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  • 7695ebc2d48a-008f-4023-a1f9-9e79de9c6aa0

    Financial Study Association Rotterdam and Duisenberg School of Finance sound the gong

    DSF is committed to providing excellent financial education in order to create the next generation of responsible financial leaders. FSR is the study association for students Accounting, Controlling and Finance of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

    The goal of the FSR is to create a link between theory - as it is taught in universities - and the versatile financial world in practice. This is accomplished by organizing various activities and events. With around 1800 members, the FSR is the largest study association at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Gijs Romer, chairman FSR sounds the gong.

    For more information: www.dsf.nl en www.fsr.nl

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  • Sounding of the gong in honor of new AEX-Index

     |  Amsterdam


    Sounding of the gong in honor of new AEX-Index

    The gong ceremony is dedicated to the new composition of the AEX-Index® as of March 24. From this day, Delta Lloyd NV, OCI and Boskalis are part of the main index.

    Euronext uses a new selection method for the AEX-Index family, as a result of an extensive market consultation. For the composition of the indices, now the free float adjusted market capitalization of the company is leading, where formerly the trade turnover was. This makes the AEX-Index an even better reflection of the Dutch capital market, and therefore is more in line with international standards.

    The AEX-Index was established in 1983 and offers great visibility its constituents, and additionally serves as the underlying value for more than 1000 products. Niek Hoek, CEO of Delta Lloyd, opens trading in honor of the inclusion of his company in the AEX.

    For more information: https://www.euronext.com/en/list-products/euronext-indices-for-product-creation

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  • 76966834267b-df5f-4780-b906-ab7894d15a26

    Bell Ceremony à l’occasion de l’entrée de bpost dans le BEL 20

    Ce lundi 24 mars 2014, Martine Durez, Présidente du Conseil d’Administration de Bpost, a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés financiers à Euronext Bruxelles afin de célébrer l’entrée de bpost dans le Bel 20. Pierre Winand, CFO de bpost, l’a accompagné sur le podium.

    Koen Van Gerven, CEO de bpost, clôturait cette occasion spéciale par un discours.

    Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur : www.bpost.be

  • 7698d1303a15-efd6-4713-a172-5b3b3f89be0b

    NLdoet sounds the gong to mark the start of this year’s campaign

    Today marks the start of the two-day national volunteer campaign NLdoet, during which the entire country is invited to spend a day or part of a day participating in volunteer work. Maribi Gomez, director of an Amsterdam-based coordination centre for volunteers, sounds the gong.

    In Amsterdam alone there are over 230 volunteer jobs to be done, such as renovating a stable for riding lessons for the handicapped, taking the elderly for walks in the park, planting a vegetable garden, constructing picnic tables or picking up litter. One of the objectives of the NLdoet initiative is to shine a spotlight on volunteers and to show how important active citizenship is for society. But more importantly, to show how much fun volunteering can be!

    Read more: www.nldoet.nl

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  • 7699b37e8e0a-5a20-441d-96ea-2f58c1e327d0

    CEO of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV visits Euronext Amsterdam

    Dr. Heinz Schimmelbusch, CEO of AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV, is visiting Amsterdam and Euronext on the occasion of AMG's announcement of its 2013 FY results on 19 March 2014. Dr. Schimmelbusch sounds the gong at Euronext Amsterdam.

    AMG is a leading global specialty metals and materials, engineering and mining company offering highly specialized metallurgical products, minerals and vacuumfurnace systems to a wide range of industries (incl aerospace, energy, infrastructure and chemical industries). AMG has its headquarters in Wayne, PA, USA and Amsterdam, the Netherlands and has operations in Europe, North and South America and Asia, including China.

    Read more: www.amg-nv.com

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  • Business Woman of the Year opens trading at the exchange

     |  Amsterdam


    Business Woman of the Year opens trading at the exchange

    This year’s Business Woman of the Year, Ria Joosten, owner of Ria Joosten Catering en Evenementen, opens today’s trading. 

    The Prix Veuve Clicquot, Business Woman of the Year Award, was set up in 1972 in honour of Madame Clicquot. That same year also marked the launch of the Grande Cuvée ‘La Grande Dame’, vintage 1966. Even today ‘La Grande Dame’ is still Veuve Clicquot’s most exclusive product, a tribute to the grand lady of champagne. 

