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Ideas From Europe


Sounding of the gong for Ideas From Europe

André Meyer, SME Envoy Network, European Commission, opens trading to announce a second round of Ideas From Europe.

In 2017, a European quest for entrepreneurs with groundbreaking ideas with social impact will be held for the second time. In addition, a new method is being launched which allows ideas to be scaled up towards a socially desirable solution. Ideas From Europe was started in 2016 by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the European Commission. The initiative has grown into a network where stakeholders work together to scale up the idea and ultimately creating an eco-system in which a group can work together towards the desired solution (a joint scale-up).

Ideas From Europe kicks off in Malta in April 2017. From that moment, the quests start in all European countries. The semifinals will take place in Estonia in November 2017 and the final in Spring 2018 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

For more information: www.tedxbinnenhof.com

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