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Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate


Week of Regional Entrepreneurship - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate

From 20 August to 24 August, the gong ceremony at Beursplein 5 focuses on the activity and entrepreneurship in the various regions in the Netherlands. During the Week of the Regional Entrepreneurship, Euronext highlights the important role of regional development agencies (ROMs). Aart Slobbe, co-ordinating policy officer and responsible for the shareholdings of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate in the ROMs, opens the Amsterdam exchange with a sounding of the gong. He does this in the presence of some involved from the Ministry of Economic Affairs at the regional development companies.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, together with regional authorities (usually provinces), is a shareholder and subsidiary of six ROMs (NOM, East NV, LIOF, BOM, Impuls and IQ). The ROMs link national innovation and top sector policy to regional economic policy and are important for (regional) services to innovative SMEs. ROMs guide and finance innovations of SMEs and contribute to the economic growth and employment of the region. In addition, the ROMs have three important tasks. The ROMs play an important role in the Netherlands in providing risk-bearing capital to start-ups and financing young companies. The capacity of the joint ROMs amounts to almost € 325 million, apart from the additional resources made available by the provinces. The ROMs are therefore one of the largest providers of risk capital in this market segment in the Netherlands. In addition, ROMs connect startups, SMEs and large companies with each other, building on joint ventures, new clusters, programs and business consortia. Finally, ROMs attract foreign companies, which leads to additional employment and innovation and makes it possible for SMEs to make the leap to international markets.

For more information: www.rijksoverheid.nl

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