    The Prix Veuve Clicquot initiative has been a sign of distinction in the Netherlands since 1981. This year, for 33rd time, the prize will be awarded to an outstanding businesswoman. Over the past 32 years, the prize has come to occupy a prestigious position in the business world, and has made a significant contribution to the level of recognition given to women entrepreneurs. 

    For more Information: www.veuve-clicquot.nl/prix-nederland

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  • 770256132969-024b-4243-8eb4-adcf2ff90596

    Bell Ceremony pour la cotation des obligations émises par KBC Group

    Ce mercredi 19 mars 2014, Luc Popelier, CFO de KBC Group , a ouvert les marchés financiers à Bruxelles lors d’une Bell Ceremony afin de célébrer le placement des titres additionnels de catégorie 1 conformes à la norme CRD IV, non-dilutifs, pour un montant de 1,4 milliards d’euros par KBC Group SA.

    Les titres ont une maturité perpétuelle avec option d’achat à partir de la cinquième année et offrent un coupon payable trimestriellement de 5,625% par an. Ils sont qualifiés comme capital additionnel Tier 1 conforme à la norme CRD IV sous Bâle III. L’émission a rencontré une forte demande et a été sursouscrite cinq fois.

    Pour en savoir plus : www.kbc.com

  • Ajax Foundation sounds the gong to celebrate its birthday

     |  Amsterdam


    Ajax Foundation sounds the gong to celebrate its birthday

    Today the Ajax Foundation celebrates its 4th anniversary. In honour of the occasion, director Simone Freling sounds the gong to start the trading day.

    As a top sporting club, Ajax is aware of the responsibility it has to set an example and take a leading role in relation to social issues. On behalf of Ajax and its millions of supporters, the Ajax Foundation supports various projects related to sports, health, social integration and education.

    The aim of the Ajax Foundation is to build a sense of community in a respectful manner, as well as to encourage players to develop both football and life skills, and to do so without a commercial agenda.

    Read more: www.ajax.nl

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  • 76872904cff7-fe45-4c36-8646-367842d51906

    Global Money Week: Ring Around the World. Child & Youth Finance International closes the trading day in Paris

    GMW is a worldwide celebration initiated by the Child and Youth Finance Movement, with local and regional events and activities aimed at inspiring children and youth to learn about money, saving, creating livelihoods, gaining employment, becoming an entrepreneur

    About Global Money Week: Global Money Week unifies the voices of children around the world, encouraging them to take action, engage the financial sector and learn about the financial issues that most impact them. Through national and international events, young people learn: about money, social and financial interaction, employment skills and even about starting a business.
    In 2013, over 1 million children in more than 80 countries participated in Global Money Week celebrations. Central banks, governmental bodies, stock exchanges, financial institutions, NGOs, schools, multilateral organizations, academics and other national stakeholder organized events. In many countries, Global Money Week was the first time such multisectorial organizations collaborated: collaborations that diverse organizations committed to continue as they build national financial education and inclusion platforms for children and youth. This year we will count on more than 112 countries celebrating and 2 million children and youth reached!

  • 7681a6753cb0-9fa9-4ed1-b0da-7d251ad5d263

    Simavi kicks off its ‘drinking water week’ 2014 by sounding the gong

    To mark the start of Simavi’s ‘drinking water week’, Merijn Everaarts, founder of Dopper, will open the market.

    Safe drinking water is a necessity when it comes to living a healthy life. However,  there are still 780 million people in the world who do not have access to safe drinking water. Waterborne diseases caused by unclean or polluted drinking water are amongst the most deadly diseases. Diarrhoea alone is fatal to as many as 2.2 million people annually, most of them pregnant women and children under 5.

    People in marginalised communities in Africa and Asia often spend most of their days fetching water and caring for sick family members. If safe drinking water would be available to them, they could spend this time going to school or working to support themselves, their families and their community. This way they would have equal opportunities to make the most of their lives.

