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  • 8997a6b45c81-107f-4827-8413-b5a35ce64ef8

    Lancement du livre sur les sociétés immobilières cotées en bourse

    Cérémonie d’ouverture des marchés en compagnie de l’analyste Gert de Mesure afin de célébrer le lancement de son livre sur les sociétés immobilières belges : « GVV’s van A tot X: Beleggen in beursgenoteerd vastgoed ». Cette cérémonie s’est déroulée en présence des sociétés immobilières Ascencio, Montea, Wereldhave, QRF, Befimmo ainsi qu’Home Invest Belgium.

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  • Innovation Exchange Amsterdam

     |  Amsterdam


    Innovation Exchange Amsterdam

    Innovation Exchange Amsterdam opens new Amsterdam Venture Studios

    Innovation Exchange Amsterdam (IXA) opens the exchange at Euronext for the opening of the new Amsterdam Venture Studios.

    On Friday 29 September, the Amsterdam Venture Studios were officially opened by Constantijn van Oranje and Alderman Kajsa Ollongren. From now on, students and alumni from the five Amsterdam knowledge institutions can benefit from additional support when starting their own business and increase the success of their startup.

    IXA is a collaboration between the Technology Transfer Offices of five Amsterdam knowledge institutes: Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA), VU University Amsterdam, and VU University Medical Center Amsterdam (VUmc). As the expert interface between the Amsterdam academic institutes, IXA helps researchers to create social and economic impacts of their work and supports them in navigating in the academic landscape.

    For more information: www.ixa.nl

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  • BelIR fête son 25ème anniversaire

     |  Brussels


    BelIR fête son 25ème anniversaire

    Fondé en 1922, l’Association Belge de Relations Investisseurs n’a cessé d’étendre son nombre d’adhérents et a signé en 2000 une convention coopérative avec la Fédération des Entreprises en Belgique.

    Depuis lors, BIRA a activement continué à soutenir les relations entre investisseurs et les projets qui en découlent.

    L’association a récemment fait part de son ambitieux projet d’extension de son rôle à un niveau national, européen et mondial. C’est ainsi que BIRA est devenue BelIR. A cette occasion et afin de célébrer son 25ème anniversaire, les membres du comité de direction de BelIR ont sonné la cloche à Euronext Bruxelles en compagnie de leur président, Wim Allegaert.

    Guy Lerminiaux, gestionnaire d’actifs chez Degroof Petercam, fut un des principaux intervenants de cet événement.

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  • Transfert M2i vers Euronext Growth

     |  Paris


    Transfert M2i vers Euronext Growth

    Transfert de M2i vers Euronext Growth

    George Seban, Président-directeur général ferme les marchés européens à Paris

    M2i (Maison Internationale de l'Informatique) est spécialisé dans les prestations de formation professionnelle dans les domaines de l’informatique, de la bureautique, du multimédia et du management. La société dispose de plus de 2 000 programmes de stage dispensés dans 35 centres implantés en France.

  • VBDO

     |  Amsterdam



    VBDO sounds the gong for sustainable investments

    The Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO) opens the exchange to mark the 11th edition of the Benchmark Pension Funds.

    In this study, the top 50 Dutch pension funds are being reviewed on how they perform in the field of sustainable investments. This year, the trend towards increasingly responsible portfolios has increased once again. Pension funds are considering environmental and social criteria more and more when reviewing their investment analysis.

    The VBDO encourages Dutch pension funds to accelerate this trend, since activities to combat climate change are becoming more urgent every day. The best achieving pension funds in the field of sustainable investments are Pensioenfonds Zorg en Welzijn, Algemeen Burgerlijk Pensioenfonds, BPL Pensioen, Bedrijfstak Pensioenfonds voor de Bouwnijverheid and Pensioenfonds voor Woningcorporaties.

    For more information: www.vbdo.nl

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  • Amsterdam Capital Week

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Capital Week

    Amsterdam Capital Week ends the week with TEDxAmsterdamWomen

    The gong at the Amsterdam Exchange sounds for female entrepreneurship: TEDxAmsterdamWomen and Amsterdam Capital Week sounding the gong to celebrate the third edition of Amsterdam Capital Week 2017 and the success of female entrepreneurship.

