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12th MKB Innovatie Top 100


Sounding of the gong for 12th MKB Innovatie Top 100 of KvK

The Dutch Chamber of Commerce (KvK) appeals, with a bold blow on the gong at Euronext Amsterdam, to every innovative entrepreneur of the Small and Medium Enterprise to nominate with their innovation for the 12th MKB Innovatie Top 100: the most beautiful innovation show window of the Netherlands. The 100 ventures and their innovations will be announced in the autumn, at the Day of the Innovation, organised by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce. Subscribing is encouraged till the 15th of April via their website.

Participation with the MKB Innovatie Top 100 is very fruitful for the nominees. Harrie Evers of NormTEQ from Hengelo mentioned how winning, to him, was a breakthrough to the market. And Steinar Henskes, CEO of Bird Control Group, about the Top 100: “The rating in the MKB innovatie Top 100 gave us an international body in order to breakthrough.” Last year Yoni conquered the first place with innovative tampons, pads and panty liners of organic cotton.

The nominees are judged on their impact for the sector on the community, originality, turnover and potential growth. There is deliberately no price attached to the MKB Innovatie Top 100. The power of the initiative is to show what the SME is capable of. In the past 11 years this award has grown to the greatest and most important Innovation Award for SMEs.

For more information: www.mkbinnovatietop100.nl

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