    Simavi strives for a world in which basic health is accessible to all. Therefore, Simavi, together with its partners, organises a number of events  - the national collection week, the sponsor event Walking for Water and the DopperRun© - for safe drinking water in the week close to World Water Week, 22 March.

    Read more: www.simavi.nl

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  • 7682ea9f5a9b-02e1-4af2-9b32-e6f7c1487261

    Heineken celebrates twentieth anniversary of the JCI Vondelpark Open with sounding the gong

    Heineken visits Beursplein 5 in honor of the twentieth anniversary of the JCI Vondelpark Open. Chairman of JCI Amsterdam, Huck Chuah, sounds the gong.

    The JCI Vondelpark Open is a golf tournament which will take place on 20 June 2014 in Amsterdam's Vondelpark, which celebrates its 150th birthday this year. The proceeds from the tournament benefit the maintenance of the park. Heineken is celebrating the anniversary with Junior Chamber International (JCI) Amsterdam, an association which strives to realize projects with relevant social and/or business purposes.

    For more information: www.vondelparkopen.nl

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  • 76802140d1a5-8dc5-4f2d-9cca-c8c2b9aa4a08

    Sébastien David de la Société Générale ouvre les marchés boursiers à Paris

    La Société Générale innove avec le lancement en partenariat avec Euronext du premier Certificat 100% indexé sur l’indice Next Biotech.

    L’indice Next Biotech est calculé et diffusé par Euronext. Il se compose de toutes les valeurs du secteur européen des biotechnologies cotées sur Euronext et Alternext pondérées par leur capitalisation boursière. Cet indice permet aux investisseurs, gestionnaires de fonds et émetteurs de suivre la performance à l’échelle européenne des biotechnologies, secteur innovant qui enregistre une croissance rapide.

    Le Certificat 100% Next Biotech, émis par la Société Générale, permet de bénéficier en une seule transaction et à moindre frais (1% de commission annuelle) de la performance boursière de ce panier diversifié composé d’actions biotechnologiques.

    Il est coté en continu sur Euronext Paris de 9h05 à 17h30 et négociable comme une simple action depuis son courtier en ligne ou sa banque habituelle.

  • 768358badec3-125c-4e12-9d55-82ed257c7481

    Kidney Patients Association Netherlands sounds the gong to mark the start of World Kidney Day 2014

    Brenda de Coninck, entrepreneur and kidney patient, sounds the gong to mark the start of World Kidney Day 2014 and to celebrate the launch of ReiNIER, a new magazine about living with kidney damage.

    World Kidney Day is the annual day on which special attention is drawn to kidney disease and its prevention. The Kidney Patients Association Netherlands (NVN) organizes numerous activities across the country to raise awareness on the importance of the kidneys and what it means when they do not work properly.

    In addition, the free magazine ReiNIER is makes its debut. It holds information on what living with kidney disease means, provides tips and practical information on for example employment, nutrition, research and fatigue. Mirjam de Graaff, sister of late Dutch TV presenter Bart de Graaff and chairman of the Bart de Graaff Foundation, receives the first copy of ReiNIER from NVN director Hans Bart.

    For more information: www.worldkidneyday.nl

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  • Global Money Week à la Bourse de Bruxelles

     |  Brussels


    Global Money Week à la Bourse de Bruxelles

    Euronext célèbre la Global Money Week sur différentes places financières. Durant toute la semaine, les jeunes à travers le monde discutent et se renseignent sur l'épargne, l'argent , l'évolution des systèmes économiques et la construction d'un avenir financier via différentes activités et événements.  L’organisation « Child and Youth Finance International » (CYFI) sert de plate-forme de support pour les activités de Global Money Week.

    Plus particulièrement à la Bourse de Bruxelles,  Monsieur Ignacio Bianco de « Child & Youth Finance International », a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés financiers ce mercredi  12 mars. Il était accompagnéde Sébastiaan Duivenvoorde, étudiant. Mais aussi de représentants de Mastercard, European Banking Federation, European Association of Cooperative Banks, World Savings Bank Institute, FSMA et EuroChild étaient invités sur le podium.

    A cet occasion, Euronext  Bruxelles a également invité des étudiants de la Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KHlim), de Karel de Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen et de ArtesisPlantijn Hogeschool.