    Amsterdam Capital Week hosted more than 20 events in Amsterdam this year, bringing together both national and international startups and scale-ups with investors. This year, around 500 investors from around the world were present at Amsterdam Capital Week, plus 3000 startups in various investment phases. The encouragement of female entrepreneurship is once again a recurring theme that, in collaboration with TEDxAmsterdamWomen, will get a stage this year. Among the attendees are the three finalists who represent their startup on November 2, 2017, at TEDxAmsterdamWomen.

    For more information: www.amsterdamcapitalweek.com

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  • Albert Heijn Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Albert Heijn Foundation

    10-Year old Albert Heijn Foundation opens the trading day

    Euronext’s Amsterdam stock exchange is opened by the AH Foundation, which celebrates its 10-year anniversary this month. Chairman Cees van Vliet, director of stores and logistics of Albert Heijn, sounds the gong together with colleagues and employees.

    The AH Foundation is collaborating with the ICCO development organization. Together they develop programs for employees of suppliers in Africa, in the fields of education, housing and healthcare. This year, the AH Foundation will expand to South America.

    Over the last ten years, over 30,000 children and adults in ten different African countries have enjoyed education through the AH Foundation. Together with suppliers, investments were made in new schools, resource centers and lesson programs. For example, 29 schools were built or renovated through the sale of fresh fruit salads from Ghana.

    Albert Heijn is part of the Euronext listed Ahold Delhaize (ticker symbol: AD).

    For more information: www.ah.nl/ahfoundation

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  • Conférence « Invest in Bountiful Indonesia »

     |  Brussels


    Conférence « Invest in Bountiful Indonesia »

    Euronext a été ravi d’accueillir dans ses locaux les invités de l’événement « Invest in Bountiful Indonesia ». La conférence organisée par l’Ambassade de la République d’Indonésie, en partenariat avec Euronext Bruxelles, a été animée par le Président de la Bourse d’Indonésie, Mr. Tito Sulistio, invité d’honneur, ainsi que  S.E. Mr. Yuri Thamrin, Ambassadeur de la République d’Indonésie à Bruxelles. Cet événement a permis aux participants d’échanger sur les récents développements économiques en Indonésie, d’avoir une meilleure connaissance du climat commercial indonésien, de la bourse indonésienne ainsi que des opportunités sur ses marchés financiers.

  • SME Innovation Top 100

     |  Amsterdam


    SME Innovation Top 100

    MKB Innovation Top-100 winner Greentom

    The Maastrichtian Greentom sounds the gong for winning the 12th edition of the MKB Innovation Top 100.

    This year, the Chamber of Commerce organized the SME Innovation Top 100 for the 12th time. Greentom, the world’s first producer and supplier of  'green' strollers, made it to number one and is therefore the most innovative MKB company in the Netherlands.

    All materials of Greentom strollers are durable; from natural substances to recycled drinking bottles. The baby buggies can be assembled within five minutes and after use, all parts can be reused or recycled. Because Greentom produces worldwide, the stroller is made from local sources and the environmental impact of shipping is limited. The strollers are sold in more than 20 countries.

    For more information: www.mkbinnovatietop100.nl

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  • World Heart Day

     |  Amsterdam


    World Heart Day

    Philips opens the trading day

    Philips (ticker symbol: PHIA) opens trading on the occasion of World Heart Day on 29 September.

    A global leader in health technology and proud partner of the World Heart Federation (WHF), this World Heart Day Philips is calling for people to act now and take control of their own health. Philips understands the importance of heart health and see food and drink as crucial elements in helping to increase the number of healthy hearts in the world. Believing  that homemade food has the power to nourish like nothing else – cooking and eating at home gives control over the ingredients, brings families and people together, enhances relationships and helps to build healthy routines for life. A healthy heart and circulation system starts with a balanced diet.

