All Bell ceremonies
La CADES sonne la cloche à l'occasion de leur émission obligataire en RMB
Patrice Ract Madoux, Président du Conseil d'Administration de la CADES, ferme les marchés boursiers à Paris pour célébrer la cotation de leur émission obligataire en RMB.
Créé en 1996, la CADES (Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale) est un établissement public à caractère administratif, détenu et contrôlé par l’Etat français dont la mission est d'amortir la dette sociale française. Afin de mener à bien cette mission d'amortissement qui lui est confiée par le Parlement français, la CADES a la possibilité de faire appel public à l’épargne et d’émettre des titres négociables. Le succès de l’émission de cet emprunt historique traduit la confiance que les investisseurs internationaux accordent à la CADES, l'un des premiers émetteurs en Europe. Ils apprécient la solidité du mécanisme d’amortissement de la dette sociale française et la qualité des ressources qui lui sont apportées par l’ensemble de la population sous le contrôle du Parlement et du Conseil Constitutionnel. Depuis sa création la CADES a amorti près de 84,1 milliards d’euros sur les 216,7 milliards de dette reprise conformément aux lois votées par le Parlement depuis 1996. Ce montant amorti représente l’équivalent de 4% du PIB 2013 et grâce à la CADES les intérêts économisés sur la dette amortie sont de 20 milliards d’euros soit l’équivalent de 1% du PIB 2013. Ainsi la CADES a contribué à une diminution de la dette publique française à hauteur de 5 points du PIB 2013.
Paris -
RegionPlus foundation sounds gong for National Week of Health & Welfare
RegionPlus foundation sounds the gong on the occasion of National Week of Health & Welfare, held from 16-21 March. The National Week of Health and Welfare is an initiative of the 16 regional employers' organizations in health and welfare, united in the RegionPlus foundation.
This year’s edition is the third and revolves around the theme ‘How care works’. Hundreds of organizations across the country open their doors to the public to demonstrate the operation of a shelter or care home, the use of advanced techniques in a hospital, and how enjoyable, challenging and important this line of work is. New this year is a daily TV program on SBS 6 titled "The Nation Cares'. YouTube star KOOLEIN, who plays a major role in the program, sounds the gong.
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Amsterdam -
Gong marks BioCapital Europe
| Amsterdam
812680029cce-1f2d-47c0-a130-02d77f016a45Gong marks BioCapital Europe
Partner at Life Sciences Partners (LSCP) and conference host, John de Koning, sounds the gong to mark the event BioCapital Europe 2015.
BioCapital Europe, which is organized by LSP, takes place on Thursday 26 March 2015 at the historic hotel Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam. BioCapital Europe is Europe's premier life sciences investment conference, offering venture capitalists and institutional investors access to around forty exciting biotech companies from the Benelux and Europe.
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Amsterdam -
Fugro and NWP opening trading to mark World Water Day
Fugro and the Netherlands Water Partnership (NWP) sound the gong to mark World Water Day. Theme of World Water Day 2015 is ‘Water and Sustainable Development’.
Within this theme young water engineers of Fugro (ticker symbol: FUR) developed GeoRiskPortal, a socio-technological innovation. Using smart sensors and data visualization, the behaviour of the soil and flood risks are made transparent. The outcome of the measurements supports governments, contractors and industrial companies in making informed decisions to protect sensitive areas worldwide (Risk Reduction).
In 1992, theUnited Nations (UN) proclaimed March 22 as World Water Day. Each member of the UN has committed itself to use this day to create awareness among the general public and industry partners on the national and global water problems by organizing activities that fit within the national context. In 2015, this day will be held on Friday, 20 March. NWP, who organizes the World Water Day Netherlands together with Aqua for All, has been working for 15 years in the international position of the Dutch water sector. Consultant Flood Control at Fugro, Remon Pot and CEO NWP, Lennart Silvis, sound the gong.
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Amsterdam -
CFO NN Group celebrates inclusion in the AEX-Index
CFO of NN Group (symbol: NN), Delfin Rueda, celebrates the inclusion of NN Group in the AEX-Index® by sounding the gong.
