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Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund


Mint Tower celebrates fifth anniversary Arbitrage Fund by sounding gong

Mint TowerCapital Managementcelebratesthe fifth anniversary of the Mint Tower Arbitrage Fund by sounding thegong.

Mint Tower, located in the Amsterdam exchange,is the manager oftheMint TowerArbitrageFund,a rapidly growingopen-end "absolute return" investment fund, aiming to achieve stable positive returns, irrespective of the direction of the markets.

Amsterdambased Mint Towerboastsa highly experienced investment teamthat combines provenarbitragestrategies,particularly instock options andconvertible bonds.These strategieshavealow correlationwiththeequity markets andaretherefore suitableas part of adiversified investment portfolio.

For more information: www.minttowercapital.com

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