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Gong launches Get Dads Reading campaign


Eppo van Nispen tot Sevenaer, member of the Dutch Reading Coalition and managing director at Stichting CPNB, sounds the gong to launch the Dutch Get Dads Reading campaign.

The main goal of Get Dads Reading is to raise awareness of the importance of fathers as reading role models for their children. Recent studies show that parents have the biggest impact on their children when it comes to their joy in reading. Dads trail far behind their female partners in reading books to their kids. Only 8% of the fathers are the main reader within the family. These findings are a major concern, since a father's involvement in the child's early reading has proven to boost the child’s academic success leading to improved social and emotional wellbeing. That’s why the Dutch Reading Coalition challenges fathers to read to their sons and daughters more often.

Also attending the gong ceremony are the (male) partners in the Dutch Reading Coalition: Ap de Vries (Managing director at Dutch Library Association), Arjan Beune (Deputy director at The Reading & Writing Foundation), Gerard van Dijk (Program Manager at Netherlands Institute for Public Libraries), Daan Beeke (Project Manager at Dutch Reading Foundation) en Eelco Wierda of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

For more information: www.vadersvoorlezen.nl

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