CEO Lard Friese:"The inclusion of NN Group in the AEX-Index represents another important milestone for our company and will increase our visibility in the market. Going forward, we will continue to keep a sharp eye on our strategic direction, and a clear focus on executing our strategy to achieve our objectives of generating capital and improving earnings, while delivering excellent service and products to our customers."
The AEX-Index is a free-float market capitalization weighted index that reflects the performance of the 25 largest shares listed on Euronext Amsterdam, and is the most widely used indicator of the Dutch stock market. The index serves as a basis for more than 2,000 products, such as; structured products, funds, exchange traded funds, options and futures. The inclusion of NN Group will be effective from Monday 23 March 2015.
Furthermore, on this national day of back luck, there is attention for the action #waterookgebeurt. Today anyone who shares his or her bad luck on Twitter or Facebook with the hashtag #waterookgebeurt can count on the help of the claims managers of Nationale-Nederlanden.
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Amsterdam -
Gong ceremony marks 2015 World Kidney Day
| Amsterdam
81211a0c5a37-8006-44fb-be97-dca0febccb91Gong ceremony marks 2015 World Kidney Day
The Kidney Patients Association of the Netherlands sounds the gong to mark the start of the 2015 World Kidney Day, and the launch of a new book of photographs highlighting kidney patients.
World Kidney Day (WKD) is an annual event that aims to focus attention on the importance of healthy kidneys. This year’s theme is “Take good care of you kidneys. Know your values!”. Special attention will be given to people with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and clogged arteries, all of whom have an increased risk of developing kidney disease. The first copy of the new book will be presented during the gong ceremony. The book was compiled by photographer Marja Poldermans, whose own daughter suffers from kidney disease. It portrays fifteen young kidney patients; in the interviews that accompany the photos, these young people talk about living with kidney disease.
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Amsterdam -
Global Money Week à la Bourse de Bruxelles
| Brussels
812410bb6e91-e0b3-43cd-9cc5-7bd96b507722Global Money Week à la Bourse de Bruxelles
Euronext célèbre la Global Money Week sur différentes places financières. Durant toute la semaine, les jeunes à travers le monde discutent et se renseignent sur l'épargne, l'argent , l'évolution des systèmes économiques et la construction d'un avenir financier via différentes activités et événements. L’organisation « Child and Youth Finance International » (CYFI) sert de plate-forme de support pour les activités de Global Money Week.
Plus particulièrement à la Bourse de Bruxelles, Maureen Nova Ledesma (Vlerick Business School) a sonné la cloche d’ouverture des marchés financiers ce mercredi 11 mars. Elle était accompagnéede Rens van den Broek, représentant de CYFI. Mais aussi de représentants de Mastercard, WSBI et Ashoka étaient invités à la Bell Ceremony.
L’événement s’est terminé avec une présentation aux étudiants donné par Vincent Van Dessel , Président et CEO d’Euronext Bruxelles.
Pour en savoir plus : Global Money Week :
Child & Youth Finance International : -
Child & Youth Finance International marks Global Money Week 2015
Global Money Week is an international money awareness event which takes place annually in the second week of March. Global Money Week engages children worldwide in learning how money works, including saving, creating livelihoods, gaining employment, and entrepreneurship.
Global Money Week is an initiative of Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI) an internationally charity working out of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, to increase the economic citizenship of children. By working closely with national authorities, global multi-laterals, civil society leaders and financial service providers ,CYFI will ensure that 100 million children and youth in 100 countries will be reached through high quality financial education by the end of 2015. To date 36 million young people in 125 countries have been reached through this ‘Child and Youth Finance Movement’, with the endorsement and support of the European Parliament, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), G20 Turkish Presidency and the United Nations.
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Amsterdam -
Nouveau CEO de Delta Lloyd sonne la cloche
| Brussels
81232eccbdb9-280e-48f0-8456-2f8e50ce7e0cNouveau CEO de Delta Lloyd sonne la cloche
Le 10 mars 2015, Hans van der Noordaa, le nouveau CEO de Delta Lloyd, a ouvert les marchés européens en sonnant la cloche.
