Euronext Europe SBT 1.5 Index


The first Europe climate-oriented index part of the SBT Family.

The SBT family includes several indices validated by the SBTi. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) helps companies to set ambitious corporate climate action. It aims to lead the way to a zero-carbon economy, boost innovation and drive sustainable growth by setting science-based emissions reduction targets.

Key principles of the Euronext Europe SBT Index

Companies facing an ESG controversy rating of category High or Severe, or that are not compliant with the UNGC principles, as assessed by Sustainalytics, are not eligible for the index.

Exclusion of companies based on temperature assessment is also applicated.

From the Index Universe, the Companies with any of the following characteristics are not eligible: Tobacco Products Production and related products/services, Tobacco Products Retail, Controversial Weapons, Shale Energy Extraction, Oil Sands Extraction, Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Extraction, Thermal Coal Extraction, Thermal Coal Power Generation, Small Arms Civilian customers.

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This index offers opportunities for a large range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, funds and structured products.

Learn more about the Euronext Europe SBT 1.5 Index:

Europe SBT 1.5 Live Quotes

 Europe SBT 1.5 Index Rules   |   Europe SBT 1.5 Factsheet

Europe SBT 1.5 ESG Report   |   Europe SBT 1.5 Index Brochure   |   EU/EZ SBT 1.5 Indices Press Release

Euronext offers other SBT and ESG Blue-Chip indices:

CAC SBT 1.5 Index   |   Euronext Eurozone SBT 1.5 Index

Discover more Euronext ESG Blue-chip Indices

Watch the Euronext Europe SBT 1.5 Index presentation:

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