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  • Successful acquisition GrandVision

     |  Amsterdam


    Successful acquisition GrandVision

    GrandVision Benelux sounds the gong for successful acquisition

    GrandVision Benelux, part of the Euronext Amsterdam listed GrandVision (ticker symbol: GVNV), celebrates the successful acquisition of with a sounding of the gong by CEO Leo van Welij.

    With over 800 brick and mortar stores in the Netherlands and Belgium, the company consciously focuses on online expansion. The parent company of optical retail chains Pearle and Eye Wish is rapidly expanding its digital strategy with the acquisition of the online pure player, The addition of fits in with GrandVision Benelux’s integrated omni-channel strategy and strengthens its online position in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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  • AFS Group joins LiquidShare

     |  Amsterdam


    AFS Group joins LiquidShare

    AFS sounds gong for participation in LiquidShare

    Financial service provider AFS Group has acquired an interest in the Pan-European fintech initiative LiquidShare and sounds the gong on the Amsterdam exchange.

    LiquidShare, set up by BNP Paribas, CACEIS, CDC, Euroclear, Euronext, S2IEM and Société Générale, is developing a blockchain based post-trade settlement infrastructure for listed small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) shares. Blue chips and bonds are added to this in a next phase.

    With the financial support of AFS Group and the other shareholders, LiquidShare aims to create a solution that will ultimately structurally lower transaction costs.

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  • Bert Douwes Award 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    Bert Douwes Award 2017

    Winners Bert Douwes Award 2017 visit the Amsterdam exchange

    Fleur Deelman and Madelon Vos, winners of the Bert Douwes Award 2017, sound the gong to open the trading day at Beursplein 5.

    They won the Bert Douwes thesis prize from the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) with their thesis "The pool of greater fools. Research into the history and predictable value of economic bubbles ". The Bert Douwes Award is made possible by Euronext Amsterdam and Stichting Capital Amsterdam.

    The Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences offers students from all over the country the opportunity to deepen themselves in all aspects related to the financial markets and investments during a six month minor. Each participating student writes a thesis on a current financial topic after this period. The best thesis is rewarded with the Award which is named after the HvA teacher and founder of the minor who passed away in 2007.

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  • IPO Advicenne

     |  Paris


    IPO Advicenne

    Listing of Advicenne on Euronext 

    Dr. Luc-André Granier, CEO and co-founder of Advicenne, open the trading day in Paris.

    Advicenne specializes in the research and development of drugs for the treatment of neglected neurological and nephrological diseases, mostly among children.

  • CIO of the Year 2017

     |  Amsterdam


    CIO of the Year 2017

    The CIO of the Year 2017 opens trading

    Bouke Hoving, CIO at the Euronext Amsterdam listed KPN (ticker symbol: KPN), opens trading for winning the title of CIO of the Year 2017.

    Under the guidance of the jury chairman, His Royal Highness Prince Bernhard van Oranje, Mr Bouke Hoving, CIO KPN, was chosen as CIO of the Year 2017 during CIODAY. The processes and criteria have been developed together with CIO Platform Nederland, CIO Magazine, The Boston Consulting Group and Linqhu.

    CIODAY is the most important annual networking event for people at the top of the multi-billion IT market. This two-day event in the Amsterdam Beurs van Berlage brings together more than 500 CIOs, IT VPs and IT directors for inspiring world-class speakers, interactive sessions and networking opportunities.

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  • Saint Nicholas

     |  Amsterdam


    Saint Nicholas

    Saint Nicholas sounds the gong on Amsterdam exchange

    Like previous years, Saint Nicholas visits Beursplein 5. As is tradition, he opens trading surrounded by his ambassadors.

    Saint Nicholas’ Corps Diplomatique, founded last year, has again been expanded. Thanks to the efforts of the Corps, 28 social activities will be organized in Amsterdam for both children and the elderly around the Saint Nicholas period. Next to the festive entry of Saint Nicholas on 19 November, these activities make the Sint-festivities accessible to everyone. Next year, Saint Nicholas hopes to arrive in Amsterdam for the 80th time.   

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  • Arcadis wins Betonprijs

     |  Amsterdam


    Arcadis wins Betonprijs

    Leiden’s new underground parking garage “Lammermarkt” recently won the Betonprijs (Concrete Prize). To celebrate this, Arcadis (ticker symbol: ARCAD), listed on Euronext Amsterdam and responsible for the technical management of the project, opens trading.

    For two and a half years, Combinatie Parkeergarages Leiden Dura Vermeer-BESIX built this garage with great ingenuity. Mandy von Eckardstein carried out the total management of this project on behalf of Arcadis, together with the project manager, contract manager, environment manager and project management manager.

