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  • Curetis

     |  Amsterdam, Brussels



    Curetis celebrates dual listing on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Brussels

    EnterNext, the Euronext subsidiary designed to promote and grow the market for SMEs, today celebrates the listing of Curetis. Trading in Curetis’ shares started this morning on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Brussels under the ticker code CURE.

    Founded in 2007, Curetis is a molecular diagnostics company which focuses on the development and commercialization of reliable, fast and cost-effective products for diagnosing severe infectious diseases.

    Oliver Schacht, CEO of Curetis said: “The IPO is a major milestone in Curetis´ corporate history and we are proud to join the group of renowned healthcare companies listed on Euronext. The proceeds of the transaction will mainly be used to expand the commercialization of our Unyvero Platform and to expand our product portfolio to address additional infectious diseases.”

    For more information: www.curetis.com

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    Amsterdam, Brussels
  • SBM Offshore

     |  Amsterdam


    SBM Offshore

    SBM Offshore celebrates headquarters relocation by sounding gong

    Euronext-listed company SBM Offshore (ticker symbol: SBMO), global player in the oil and gas industry, recently announced the establishment of new corporate headquarters in Amsterdam.

    Since 2012, SBM Offshore has been on a transformational journey, restructuring and shaping business for the future. The relocation of corporate headquarters to the Netherlands, and re-connection with the company’s Dutch roots are part of this transformation.

    Sounding the gong on behalf of SBM Offshore, CEO Bruno Chabas commented that “The Netherlands have once again become the beating heart of SBM Offshore. This is important step will allow SBM Offshore to contribute to the excellent knowledge and technology society in the Netherlands, to the Dutch labour market and to the strong international network that makes the Netherlands what it is today”.

    For more information: www.sbmoffshore.com

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  • CSR Manager of the Year

     |  Amsterdam, Europe


    CSR Manager of the Year

    CSR Manager of the Year opens trading

    Birgitta Kramer of Vitenshas been elected CSR Manager of the Year 2015 and opens trading by sounding the gong.

    The CSR Manager of the Year election is organized by Royal HaskoningDHV since 2012, in cooperation with VNO-NCW and Interface. The purpose of the election is to recognize the extra efforts of inspired CSR managers. Kramer was elected CSR Manager of the Year 2015 at the Dutch National Sustainability Congress on November 3rd. A jury had previously nominated three persons for this title. Besides Brigitta Kramer, Harry Hofman of Strukton and Fokko Wientjes of DSMwere nominated.

    For more information: www.mvomanagervanhetjaar.nl

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    Amsterdam, Europe
  • CDP – Euronext awards

     |  Lisbon


    CDP – Euronext awards

    CDP and Awards winners rang the closing bell

    International non-profit CDP and Portuguese listed companies that have achieved a leadership position on climate change actions according to the CDP global ranking methodology received the CDP – Euronext awards and rang the closing bell. The companies are: Galp Energia (100 A), EDP (100 A) and Sonae (100 A-). CDP and Euronext also recognized Toyota Caetano for being the best improver in Portugal on their CDP ranking  (91 D) and Caixa Geral de Depositos for achieving the highest score among companies that disclose on a voluntary basis to CDP (100 B). The report, which analyses the responses on climate change administration, by the largest 85 Spanish and 40 Portuguese companies in market capitalization, includes the 2015 Climate A List. At a global level, nearly 2,000 companies submitted information to be independently assessed against CDP’s scoring methodology

  • Deloitte Technology Fast50

     |  Amsterdam


    Deloitte Technology Fast50

    Winner Deloitte Technology Fast50 sounds gong

    The winner of the Deloitte Technology Fast50 2015, Catawiki, opens trading at Beursplein 5. Catawiki takes first place in the ranking of the 50 fastest growing tech companies of the Netherlands. The company has shown a growth percentage of 45.080% over the last 4 years.

    Deloitte organizes the Technology Fast50 competition in collaboration with partners ABN AMRO, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland, Euronext, Kennedy Van der Laan, KPN and Vitruvian. The competition was initiated to recognize the exceptional performance of these companies. The Fast50 companies have the best entrepreneurs of the future, who think fast and play a leading role in their field. The Rising Star is a special price that is presented to emerging innovative companies that are less than five years old. This year, it was awarded to Bynder.

