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Dutch Olympic speed skaters Michel and Ronald Mulder sound gong on World MS Day


Dutch Olympic speed skaters Michel and Ronald Mulder open trading on World MS Day to inform the Dutch population that more research needs to be done on Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The cause of MS is still unknown and therefore a cure has not been found.

From this moment on, the Mulder brothers can officially call themselves ambassadors of the MS Research Foundation, which funds scientific research on MS. They are not the only ones calling upon the audience to help solve the “MS puzzle”. The first Dutch edition of the International MS Atlas will officially be presented to Her Majesty Queen Máxima on the same day. The MS Atlas contains news facts & figures on MS in the Netherlands and throughout the world. In addition, Wolter Kroes, a famous Dutch singer who is also an ambassador of the foundation, visits all 12 Dutch provinces by train within 24 hours for performances and handing out free children’s books about MS. Scientists, patients, high officials, and other ambassadors will call upon the Dutch audience to donate money. 

For more information: www.msresearch.nl

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