allow them to meet their trading objectives more accurately than standard orderbook trading. 

    You can read the press release here: Euronext launches AtomX

    For more information: www.euronext.com

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  • Het Beleggingsfonds

     |  Amsterdam


    Het Beleggingsfonds

    Euronext welcomes new Beursplein 5 resident Het Beleggingsfonds

    Euronext welcomes new building occupant Het Beleggingsfonds at Beursplein 5. Andre Brouwers sounds the gong for the occasion. Het Beleggingsfonds is a new initiative that has its origin at the Beleggingsinstituut. The Beleggingsinstituut is housed in the heart of the financial sector and offers investors training and coaching programs to assist them in developing a successful strategy.

    Since the founding of the Beleggingsinstituut, more than 20,000 investors were assisted in developing a successful strategy. The new initiative enables Het Beleggingsfonds to carry out the strategy of the Beleggingsinstituut for the wealthy investor. They can rely on a responsible approach, without needing to have the specialist knowledge and the time.

    For more information: www.hetbeleggingsfonds.nl

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  • Entreprise de l’Année

     |  Brussels


    Entreprise de l’Année

    Aujourd’hui, Euronext Brussels a accueilli les lauréats de l’Entreprise de l’Année® pour une cérémonie de clôture des marchés. Organisée par EY avec le support de Mediafin (De Tijd/L’Echo) et BNP Paribas Fortis, l’élection de l’Entreprise de l’Année® honore les entreprises de Belgique qui, en plus d’afficher des résultats et des finances saines, se distinguent par leur innovation, leurs ambitions internationales et leur esprit entrepreneurial. Cette année, Pairi Daiza (du côté francophone) et DEME (du côté néerlandophone) ont eu les faveurs du jury.

    Tom Lenaerts, Chief Legal Officer de DEME, et Steffen Patzwahl, Administrateur Directeur de Pairi Daiza, ont sonné la cloche de clôture des marchés Euronext.

    Pour de plus amples informations sur l’Entreprise de l’Année®, rendez-vous sur ww.ey.com

  • Wintertijd Challenge

     |  Amsterdam


    Wintertijd Challenge

    Gong ceremony marks start of Wintertijd Challenge

    The sounding of the gong marks the start of the Wintertijd Challenge, an annual fundraising sports event of the Spieren voor Spieren Foundation. Ambassador and field hockey international Eva de Goede opens trading together with Dean Dussenbroek, an 8 year old boy who suffers from a muscular disease called Ataxie van Friedreich.

    This year, during the night in which the clock is turned back for winter time, people around the country will participate in sports activities for one hour and one second to help raise money for research into muscular diseases in children, and improving the path of diagnosis and treatment. Last year, € 350.000 was raised for this purpose. During this year’s Wintertijd Challenge, activities will be held at over 135 locations, making it possible for Holland to put their healthy muscles to good use, supporting those that have a muscle disease.

    For more information: www.spierenvoorspieren.nl  

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  • Cordaid Memisa

     |  Amsterdam


    Cordaid Memisa

    Cordaid Memisa sounds gong to highlight new campaign

    Cordaid Memisa calls attention to infant mortality by sounding the gong. Cordaid CFO Willem Jan van Wijk opens trading.

    Every day, 6000 babies die during birth or on the first day of their lives. That comes to 2.2 million babies each year. Often unnecessary; 80% of these deaths could be prevented by better medical care. Cordaid Memisa wants every baby to be born safe and sound and takes action against infant mortality. By sending an SMS with the word 'baby' to 4333, one can donate € 2.50 and thereby help to reduce infant mortality.
    For more information: www.cordaidmemisa.nl

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  • TechnoFirst

     |  Paris



    Enternext accueille TechnoFirst sur Alternext à Paris

    Christian Carme, Président-directeur général de TechnoFirst, ouvre les marchés boursiers.

    TechnoFirst est spécialisé dans la conception, la fabrication et la commercialisation de produits de protection contre les nuisances acoustiques et vibratoires. Le groupe propose des casques anti-bruit dédiés aux environnements très bruyants, des systèmes silencieux actifs destinés au contrôle du bruit, des gaines de ventilation et des échappements de moteurs, des atténuateurs électroniques de bruit pour sièges d'avion, etc.

  • NSI

     |  Amsterdam



    NSI celebrates opening 10th branch by sounding gong

    NSI (ticker symbol: NSI) has officially opened its 10th HNK location and celebrates this occasion by sounding the gong. HNK stands for The New Office (‘Het Nieuwe Kantoor’). With this concept, NSI is anticipating the growing need for full service and flexible leasing solutions in the office market.

    Thor Uiterwaal, Business Development Manager, sounds the gong accompanied by NSI CEO Johan Buijs.