    For more information: www.fast50.nl

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  • VoorMorgen.Nu event

     |  Amsterdam


    VoorMorgen.Nu event

    Sounding of the gong announces VoorMorgen.Nu event

    Karel Mercx, editor of the new financial platform VoorMorgen.Nu sounds the gong at the Amsterdam exchange. VoorMorgen.Nu is intended to offer people between the ages of 25 and 45 a better understanding of their financial situation and financial (long term) planning. The new platform VoorMorgen.Nu includes a website, a newsletter, a glossy magazine and an event.

    The first highlight of VoorMorgen.Nu is an event that is held in the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam on Thursday 26 November. Visitors will be informed in a fun, accessible way on the four pillars of the event; savings and investments, pensions, housing and work and career.

    This event, which will be hosted by political commentator Sywert van Lienden, will consist of workshops, speed dates, a 'silent talk show’ and a stand-up comedy by Howard Komproe. The plenary speakers include, among others, online entrepreneur Alexander Klöpping (Blendle and DWDD), chief economist Barbara Baarsma (Buitenhof and DWDD), and teacher and writer Kilian Wawoe (University of Netherlands and TEDx).

    For more information: www.voormorgen.nu

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  • Accenture Innovation Award

     |  Amsterdam


    Accenture Innovation Award

    Winner Accenture Innovation Award opens trading

    One of the winners of the Accenture Innovation Awards, Yippie!, sounds the gong and opens trading. Last week Yippie! was chosen winner in the Personalized Shopping & Paying theme for the Accenture Innovation Awards. A total of 850 startups, with about 150 in the Personalized Shopping & Paying theme, contested for the blue tulip.  An easy and personalized customer service, with fast and safe payment options is the core focus of this innovation theme.

    Yippie! allows consumers to scan products in-store, the app then shows all suppliers of that specific product with their respected prices. In the same time it allows both the online and physical store to make a temporary offer to that specific consumer.

    The Accenture Innovation Awards is an annually held innovation contest. Dutch innovations that are younger than 3 years are allowed to register and compete for the blue or green tulips, and the public prize. Also the Innovator of the Year prize is rewarded.

    For more information: www.innovation-awards.nl

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  • Dalenys

     |  Paris



    Rentabiliweb devient Dalenys, le partenaire paiement des marchands.

    Thibault Faurès Fustel de Coulanges, Vice-président du conseil d’administration de Dalenys, sonne la cloche qui ouvre les marchés boursiers à Paris.

  • Amsterdam Street Soccer Championship

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam Street Soccer Championship

    TMG sounds gong for Amsterdam Street Soccer Championship

    The gong on the Amsterdam exchange is sounded for the Amsterdam Street Soccer Championship. The initiative was established forty years ago and was from the outset embraced by De Telegraaf, subsidiary of the Euronext listed TMG (ticker symbol: TMG). TMG CEO Geert-Jan van der Snoek sounds the gong.

    Over the years, the tournament that has Johan Cruyff as a patron, has become an annual event in Amsterdam in which more than 1400 schoolchildren participate. Every day in the months of September and October soccer games are played by 138 teams of boys and girls in grades 7 and 8.

    Traditionally, the final games will be played in a stadium on Dam square. This year, the finals will take place on Saturday 14 November.

    For more information: www.straatvoetbal.nl

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  • Rentabiliweb devient Dalenys

     |  Brussels


    Rentabiliweb devient Dalenys

    Suite à son recentrage dans l’industrie des Fintech (technologies financières), Rentabiliweb a fait peau neuve en adoptant un nouveau nom – Dalenys – et un nouveau code mnémonique – NYS. Cette nouvelle marque, institutionnelle et internationale, reflète les ambitions renforcées de l’entreprise dans le déploiement de son offre de « Payment marketing ».

    Pour célébrer ces changements, Dalenys a été mis à l’honneur à la fois sur Euronext Bruxelles et Euronext Paris. Nicolo Horel, CFO de Dalenys, a ouvert les marchés en sonnant la cloche à Bruxelles.

