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Cancellation of registry of warrants issued by SOCIÉTÉ Générale EFFEKTEN GMBH



NOTICE N.º 0544/22

We hereby inform that, as a result of the existence of the conditions for the anticipated loss of the rights inherent to structured warrants issued by SOCIÉTÉ Générale EFFEKTEN GMBH, was the registry of the following issues, on 31th May, 2022:

DE000CU1Q973 KF3VWP SG/WE. IBEX 35-Put-10386EUR
DE000SN04FZ8 KLKUWP SG/WE.Dow Jones Ind-Put-33000-17.06.2022
DE000SN04F53 KLK1WP SG/WE.Nasdaq-100-Put-12600-17.06.2022
DE000SN04GB7 KLK7WP SG/WE.S&P 500 Index-Put-4100-17.06.2022
DE000SN04GL6 KLVIWP SG/WE.DAX 40-Put-14300-17.06.2022
DE000SN04GM4 KLVJWP SG/WE.DAX 40-Put-14400-17.06.2022
DE000SN04GS1 KLVOWP SG/WE.DAX 40-Put-14400-16-Sep-2022

INTERBOLSA, 31th May, 2022