    La Bell Ceremony s’est terminée avec une présentation aux étudiants sur la Bourse donnée par Vincent Van Dessel , CEO d’Euronext Bruxelles.

  • 76854991b5ff-8b8f-4b53-abb3-5b2d93f2c2b8

    Child and Youth Finance International opens Global Money Week 2014 by sounding the gong


    Trading at Euronext Amsterdam is festively opened today by Dutch high schools students and Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) as part of Global Money Week 2014. Global Money Week is a global campaign raising awareness with children, youth, parents and teachers on the importance of children’s access to financial education and safe bank accounts.

    CYFI is a non-profit organization and global multi-stakeholder network leading the world’s largest movement on child and youth finance. They sound the gong together with students from the Spinozalyceum in Amsterdam, the Herman Wesselink College in Amstelveen and representatives from Aflatoun, de Consumentenbond, the Dutch Central Bank (DNB), Free Press Unlimited, ICS, ING Group, The Dutch Bankers Association (NVB), and Nibud.

    For more information: www.globalmoneyweek.org en www.childfinance.org

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  • King William I Foundation opens trading at Beursplein 5

     |  Amsterdam


    King William I Foundation opens trading at Beursplein 5

    Mariette van Empel, Director of Climate, Air and Sound at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and jury member of the King William I Plaque for Sustainable Entrepreneurship, opens trading by sounding the gong.

    The gong also marks the announcement of the nominees for the King William I Award and King William I Plaque 2014. The Foundation awards distinctive entrepreneurship. The King William I Foundation aims to provide the national economy with new impulses and at the same time increase regard for the Dutch industry. The festive award ceremony will take place on Tuesday 13 May at De Nederlandsche Bank in the presence of Her Royal Highness Queen Máxima.

    For more information: www.kw1prijs.nl

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  • Gong marks start of The Week of Health and Welfare

     |  Amsterdam


    Gong marks start of The Week of Health and Welfare

    Comedian André van Duin and rapper Yes-R accompany Nyncke Bouma, board member of ZorgZijn Werkt, when she sounds the gong to open trading.

    From 10-15 March 2014, almost 2.000 organizations in healthcare and social work open their doors to the general public. Local residents, students, the unemployed and all other interested parties can experience how health and social care really works. The Week of Health and Social Work precedes the fourteenth national “Open Dag van Zorg en Welzijn” that is to be held on Saturday 15 March.

    For more information: www.weekvanzorgenwelzijn.nl en www.zorgenwelzijnplein.nl

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  • 77051be35c7b-b649-4dd6-8120-27a45aa163d8

    Euronext Bruxelles célèbre la Journée internationale de la Femme

    A cette occasion, la Vice-présidente de la Commission des Affaires économiques et monétaires et membre du Parlement Européen, Arlene McCarthy,  a ouvert les marchés financiers d’Euronext Bruxelles avec une Bell Ceremony.

    Ce vendredi 7 mars 2014, Euronext célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme à travers des Bell Ceremonies et des conférences organisées sur des places financières de Lisbonne, Paris, Amsterdam et New York dans le but de mettre en évidence la contribution apportée par les femmes dans les secteurs entrepreneurial, social, économique, financier et philanthropique. À cette occasion, les marchés financiers d’Euronext Bruxelles ont été ouverts par Arlene McCarthy, Vice-présidente de la Commission des Affaires économiques et monétaires et membre du Parlement Européen. Elle était accompagnée de Sonja Rottiers, Chairwomen de Women on Board et CFO d’AXA Belgium. 

    Le professeur Bruno Colmant (Vlerick Business School), Robert van der Eijk (Vice-Président de Capgemini Consulting Belgium) et Saskia Van Uffelen (Chief Executive Officer Bull) ont été invités comme orateur lors de la conférence qui a succédé la Bell Ceremony.

    Delhaize et Umicore ont été les deux sociétés belges à l’honneur lors de la Bell Ceremony de Bruxelles. Vigeo les a mises en évidence grâce à leur diversité au sein de leur entreprise. Leur pourcentage de femmes dans ces deux compagnies ne fait qu’augmenter d’année en année.