    Philips developed the Airfryer and introduced this innovation in 2010 as the first of its kind. In September 2017 Philips introduces the Airfryer XXL a bigger and more powerful version, and has fat removal technology. The Philips Airfryer XXL uses hot air to fry foods with little or no added oil, so fat can be reduced by up to 90%.

    For more information: www.philips.nl

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  • StartupFest Europe

     |  Amsterdam


    StartupFest Europe

    StartupFest Europe opens the Amsterdam exchange

    StartupDelta opens Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange for StartupFest Europe.

    This year, StartupFest Europe, a festival where start-ups and scale-ups find the funding to grow their business, will take place from the 25 to 28 September. Among other things, they get the opportunity to pitch their idea to more than 300 venture capitalists. This year’s theme is Global Challenges, Startups Solutions.

    StartupFest's program consists of the main event, CapitalFest, and a series of thematic events spread across the country. All of these events include organized matchmaking between start-ups, scale-ups, investors, corporates and a series of international top speakers. Werner Vogels (CTO Amazon), Slava Rubin (Founder Indiegogo), Boyan Slat (Founder The Ocean Cleanup) and Pieter van der Does (CEO Adyen) will speak at CapitalFest on the 27th of September at the Beurs van Berlage.

    For more information: www.startupfesteurope.com

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  • Gold rating Kempen Orange Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    Gold rating Kempen Orange Fund

    Sounding of the gong for Gold rating Kempen Orange Fund

    Kempen Orange Fund has received a Gold rating from Morningstar in the category ‘Aandelen Nederland’ (Dutch Shares). The Gold rating applies to 6% of the funds that Morningstar issues worldwide for a comprehensive, qualitative analysis. To celebrate this, the trading is opened by Kempen.

    According to Morningstar, the increase of a Silver rating to a Gold rating has several reasons: "Our highest confidence is based on our appreciation of the qualities of this team and the strong and proven process that is carried out very consistently. The administrators have clearly added value: in the long term, the fund performs consistently better than the category and relevant indices. In this strong track record, the fund rarely has had a weak year. "

    Kempen has been a small-cap investment specialist for over 25 years and started the Kempen Orange Fund, the first small-cap fund of the asset manager, in 1991. In the meantime, the number of small-cap mutual funds has been expanded and five different small-cap funds are offered by Kempen.

    For more information: www.kempen.nl

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  • KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds

     |  Amsterdam


    KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds

    10-year anniversary KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds

    This year marks the tenth year that KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds is fighting against loneliness in the Netherlands. For this reason, KPN (ticker symbol: KPN) hosts its annual congress against solitude, Thursday 21 September. This date is also the start of the National Week against Solitude (Week tegen Eenzaamheid). On this occasion they sound the gong at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext.

    Over a million Dutch people feel very lonely, and the influence of loneliness is great. When it lasts for a long time, loneliness can lead to health risks and low participation in society. With the Week Against Solitude, Coalitie Erbij asks for attention of this problem. Throughout the country, activities are organized where people with a small social network can connect with new people and strengthen existing contacts. KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds is core partner of Coalitie Erbij.

    For more information: www.kpnmcf.com

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  • Euronext TechShare 2017 – 2018

     |  Amsterdam


    Euronext TechShare 2017 – 2018

    TechShare 2017 – 2018 kicks off by sounding gong

    The Dutch participants and partners of the third edition of the Euronext TechShare program 2017-2018 sound the gong to open trading. TechShare is an educational program that is specifically aimed at fast-growing and innovative tech companies, who want to know more about the process around an initial public offering. The program helps owners and directors of tech companies to better understand the function and dynamics of the financial markets. CEOs of the participating parties are better able to assess the possibilities of a listing and their opportunities in relation to their strategy and growth ambitions.

    The official start of Techshare 2017-2018 is at the HEC in Paris, on 29 September. On behalf of Euronext, this international renowned business school in Paris provides a two-day campus for all participants. All companies and partners from both Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Portugal are present. Throughout the year, various workshops and interactive sessions take place, with all local partners and companies.