    This deepest parking garage in the Netherlands is a technical masterpiece. The spiral, seven-story garage is 22.5 meters deep and offers 525 parking places. The construction of such a deep parking garage in an inner-city environment is a huge challenge, both logistically and technically.

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  • ABN AMRO Health Impact Bond

     |  Amsterdam


    ABN AMRO Health Impact Bond

    ABN AMRO sounds gong for Health Impact Bond

    ABN AMRO (ticker symbol: ABN) joins forces with a broad alliance of parties to support people with cancer with a successful return to work.

    In collaboration with De Amersfoortse (part of Euronext-listed company a.s.r.), ArboNed, reintegration agency Re-turn and Start Foundation, ABN AMRO will assist in the reintegration of employees who have (had) cancer. Over the next 2 years, the 140 participants of the program will receive intensive guidance. The idea is that the participants keep moving, both physically, mentally and work related.

    For the new approach, ABN AMRO has developed an innovative financing method, called the Health Impact Bond. The investors make funding available, bear the financial risk and are only paid out once the intended results have been achieved.

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  • Oranje Handelsmissiefonds

     |  Amsterdam


    Oranje Handelsmissiefonds

    Oranje Handelsmissiefonds winners open trading

    The winners of the Oranje Handelsmissiefonds (Orange Trade Mission Fund) open the Amsterdam exchange by sounding the gong.

    The Oranje Handelsmissiefonds was established 5 years ago by ING, KLM, MKB-Nederland and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open doors in foreign markets.

    Each year, ten companies win guidance and support from the five Oranje Handelsmissiefonds partners. This year of support has as its target to put the Netherlands on the map as an export country, and to help entrepreneurs with their export ambitions. This year’s ten winners will receive help in realizing their international ambitions during this fifth year of the fund.

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  • COGEFI Prospective and Rendement Funds

     |  Paris


    COGEFI Prospective and Rendement Funds

    Gestion lists funds on Euronext Fund Service

    Anne d'Anselme, COGEFI Gestion Deputy CEO, opens the trading day in Paris to celebrate the listing of the institutional shares of COGEFI Prospective (FR0010765719) and COGEFI Rendement (FR0010451369)

    On Monday November 29th, COGEFI Gestion is listing two of its flagship funds on Euronext Fund Service Platform: COGEFI Prospective I and COGEFI Rendement I. This listing results from COGEFI Gestion's initiative to offer its fund management expertises in European Mid & Small Caps and Short Term Bonds to prospective investors either in France or abroad who are used to place their investments - such as stocks, bonds or ETFs - through their traditional and favorite brokers, directly on an exchange. More COGEFI Funds to come in the coming months on Euronext Fund Service.

  • Evi van Lanschot

     |  Amsterdam


    Evi van Lanschot

    Evi van Lanschot wins Gouden Stier for best online asset management

    Evi van Lanschot, part of Van Lanschot Kempen (ticker symbol: VLK) has been named the best online asset manager in the Netherlands for the second year in a row by the professional jury of the “Gouden Stier” (Golden Bull) award. To celebrate this, Evi opens the Amsterdam exchange with the traditional gong ceremony.

    Evi is an online asset manager that makes investing accessible to everyone. Evi manages more than € 1.5 billion in assets in the Netherlands and Belgium.

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  • UniCredit Certificates Championship

     |  Paris


    UniCredit Certificates Championship

    UniCredit Certificates Championship winners ring Euronext market Bell

    2017 edition of the UniCredit Certificates Championship allowed participants to virtually invest on UniCredit certificates linked to Euronext's Leverage Index. As a prize, winners were awarded with Champions League tickets.

    UniCredit Certificates Championship is a virtual trading competition organized by UniCredit. It is accessible to investors who want to familiarize with Leverage investment in an innovative and practical way. For each of the 4 sessions held in October, a real trading day was replicated in 30 minutes. Through the online platform participants were able to invest using two UniCredit certificates on leverage indices calculated by Euronext. The 2017 edition has been supported by Bourse Direct, Trading Central, and TV Finance, with live comments coming directly from Euronext Paris market surveillance room. UniCredit is one of the main players in the European Warrants & Certificates market and provides on Euronext Paris a complete range of products: Turbos, Leverage / Short and Warrants as well as recently issued Stability Certificates.

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  • Flow Traders

     |  Amsterdam


    Flow Traders

    Exchange opened by Flow Traders

    Flow Traders (ticker symbol: FLOW), listed on Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange, visits Beursplein 5 to highlight its developments in the field of FX market making. Robbert Sijbrandij, Head of FX, sounds the gong.

