Managing Board

Stephane Boujnah

Stephane Boujnah

Manuel Bento COO Euronext

Manuel Bento

Fabrizio Testa - CEO of Borsa Italiana

Fabrizio Testa

Daryl Byrne

Daryl Byrne

Euronext Managing Board

Stéphane Boujnah

Stephane Boujnah

Stéphane Boujnah has been the CEO of Euronext and Chairman of the Managing Board of Euronext since 2015. Before joining Euronext, Mr Boujnah was Head of Santander Global Banking and Markets for continental Europe. From 2005 to 2010, he was Managing Director at Deutsche Bank responsible for the development of the investment banking operations in France. Previously he founded KM5 Capital, an advisory company specialised in equity raising and M&A advice for venture capital funds and innovative technology companies. From 2000 to 2002, he was Director of the European M&A team of Credit Suisse First Boston Technology Group in Palo Alto and London. From 1997 to 1999, Mr Boujnah was senior adviser to the French Minister for Economy, Finance and Industry. He began his career in 1991 as a business lawyer at Freshfields.

Mr Boujnah was a member of the Commission pour la Libération de la Croissance Française established by the then President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007. He is founder and Vice-President of the board of directors of the think tank En Temps Réel and President of the board of directors of Accentus and Insula Orchestra, a non-profit cultural initiative.

He is also a member of the board of Borsa Italiana.

He graduated from the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris. He holds a Master degree and a DEA in Law from La Sorbonne Paris, a LLM in Law from the University of Kent, and a MBA from Insead.

Manuel Bento

Manuel Bento COO Euronext

Manuel Bento is Chief Operating Officer of Euronext. Mr Bento previously held the position of CEO of Euronext Technologies in Porto and CTO IT Transversal. In the last six years, he held various technology and operations positions and led major transformation programmes within Euronext since joining in 2016. He has been responsible for delivering several critical projects such as the setup of the Porto technology centre, the development of Euronext cyber security platform, the Core datacenter migration to Bergamo, Italian and Norwegian markets migration onto the Optiq® and Cash Clearing migration.

Mr Bento has an Engineering degree, an Executive MBA from I.E. and several executive education diplomas from HBS, Insead, Stanford GSB and MIT.

Simon Gallagher

Simon Gallagher

Simon Gallagher was appointed CEO of Euronext London, Head of Global Sales and member of the Managing Board of Euronext N.V.

Simon Gallagher, until this nomination, was Euronext Head of Cash and Derivatives with overall P&L responsibility for these activities, including the product offer, market model, strategy, pricing and liquidity programmes. Prior to this role, he held several positions within Euronext in Corporate Finance and Strategy, and occupied various roles in the oil and gas sector. He is a CFA charter-holder, holds an MBA and a Masters in Philosophy from the University of Birmingham and has degrees in Economics from the University of Surrey and in Psychology from the Open University. Simon Gallagher is a member of the boards of Oslo Børs and Euronext Clearing.

Fabrizio Testa

Fabrizio Testa - CEO of Borsa Italiana

Mr Testa was appointed Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of Borsa Italiana, part of the Euronext Group, in November 2021 and joined the Managing Board of Euronext N.V. in May 2022. His appointment as CEO of Borsa Italiana coincided with his return to Italy, after spending more than 20 years in London. From 2014 to 2021 he held the position of CEO of MTS, the leading electronic market in Europe for trading fixed income securities. Mr Testa spent the first years of his career in the Milan and London branches of Bank of America, where he was part of the Treasury team responsible for trading government bonds.

Before graduating in Economics and Finance at “Bocconi” University in Milan, Mr Testa served as a second lieutenant in the Italian Carabinieri army.

Daryl Byrne

Daryl Byrne

Daryl Byrne became the CEO of Euronext Dublin in 2018. He joined the Irish Stock Exchange in 2000 and has held a number of senior management roles. Since 2011, as Chief Regulatory Officer, he was responsible for Euronext Dublin’s regulatory functions and operations relating to the listing of financial instruments on Euronext Dublin’s markets, as well as regulatory advocacy. Mr Byrne was instrumental in the development of Euronext Dublin’s global markets for securities. Previously he held the position of Head of Strategy Planning and Brand. Mr Byrne is a member of the Advisory Group of Balance for Better Business. He participated on the ESMA Corporate Finance Standing Committee Consultative Working Group, the European Corporate Governance Codes Network, the Irish REITs Forum and the Company Law Review Group.

Mr Byrne is a Fellow Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Business Studies degree from Trinity College Dublin.

Isabel Ucha

Isabel Ucha

Isabel Ucha is CEO of Euronext Lisbon and Member of the Board of Interbolsa (Euronext Securities Porto),

the Custody and Settlement service provider (CSD) for the Portuguese market. Having joined the Portuguese Stock Exchange in 2008, her previous professional experience includes several senior roles, including serving as Advisor for Economic Affairs to the Prime Minister, Head of Issuing and Markets at the Portuguese Treasury and Debt Management Agency (IGCP), and at the Portuguese securities market regulator (CMVM). Ms Ucha has also been an assistant lecturer at Universidade Católica, teaching different economic and financial programs (Economics, Corporate Finance, Economics of Finance, Economics of Regulation, European Economics, Portuguese Economy, Corporate Governance).

