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Amendments as of 1 April 2025 to the Rule Book II – Issuer Rules for Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand, and Rule Book – Part II for Euronext Growth Oslo


Reference is made to the consultation on amendments to the Rule Book II for Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand, as well as Rule Book II for Euronext Growth Oslo, published on 31 January 2025. The consultation consisted of two parts, one of which concerned amendments following the resolution by the Norwegian Parliament to amend the Securities Trading Act. These amendments transfer certain supervisory responsibilities from Euronext Oslo Børs to the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet), including supervision of disclosure of inside information and delayed disclosure, buy-back programmes and price stabilisation, as well as the role as takeover supervisory authority.

This part of the consultation is now closed. The proposed amendments have been adopted without changes as a result of the consultation, except for the following:

Rule Book II for Euronext Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand 

  • Section 1.2 (1) and (3) on scope have been updated to clarify that section 2.13 on the publication of statements also applies from the time of submission of the application for admission to trading.

Rule Book II for Euronext Growth Oslo 

  • Section 1.2 (1) on scope has been updated to clarify that sections 3.18, 3.19 and 3.20 on procedural rules, appeals, and publication of statements also apply from the time of submission of the application for admission to trading.

  • Section (3) on exemption from section (2) has been updated, and a reference to Notice 2.2 for further guidance has been inserted.

  • Section 3.17.4 (1) on sanctions has been updated with a reference to section 2.3 on the information document required in connection with admission to trading.

The amendments have been adopted by Euronext Oslo Børs and will take effect on 1 April 2025, provided that the corresponding amendments to the Securities Trading Act adopted by the Norwegian Parliament enter into force on the same date. Attached are mark-up versions of the documents reflecting only the amendments taking effect as of 1 April 2025. The attached versions of Rule Book II for Euronext Growth Oslo include the proposed amendments to chapters 4 and 5, see the separate consultation of 7 February 2025. 

Euronext Oslo Børs will send a separate letter to issuers in mid-March with important practical information regarding the amendments entering into force on 1 April 2025.

The second part of the consultation, which concerns the removal of rules that reproduce legislative provisions, refer to outdated regulations, or rules that otherwise require updates, remains open until 28 March 2025. A separate announcement will be published once this consultation is concluded.

Mark-up versions of the documents including the amendments in their entirety were published in connection with the consultation, and are available here: Oslo | euronext.com.

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