    Pour en savoir plus sur Dalenys, rendez-vous sur www.dalenys.com

  • The Next Entrepreneur

     |  Amsterdam


    The Next Entrepreneur

    Finalists The Next Entrepreneur visit Beursplein 5

    The finalists of The Next Entrepreneur (TNE) 2015 visit Beursplein 5 and open trading. The top four consists of Tessa Tippersma of Knetterzeep, Lisanne van Zwol of Kromkommer, Arjen Jan van der Zee from PickThisUp and Peter van Rosmalen of Paperwise.

    The Next Entrepreneur is held for the fourth time and is an initiative for new entrepreneurs by SME Netherlands and Rabobank. The Next Entrepreneur offers (potential) starters insight into the key entrepreneurial themes, inspiring case studies and a strong network. The top prize of the election is a cash prize of € 12,500, -, national media attention and the opportunity to mirror his or her business operations to business experts.

    The finalists and their companies will be judged by a professional jury after which the winner of The Next Entrepreneur will be announced during the event on 1 December. 

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  • Showroomprivé

     |  Paris



    EnterNext accueille Showroomprivé sur Euronext Paris

    Thierry Petit, Co-fondateur et Directeur Général Délégué, Showroomprivé, and David Dayan, Co-fondateur et Président-Directeur Général, Showroomprivé, sonnent l'ouverture des marchés boursiers à Paris en présence d'Emmanuel Macron, Ministre de l'Economie, de l'Industrie et du Numérique.

    Showroomprivé est spécialisé dans la vente privée d’articles sur Internet. Le CA par activité se répartit comme suit :

    • réalisation de ventes privées en ligne (96,8%) : vente d’articles de mode, de produits de beauté, d’équipements électroménagers, de produits de décoration, de voyages, etc. au travers du site Showroomprive.com ;
    • autres (3,2%) : vente de produits auprès de grossistes partenaires, prestations de services marketing, etc.

    84,9% du CA est réalisé en France.

  • VUB Obligation Universitaire

     |  Brussels


    VUB Obligation Universitaire

    La VUB s’offre une primeur avec le premier listing en Europe d’une obligation universitaire

    Ce vendredi 30 octobre, Paul De Knop, le recteur de la VUB – la Vrije Universiteit Brussel – a ouvert les marchés boursiers pour célébrer la cotation de la toute première obligation universitaire à être admise sur les marchés européens d’Euronext. L’obligation de la VUB, qui a permis à l’université de lever € 61.5 millions, a été admise sur Alternext dans le cadre du programme Euronext Private Placement Bonds programme (EPPB), une initiative permettant aux émetteurs d’obligations d’avoir un accès simplifié aux marchés Euronext.

    Les capitaux levés serviront au financement d’un important projet immobilier comprenant des kots étudiants, des bâtiments académiques et un nouveau centre culturel. 


  • Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund

     |  Amsterdam


    Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund

    Mint Tower celebrates fifth anniversary Arbitrage Fund by sounding gong

    Mint TowerCapital Managementcelebratesthe fifth anniversary of the Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund by sounding thegong.

    Mint Tower, located in the Amsterdam exchange,is the manager oftheMint TowerArbitrageFund,a rapidly growingopen-end "absolute return" investment fund, aiming to achieve stable positive returns, irrespective of the direction of the markets.

    Amsterdambased Mint Towerboastsa highly experienced investment teamthat combines provenarbitragestrategies,particularly instock options andconvertible bonds.These strategieshavealow correlationwiththeequity markets andaretherefore suitableas part of adiversified investment portfolio.

    For more information: www.minttowercapital.com

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  • Robeco

     |  Amsterdam



    Robeco announces name change Rorento by sounding gong

    Robeco Group announces that as of November 1, 2015, Rorento will continue under a new name. The fund, which is one of the oldest Dutch fixed-income funds, will be renamed to Robeco Global Total Return Bond Fund.

    With the name change, the fund is more recognizable internationally. To mark the name change, and as the conclusion of the 40th anniversary of the bond fund, the investment team of the Robeco Global Total Return Bond Fund sounds the gong at Beursplein 5.