Au 1er janvier 2015, Hans van der Noordaa a été nommé président de l’Executive Board de Delta Lloyd. Hans van der Noordaa remplace Niek Hoek dans cette fonction.
Niek Hoek prendra sa retraite au 30 juin 2015, après 18 ans en tant que membre de l’Executive Board de Delta Lloyd, dont 14 ans comme président.
Delta Lloyd est coté sur Euronext Amsterdam et Euronext Bruxelles avec le ticker DL.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez sur
Brussels -
Five years of financial literacy for Dutch youth with LEF foundation
By sounding the gong the Life and Finance (LEF) Foundation celebrates her 5th anniversary.
Together with the financial industry, LEF developed a curriculum which teaches youngsters between 15-22 years age how to spend money in a responsible way. LEF has already helped more than 8,000 young people in dealing with the opportunities and risks of money. The initiative is made possible through the support of partners including BNP Paribas, De Lage Landen, Novisource, Everest, Yellowtail, Hemels van der Hart, Nationale Hypotheek Garantie, Dukers & Baelemans and Welten. Managing director Gijs Wintzen, sounds the gong.
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Amsterdam -
Dutch banks sound gong for Money Week
| Amsterdam
8118359de2cf-2c18-478b-82b0-d168da27e258Dutch banks sound gong for Money Week
By sounding the gong Dutch banks ask attention for the Week van het Geld (Money Week) and the initiative "Bank voor de klas” (banks in the classroom).
Money Week is an initiative of more than 40 organizations working together to learn children how money works. Dutch banks and the Dutch Banking Association (NVB) consider it important to learn children how to deal with money. That's why, this year, 4500 financial guest lectures at 2000 schools are given in the “Bank voor de klas" program, one of the components of the Money Week. Participating banks are ABN AMRO, Achmea Bank, ASR Bank, BNG Bank, Delta Lloyd Bank, ING, NIBC, NWB Bank, Rabobank, SNS, Staalbankiers, Theodoor Gilissen, Triodos Bank and Van Lanschot. Chairman of the NVB, Eelco Dubbeling, opens trading.
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Amsterdam -
Euronext celebrates International Women’s Day
In Lisbon, the bell was rang by Teresa Morais, Secretary of State of Parliamentary Affairs and Equality, during a conference organized by Commission for Citizenship and Gender Equality.
Lisbon -
Journée Internationale de la Femme avec Commissaire Européenne Marianne Thyssen
Ce vendredi 6 mars 2015, Euronext fêtait la Journée Internationale de la Femme à travers des Bell Ceremonies organisées sur les places financières d’Amsterdam, Bruxelles, Lisbonne et Paris dans le but de mettre en évidence la contribution apportée par les femmes dans les secteurs entrepreneurial, social, économique, financier et philanthropique.
A cette occasion, les marchés financiers d’Euronext Bruxelles ont été ouverts par Marianne Thyssen, Commissaire Européenne de l’emploi et des affaires sociales. Elle était accompagnée de CEOs, présidentes et autres représentantes de différentes entreprises et associations.
Brussels -
Euronext célèbre la Journée Internationale de la Femme 2015 à Paris
Des personnalités de la classe féminine du Groupe BNP Paribas, du Groupe BPCE, d'Ossiam et de Korn Ferry sonnent l'ouverture des marchés boursiers.
Dans le cadre de la Journée Internationale de la Femme, Dominique Aubernon, Responsable du Conseil stratégique, en charge de la définition et de l’implémentation de la politique financière du Groupe BNP Paribas, Marguerite Bérard-Andrieu, Directrice générale adjointe du Groupe BPCE, Isabelle Bourcier, Responsable du Développement d'Ossiam, Inès de Dinechin, Administratrice d'Euronext London Limited, Victoria Lorenz, Senior Client Partner de Korn Ferry se mobilisent afin de contribuer à améliorer et à accélérer l’accès des femmes au sommet des organisations du secteur de la finance.
