Euronext Indices

Introduction to Euronext Indices and Index families.

Please visit index documents per index family (rules, factsheets and ESG reports) and index quotes for more index related information

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Biodiversity Indices   Thematic Indices   Crypto Indices

  • a flower growing in a green field

    Euronext Climate Indices

    Climate Solutions for the future

    At Euronext, we're dedicated to developing robust climate indices that reflect the latest environmental standards and practices. Our indices empower investors to…

    #ESG Indices
  • ferns

    Euronext Biodiversity Indices

    A wide range of biodiversity index solutions

    We offer a high-level range of indices focusing on biodiversity. Euronext suite of Biodiversity Indices aims to identify companies that are managing…

    #ESG Indices
  • Flamingos

    Euronext Biodiversity Enablers World Index

    The Euronext Biodiversity World Index to highlight companies that outperform in the field of biodiversity. Why invest in biodiversity?

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines…

    #ESG Indices
  • grassland and moutains

    Indice CAC® SBT 1.5

    Le premier indice orienté climat au sein de la famille CAC.

    L'indice CAC® SBT 1,5° est un indice axé sur le climat qui vise à ouvrir la voie à une économie zéro carbone, à stimuler l'innovation et…

    #ESG Indices
  • 3 colleagues talking together

    Indices Euronext Equileap Gender Equality

    Les indices Euronext sur l'égalité professionnelle entre les hommes et les femmes Pourquoi investir pour l'égalité professionnelle ?

    L'objectif de l'égalité des sexes sur le lieu de travail est de…

    #ESG Indices
  • CAC 40 ESG - french lavender field image

    Indice CAC 40 ESG®

    L'indice national ESG blue-chip dédié au marché français. L'indice ESG français de référence

    Afin de continuer à répondre à la demande croissante de solutions d'investissement intégrant des…

    #ESG Indices
  • MIB ESG - image of lake como

    MIB ESG Index

    The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Italian market. Serving as the new ESG index reference in Italy

    The MIB® ESG Index is designed to identify the 40 highest ranking companies in…

    #ESG Indices
  • eurozone_sbt_1.5_index_image

    Euronext Eurozone SBT 1.5 Index

    The first Eurozone climate-oriented index part of the SBT Family.

    The SBT family includes several indices validated by the SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) helps companies to…

    #ESG Indices
  • europe_sbt_1.5_index_image

    Euronext Europe SBT 1.5 Index

    The first Europe climate-oriented index part of the SBT Family.

    The SBT family includes several indices validated by the SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) helps companies to…

    #ESG Indices
  • Euronext launch BEL ESG Index

    BEL® ESG Index

    L'indice ESG national dédié au marché belge. La nouvelle référence nationale d'indice ESG belge

    L'indice BEL® ESG est conçu pour identifier les 20 entreprises belges les mieux classées et…

    #ESG Indices
  • Photo of Amsterdam

    AEX ESG Index

    The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Dutch market. Serving as the new Dutch ESG index reference

    The AEX® ESG Index is designed to identify the 25 companies in The Netherlands which…

    #ESG Indices
  • Oslo Bors/euronext Group Building

    OBX ESG Index

    The national ESG blue-chip index dedicated to the Norwegian market. The new ESG index reference in Norway

    The OBX® ESG Index was created for the Norwegian market to serve as the new national ESG…

    #ESG Indices
  • penguin on the banquise

    Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index

    The Euronext Biodiversity Index that excludes companies which significantly harm biodiversity. Why support companies that protect biodiversity?

    The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) defines…

    #ESG Indices