    Dutch partners of the TechShare program are ABN AMRO, AFS Group, Baker & McKenzie, Brainport Development/Brainport Network, Citigate First Financial, Deloitte, Kempen & Co. and Rutgers & Posch. Each partner exposes a specific subject within the process of a possible listing during their workshop. In addition to the detailed information, Techshare provides all the participants with many valuable new contacts.

    For more information: www.enternext.biz

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  • Aandeelhouder

     |  Amsterdam



    Sounding the gong for De Aandeelhouder

    The trading day on Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange is opened by the team behind Deaandeelhouder.nl (DAH).

    The website has been completely renewed and, together with columnists such of – among others –  ING and Benelux newswire ABM Financial News, investors are kept up-to-date on the Amsterdam exchange. De Aandeelhouder offers private investors a platform with investment information, providing the self-investor with support in making their own investment decisions.

    For more information: www.abmfn.nl

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  • Fondsevent

     |  Amsterdam



    Sounding of the gong marks tenth edition of Fondsevent

    By sounding the gong, attention will be paid to the Fondsevent, which will take place 25 September in Amsterdam. This year, the event has the theme "At the break of old and new" which looks to both history and future with inspiring speakers and top investors of nine asset managers. The event is the largest knowledge and networking event in the Netherlands for private banking, asset managers and investment advisors.

    In this year’s plenary part of the event, attention will be paid to the increasing influence of psychology on customers and earning models. The issues includes how the advisor or asset manager can influence the behaviour of his client but also how they can customize their own behaviour for them to be better prepared for opportunities offered in a rapidly changing world.

    Fondsevent is organized by Fondsnieuws - part of the FD Media Group - in collaboration with nine renowned fund houses: Allianz Global Investors, BNP Paribas Investment Partners, Deutsche Asset Management, Fidelity International, Henderson Global Investors, Kempen Capital Management, NN Investment Partners, Robeco, and Pictet Asset Management.

    For more information: www.fondsevent.nl

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  • ENGIE Sustainable Business Challenge

     |  Amsterdam


    ENGIE Sustainable Business Challenge

    ENGIE sounds the gong for the Sustainable Business Challenge

    ENGIE (ticker symbol: ENGI), listed on Euronext Brussels and Paris, sounds the gong for the Sustainable Business Challenge. They do this in partnership with a delegation from the municipality of Leiden and SustainableMotion.

    For the fifth time, the Sustainable Business Challenge is organized by SustainableMotion; a project agency that believes in the transformation of young talent. Every year 100 young talents, with a realistic view, work on sustainability issues of companies that want to connect sustainability with their business. The program supports the talents in the out-of-the-box thinking and concretizing their innovative ideas. ENGIE is constantly looking for new sustainable solutions and new forms of cooperation, which is important for the energy transition. Therefore, the company, together with the municipality of Leiden, offers a challenging case: how do we make the Leiden station area 'the most sustainable entrance of the Netherlands'? ENGIE partakes in the Sustainable Business Challenge for the fourth time this year.

    ENGIE stands out with regards to the energy transition of almost all its competitors. Because it is both a technical service provider and an energy supplier, the company can mean just a bit more for its customers. With smart technological solutions, the company looks at whether it can reduce the energy needs of its customers. Then it fills in the remaining energy requirement with renewable energy. ENGIE accelerates the transition with this two-step model.

    For more information: www.sustainablebusinesschallenge.nl

  • Pharmasimple

     |  Paris



    Introduction en bourse de Pharmasimple sur Euronext Growth

    Michael Willems, Président directeur-général et Fondateur de Pharmasimple sonne la cloche qui marque l'ouverture des marchés à Paris.

    Pharmasimple est spécialisé dans la vente en ligne de produits parapharmaceutiques. La société propose 120 000 références (770 marques) de produits cosmétiques et dermo-cosmétiques, d'accessoires à vocation médicale et de compléments alimentaires.Pharmasimple compte plus de 300 000 clients et près de 120 000 commandes par an.90% du CA est réalisé en France.
