Euronext Securities Careers

Diverse talents. Committed experts. Ambitious professionals.

Euronext Securities vacancies

Haven't found what you were looking for among our open positions?

At Euronext Securities Copenhagen, we greatly appreciate applications. If you have not found a position that matches your interests and skills, do not hesitate to send us your open application.

We look forward to receiving your application.


Har du ikke fundet det, du søgte blandt vores åbne stillinger?

Hos Euronext Securities Copenhagen sætter vi stor pris på uopfordrede ansøgninger. Har du derfor ikke fundet en stilling, som matcher dine interesser og kompetencer, så tøv ikke med at sende os din uopfordrede ansøgning.

Vi ser frem til at modtage din ansøgning. 

Happy people clapping

Working at Euronext

Shape the future.

Grow in your career. 

Join Euronext.