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Winner The Partnership Award 2014, Alliander, sounds gong


The winner of the 'Best New Partnership Award', Alliander,sounds the gong. The Partnership Award 2014challenges young professionals to create a business case in a developing country together with a partner NGO or government.

Participants have developed business cases together with their managers and experts. No less than ten nominated teams from leading companies presented their plans for an investment in a developing country. The participants come from 22 companies, including Ahold and Unilever. The Partnership Election is an initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, development bank FMO and Social Enterprise The Punchy Pack. The election was launched by Minister Ploumen and Paul Polman, CEO of Unilever. Matthijs van Rijn, technical trainee, sounds the gong.

For more information: www.departnershipverkiezing.nl

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