Ms Ucha holds a degree in Economics from Universidade Católica and a Masters in Economics from Universidade Nova, as well as a Masters in Finance from London Business School.

René van Vlerken

René van Vlerken

René van Vlerken is CEO of Euronext Amsterdam and Member of the Managing Board of Euronext N.V. since September 2024. The appointment of René van Vlerken to the Managing Board is pending shareholder approval.

Previously, he joined Euronext Amsterdam in 2017 as Head of Business  Development for Small & Mid-Caps, before becoming Head of Listing for the Netherlands, Germany & Central Eastern Europe in early 2018. He was appointed a Board Member of Euronext Amsterdam in 2017. Since 2017 René van Vlerken has also been a Board Member of the Amsterdam Capital Foundation, the independent foundation with the core goal of promoting the importance of the public capital market in the Netherlands.

His experience before joining Euronext spanned more than two decades through different commercial roles at ABN AMRO and Rabobank, in Treasury & Risk Advisory, Cash Equities, Equity Capital Markets and Equity Syndicate. As Rabobank’s Head of Syndicate, René van Vlerken was involved in many IPOs and capital raisings, and he was responsible for the development of Rabobank’s corporate access services. 

René van Vlerken attended the Hotel Management School in Maastricht and has completed several business and management-related business courses.

Benoît van den Hove

Benoît van den Hove - Euronext Brussels

Mr van den Hove is CEO of Euronext Brussels and member of the Managing Board of Euronext N.V.

Previously, he was Head of Listing of Euronext Brussels. Mr van den Hove has more than 20 years of experience in various roles in capital markets’ and financial markets’ roles, advising Belgian and international clients on the financing topic through capital markets’ transactions.  Prior to joining Euronext, he spent 17 years at ING, a Benelux bank. In his last role, he was the Belgian Head of the Legal Financial Markets’ team of ING as well as the Product Head of Capital Markets. He started his career as a lawyer at Linklaters.

Mr Van den Hove holds a Master’s Degree in Law (KULeuven) and an International Executive MBA (Louvain School of Management).

Øivind Amundsen

Euronext - Øivind Amundsen

Mr Amundsen took up his position as President and Chief Executive Officer of Oslo Børs on 1 February 2020. He came to Oslo Børs in 2010 as Executive Vice President Primary Market and Legal Affairs. He has former positions as partner in the lawfirm Selmer working with Public Equity Capital Transactions and Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs in KLP. Prior to this he worked, among others, several years as lawyer in the legal department with Oslo Børs. Mr Amundsen is Cand. jur from the University in Bergen, Authorised Financial Analyst from The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in addition to higher officer from the Norwegian Naval Academy.

Delphine d’Amarzit 

Delphine d'Armazit - CEO of Euronext Paris

Delphine d’Amarzit is Euronext Paris CEO since 2021. She joined from Orange Bank where, as Deputy CEO since 2016, she was responsible for the oversight of the Operations, Finance, Risk and Compliance functions. Delphine d’Amarzit holds an extensive knowledge of European and French capital markets, notably having held senior positions within the French Treasury Department for several years with responsibilities for capital markets development, European financial regulation, and corporate financing. From 2007 to 2009, she was also in charge of financial and economic affairs at the office of the French Prime Minister where she participated in the definition of the public response to the financial crisis, rescue package and recovery plans and coordinated the action on all matters related to economic reform and financial services.

Delphine d’Amarzit graduated from Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris, holds a Master’s degree in Business law from Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne and is an alumna of the French National School of Administration.

Managing Board permanent attendees

Sylvia Andriessen

Sylvia Andriessen

General Counsel

Anthony Attia

Anthony Attia

Global Head of Derivatives & Post Trade


Camille Beudin

Camille Beudin - Head of strategic development and M&A

Head of Diversified Services

Mathieu Caron

Photo Mathieu Caron

Head of Primary Markets


Aurélie Cohen

Photo Aurélie Cohen

Chief Investor Relations and Communications Officer


Pierre Davoust

Photo Pierre Davoust

Head of CSDs


Amaury Houdart

Amaury Houdart

Chief Talent Officer

Daniela Melato

Photo Daniela Melato - Head of Group Data Services Euronext

Head of Group Data Services


Giorgio Modica

Giorgio Modica

Chief Financial Officer

Angelo Proni

Angelo Proni


Nicolas Rivard

Photo Nicolas Rivard

Head of Cash Equity and Data Services


Tatyana Valkova

Photo Tatyana Valkova

Head of Compliance and Risk 



Management transactions


Aurélie Cohen

Chief Communications and Investor Relations Officer

+33 (0)1 70 48 24 17

Judith Stein

Investor Relations Manager

+33 (0)6 15 23 91 97