La cérémonie a été suivie d’une conférence sur le thème « Make it happen : Women & Careers in Finance » en présence de ces personnalités.
AkzoNobel CFO sounds gong ahead of International Women’s Day
AkzoNobel CFO Maëlys Castella sounds the gong at Euronext Amsterdam, just two days ahead of International Women’s Day. At the other Euronext locations, trading is also opened in honor of International Women’s Day.
The ceremony is performed in partnership with renowned language institute Regina Coeli, also known as The Nuns of Vught, who have worked together with AkzoNobel for many years.“As a global company, we value and embrace diversity in all forms as a way of enhancing our activities,” said Maëlys. “Working with different nationalities and cultures is particularly relevant for AkzoNobel, which is why our partnership with Regina Coeli is so important.” The French national, Maëlys became AkzoNobel’s first ever female CFO when she was officially appointed in September.
AkzoNobel is a leading global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with approximately 47,000 employees in around 80 countries.Language Institute Regina Coeli is a renowned institute for language learning in a short amount of time. Regina Coeli provides individual training to learn Chinese, German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish. The more than 150 employees originate from over twenty different countries.
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Amsterdam -
Ronald McDonald House Amsterdam celebrates 30th anniversary
By sounding the gong Ronald McDonald House AMC Amsterdam celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Princess Margriet opened the houseonMarch 6, 1985.Thanks to the hard work of paediatrician, specialised inchild cancer, Tom Voûte, the house found itsway from the USA to Hollandand the Ronald McDonald House AMC was the first 'guesthouse' for parents and siblings of sick childrenin the Netherlands and Europe. Since then, thousands of parents of sick children, admitted in the Emma Children’s Hospital stayed at the Ronald McDonald House. Some just for a few days, some a few months and some even for a whole year.To celebrate the anniversary, Dutch TV host Yvon Jaspers will bake heart shaped pizzas at the house on March 6, to honor all parents that found a temporary home during the past three decades, so they could be close to their child at the Emma Children's Hospital.
Nanda Koeman, manager of the house opens trading and calls out to all companies to become a ‘friend’ of Ronald McDonald House AMC Amsterdam. The housereceives no subsidy and depends on the generosity of volunteers and donors. For an annual contribution of € 1.500 companies can become a ‘friend’ for three years.
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Amsterdam -
Athom celebrates ‘ING Starter of the Year award’ at Euronext Amsterdam
Athom, the Dutch start-up behind Homey, celebrates the recent victory of the ‘ING Starter of the Year’ competition by sounding the gong.
Each month ING chooses a ‘Starter of the Month’, and to end the year a public prize, voted for on Facebook, is awarded to the ‘Starter of the Year 2014'. Out of the nearly 100 entries, the jury has compiled a shortlist of four starters which could be voted on Athom, ClubKit, NuvoClean and Blendle. Winner Athom won the award for their product Homey, a device that enables you to control all your wireless devices by voice. Homey will be launched this summer.
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Amsterdam -
Sounding of the gong marks financial planning event ‘Later’
By sounding the gong, iniators Het Financieele Dagblad, BNR and Fondsnieuws mark the financial planning event ‘Later’. ‘Later’ is an event about financial planning held by partners ABN AMRO, Blackrock, BNP Paribas Investment Partners and Fidelity.
‘Later’ will take place on Thursday, 5 March, at the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam. Minister of Finance Jeroen Dijsselbloem will be giving his view on the financial future of the Dutch. Financial journalist and planner Erica Verdegaal and economist Esther Mirjam Sent give examples that affect everyone; what if you do not put money apart for your retirement? Or if your children have to take out a loan for their studies? After the plenary program, various sessions and round tables will discuss various topics on financial planning and wealth accumulation in close collaboration with the experts of ABN AMRO, Blackrock, BNP Paribas Investment Partners and Fidelity. Moderator Rens de Jong opens trading.
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