    Buijs: “HNK Utrecht Central Station is our 10th HNK location, progressing towards our target of 20 HNK’s as per end 2016.” The interest for HNK Utrecht Central Station is high. “We already have prelet 5,500 sqm before opening, which is an unique accomplishment. Tenants choose HNK because of the location and the concept. With this 10th HNK branch we offer a great location within a unique network to everyone looking for flexibility and great facilities in an inspiring environment.”

    For more information: www.nsi.nl

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  • Laaken Asset Management

     |  Amsterdam


    Laaken Asset Management

    Laaken Asset Management celebrates 10-year anniversary

    Laaken Asset Management celebrates its 10-year anniversary by sounding the gong at the Amsterdam exchange.

    The Asset Management Firm, established in Amsterdam, was founded in 2005 and manages assets of private individuals, families, foundations and associations. Founder Jolmer Gerritse sounds the gong in the presence of partners Rijnhard van Tets and  Sem Ongering and other members of the
    Laaken Asset Management team.

    For more information: www.laaken.nl 

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  • Telenet

     |  Brussels



    Telenet célèbre 10 ans de cotation sur Euronext

    Il y a dix ans à peine, Telenet faisait son entrée en bourse. Avec une levée de fonds d’un peu plus d’un milliard d’Euros, Telenet réalisait la troisième plus grande IPO sur Euronext Bruxelles. Aujourd’hui, avec une capitalisation boursière de près de 6 milliards d’Euros, l’entreprise télécoms est l’une des marques les plus reconnues du BEL 20. Pour célébrer cet anniversaire, Bert De Graeve, Président du Conseil d’Administration de Telenet, et John Porter, CEO de Telenet, ont ouvert les marchés d’Euronext en sonnant la cloche. 

    Basée à Malines, Telenet s’est spécialisée dans les services d’Internet à haut-débit, de téléphonie fixe et mobile et de télévision par câble. Elle sert ses clients en Flandre et à Bruxelles grâce à un puissant réseau HFC (hybrid fibre-coax).

  • Amsterdam Marathon

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Marathon

    Gong sounding marks start Amsterdam Marathon

    Abdi Nageeye sounds the gong to mark the start for the anniversary edition of the TCS Amsterdam Marathon on Sunday 18 October.

    A record number of 45,000 participants take part in the 40th TCS Amsterdam Marathon. With 16,000 entries for the classic distance, the TCS Amsterdam Marathon is the biggest marathon of the Netherlands. No less than 104 different nationalities will be represented. Several Euronext listed companies such as KLM, JC Decaux, TomTom and De Telegraaf are associated with the event, which will be broadcast live on television in 132 countries for 221 million households.

    For more information: www.tcsamsterdammarathon.nl

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  • Intertrust

     |  Amsterdam



    More information to follow. 

  • Intertrust

     |  Amsterdam



    Intertrust celebrates IPO by sounding gong

    Intertrust celebrates its listing on the Amsterdam exchange.  CEO David de Buck sounds the gong to mark the start of trading in Intertrust shares.

    Intertrust (ticker symbol: INTER) provides high-end legal and financial administrative services to corporations, funds, financial institutions and private individuals in order to facilitate their foreign  investment and acquisitions through the incorporation, maintenance and liquidation of corporate, investment, finance and fund entities. The company offers a comprehensive range of specialised administrative services that ensure sound financial administration of companies and that enable its clients to comply with the applicable legal, tax and regulatory regimes. Intertrust currently operates in 26 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Middle-East.

    For more information: www.intertrustgroup.com

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  • Esperite

     |  Amsterdam



    Esperite CEO opens trading at Amsterdam exchange

    Esperite CEO Frédéric Amar sounds the gong to open trading at the Amsterdam exchange.

    Biotech company Esperite (ticker symbol: ESP) is a leading international company in predictive medicine and diagnostic medical tests. The company, headquartered in Zutphen, was founded in 2000 and was listed on Euronext Amsterdam on 22 October 2009.

    For more information: www.esperite.com

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  • Options « spotlight »

     |  Paris


    Options « spotlight »

    Euronext a célébré l'introduction de 8 Spotlight Options à l'ouverture des marchés européens à Paris.

    Suite au succès à Amsterdam et Bruxelles, Euronext étend le segment au marché des dérivés de Paris en introduisant 8 nouvelles Spotlight Options.

  • Ordina

     |  Amsterdam



    Ordina hires 150th Young professional

    Ordina CEO Stépan Breedveld opens the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong. The ICT service provider based in Nieuwegein celebrates the hiring of the 150th Young Professional to join the organization. Ordina has developed a special Young Professionals program for ICT talents. This is an important tool for finding and retain talent and is well appreciated by customers.

    The sounding of the gong was also the kick off for the annual Ordina Open Innovation Days which take place on 13 and 14 October at the head office in Nieuwegein. In addition to speakers and an innovation tour, the winners of the Ordina Innovation Challenge will be announced. This is an annual competition for start-ups in technology with innovative ideas with a social impact. Ordina aims to challenge small organizations and provide start-ups with a platform for their innovative ideas.

    For more information: www.ordina.nl

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