    In its capacity as a leading global market maker in ETPs, Flow Traders has built up a great deal of experience in FX trading as part of its hedging strategies. As of today, the company is connected to FastMatch’s platform, and is therefore able to offer quotes in FX directly to investors. Flow Traders has the ambition to become a defining market maker in FX, this step fits into that development.

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  • Bank of China Green bonds

     |  Paris


    Bank of China Green bonds

    On the occasion of the 1st quotation on Euronext of Green bonds issued by Bank of China Group through its Paris Branch, M PHAN General Manager of BoC Paris Branch opens European trading day.

    On November 15th, Bank of China Group, through its Paris Branch, has issued for the 1st time  Multi-tranches Green bonds on French market. Denominated in EUR, USD and RMB, these new issues with 3 and 5 years maturities were a real success and are now quoted on Euronext Access market. This event reinforce Paris as being an important place for green and responsible finance.

  • Get in the Ring Awards

     |  Amsterdam


    Get in the Ring Awards

    Winners Get in the Ring Awards sound the gong

    Recently, more than 250 innovative startups from all over the Netherlands came to Rotterdam for Get in the Ring. The day was closed by the award show where 6 startups took the stage to get maximum visibility and connect with a big audience. The winning startups of the Get in the Ring Awards 2017 sound the gong on Euronext’s Amsterdam exchange.

    The winning startups Kozie, LABFRESH and Convious received a ticket to the Global Meetup of Get in the Ring. Get in the Ring the Netherlands was organized by the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship (ECE), supported by the City of Rotterdam and EY, and part of a worldwide network of the Get in the Ring Foundation. Annually 150 events in 100 countries are organized and of which the winning startups of all these events worldwide will meet in Cascais, Portugal, from 30 May to 1 June, during the Global Meetup.

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     |  Amsterdam



    KAS BANK starts KAS Lab

    The Amsterdam exchange is opened by the KAS Lab. Otto Hulst, Innovation Lead of KAS Lab sounds the gong. KAS Lab is a meeting place and testing ground where innovative ideas are thought out. Internal and external innovators work together to turn an innovative idea into an innovative solution.

    "The establishment of KAS Lab is part of our strategic priorities and enables us to better respond to current changes in the financial sector," says Sikko van Katwijk, Chairman of Management Board at KAS BANK.

    Otto Hulst, KAS Lab's Innovation Lead: "KAS Lab offers many opportunities to explore all sorts of ideas, ripe and green, in a creative way and develop them further. Thanks to the close cooperation of internal specialists, external innovators and customers, an innovative solution can be developed quickly and the success ratio is increased. "

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  • DEGIRO wins Golden Bull

     |  Amsterdam


    DEGIRO wins Golden Bull

    DEGIRO sounds gong after winning Gouden Stier

    DEGIRO opens trading for winning their second “Gouden Stier” (Golden Bull) award. Bart Korteweg, Head of Prof. Services, sounds the gong.

    According to the expert jury, DEGIRO is the best choice for the average investor. DEGIRO won the award, partly because price information at DEGIRO is free, while investors pay for it at other brokers. DEGIRO also has an advantage in terms of currency costs. Because costs make a substantial difference for investors, the professional jury chooses DEGIRO as winner.

    DEGIRO, an online investment platform and broker, was established in 2008. DEGIRO enables business and private clients to invest globally at unprecedentedly low rates. In the coming years, DEGIRO wants to become the largest online broker in Europe measured in number of transactions. DEGIRO is supervised by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).

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     |  Amsterdam



    ACTIAM further expands range of funds

    Fund and asset manager ACTIAM sounds the gong after announcing they will be continuing the successful SNS funds under its own brand name. In addition, the asset manager will further expand its range of ACTIAM funds for private investors. The responsible funds have a competitive cost structure and a solid performance track record.

    Placing the SNS funds under ACTIAM Beleggingsfondsen N.V. and then offering them under the ACTIAM brand name is in line with ACTIAM’s strategy. Bart Mantje, Head of Sales and Account Management at ACTIAM: “Our strategy is increasingly geared to offering investment funds to private investors under our own brand name. The core elements here are a simple, well-organized range of funds for investors, a long-term performance track record and added value in terms of responsible management. We’re happy that we’ll soon be able to include these responsible funds in our line-up.”

    ACTIAM is the leading responsible fund and asset manager for more than one million people in the Netherlands, with 54.1 billion euros in assets under management as at the end of June 2017. ACTIAM offers a full range of investment funds and investment solutions –from index funds to impact investing. ACTIAM sets stringent requirements for its investments and applies a strict, careful selection process, without making concessions as far as financial returns are concerned. ACTIAM is at the forefront here, giving it an edge which it continuously works to maintain.

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