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Avantium in AScX®-Index


Avantium celebrates inclusion in Small Cap index Euronext

Avantium (symbol: AVTX) sounds the gong to celebrate that its shares will be included in the AScX index of Euronext as of the start of trading on Monday 19 June 2017.

The inclusion of Avantium was recently announced by Euronext following its quarterly review of the AEX, AMX and AScX which is based on free-float adjusted market capitalization and liquidity. The AScX index is composed of 25 funds that trade on the Euronext Amsterdam exchange and rank position 51-75 in size. The inclusion follows the listing of Avantium shares on 15 March 2017. Frank Roerink, CFO Avantium, sounds the gong accompanied by a group of employees who have been working at Avantium almost since the very beginning.

Roerink: “On March 15 this year we celebrated the listing of the Avantium shares. Today, June 13, we have the honor to sound the gong to celebrate the inclusion of our shares in the Small Cap index. We are really pleased. Being part of this index will further raise Avantiums profile among the investor community, improve our visibility on financial markets and we expect it to have a positive impact on the liquidity of our share.”

Avantium is a leading chemical technology company and a forerunner in renewable chemistry. Together with its partners around the world, Avantium develops efficient processes and sustainable products made from biobased materials. Avantium offers a breeding ground for revolutionary renewable chemistry solutions. From invention to commercially viable production processes. Avantium also provides advanced catalysis research services and systems to the leading chemical and petrochemical companies. Avantium recorded revenues of € 10.5 million in 2016. Avantium shares are listed on Euronext Amsterdam and Euronext Brussels.

For more information: www.avantium.com

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