    Kommer van Trigt, Portfolio Manager and Head of Global Macro Fixed Income team at Robeco: "We are pleased to close the jubilee year with a new name, which will contribute to better visibility and accessibility of the fund to investors worldwide. And though our name is changing, our investment policy remains intact. "

    For more information: www.robeco.com

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  • 40 Ans de cotation Essilor

     |  Paris


    40 Ans de cotation Essilor

    Le groupe Essilor célèbre ses 40 ans de cotation. Laurent Vacherot, Directeur général adjoint, ouvre les marchés financiers européens à Paris.

    A l’occasion de ses 40 ans de cotation le 28 octobre 2015, le Groupe Essilor célèbre une aventure humaine, industrielle et commerciale au service d’une mission forte, partagée par près de 60 000 hommes et femmes dans le monde et qui a commencé depuis 170 ans.

    Pionnier des avancées majeures de l’optique ophtalmique (invention du verre progressif, du verre organique et de l’organique photochromique), le Groupe a fait de l’innovation et de sa politique de partenariats ses piliers de croissance. Ainsi, depuis 1975, son chiffre d’affaires a été multiplié par près de 60, le nombre d’employés par 8, le nombre sociétés du Groupe est passé de 20 à plus de 650 et son cours de bourse a progressé de 16 % en moyenne par an.
    Multi-local, le Groupe, présent dans 75 pays avec ses partenaires, dispose de structures industrielles et commerciales au plus près des professionnels de la vue, afin de mieux répondre aux besoins spécifiques des consommateurs locaux.

    Améliorer la vision pour améliorer la vie : un enjeu essentiel. Socle de la stratégie d’Essilor, la mission guide l’action des équipes partout dans le monde. Engagés au quotidien pour faire progresser la santé visuelle, les salariés du Groupe mènent de nombreuses actions visant à renforcer l’accès des 7,2 milliards d’habitants de la planète à la correction visuelle, à la protection et à la prévention. Pour servir les 2,5 milliards de personnes qui ne bénéficient pas de solution pour leurs besoins visuels, le Groupe a inventé de nouveaux produits, services et modèles de distribution innovants. Il a également créé Vision For Life, en janvier 2015, un fond caritatif qui contribue à lutter contre les problèmes de vision dans le monde.

  • Lord Mayor of the City of London

     |  Amsterdam


    Lord Mayor of the City of London

    Lord Mayor of the City of London visits Beursplein 5

    The Lord Mayor of the City of London opens trading by sounding the gong to mark the City of London Corporation’s Pre-Presidency visit to the Netherlands and to celebrate the City’s longstanding and enduring relationship with the European Union.

    The City of London Corporation provides local government and policing services for the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'. In addition, the City Corporation supports and promotes the ‘City’ as a world-leading financial and business hub, with outward and inward business delegations, high-profile civic events and research-driven policies all reflecting a long-term approach.

    The Lord Mayor is head of the Square Mile’s City of London authority for one year. The Lord Mayor represents City businesses and helps the City Corporation advise the Government of the day on what is needed to help the financial services sector to function well. The Lord Mayor will meet several international Heads of Government and business each month to discuss financial services, often in conjunction with senior City business representatives.

    The Policy Chairman sets the strategic direction of the organisation and is the lead political spokesperson for the Corporation.

    For more information: www.cityoflondon.gov.uk

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  • 60 Ans de PSB INDUSTRIES

     |  Paris


    60 Ans de PSB INDUSTRIES

    Olivier Salaun, CEO de PSB Industries, sonne la clôture des marchés boursiers à l’occasion des 60 ans de cotation.

    PSB INDUSTRIES est le partenaire industriel de référence passionné et innovant sur les marchés Luxe & Beauté, Agroalimentaire & Distribution, Santé & Hygiène et  Eclairage & Industries de pointe. Avec 4 marques de renom (BAIKOWSKI, CGL Pack, TEXEN, PLASTIBELL), 22 sites industriels et une présence dans 7 pays, le groupe français créé en 1904 à Annecy,  célèbre cette année ses 60 ans de cotation en bourse.
