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SRD II – General Meetings

Since September 3, 2020 Euronext Securities Porto sends the notification of the General Meetings notices, according to the information received from the Issuers

Information flow:

SRD II – General Meetings Information flow

① – Issuer sends the request to Euronext Securities Porto through My INTERBOLSA

② – Euronext Securities Porto validates de request

③ – Euronext Securities Porto sends the notification of the request to its Participants, through STD, ISO 15022 messages (MT564 + MT568) and ISO 20022 messages (seev.001 e seev.002)

How to make a request:

Issuers must send to Euronext Securities Porto, through the private area web portal – My INTERBOLSA , the requests for the notification of General Meetings notice, filling in the required information.

How to cancel / change a request:

Through My INTERBOLSA is also possible to cancel a requests for the notification of General Meetings notice and update the information previously sent.

Notification of the request:

The requests for the notification of General Meetings notice are sent by Euronext Securities Porto, as Issuer CSD, to its participants without delay:

  • On the same day the request is received; or
  • Until 10 am on the next business day, if the request was received after 4 pm.

The notification of General Meetings notice is performed though the:

  • STD: message NOTEVT – Corporate Actions Notification);
  • ISO 15022: messages MT 564 – Corporate Actions Notification and MT568 – Corporate Actions Narrative – General Meetings; or
  • ISO 20022: messages seev.001 – Meeting Notification e seev.002 – Meeting Cancellation.

Supporting documentation

  • PDF

General Meetings (Layouts)

English Version

English General Meetings (Layouts) /sites/default/files/2023-07/general-meetings-layouts.pdf