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Investment Funds Service – Order Routing

Euronext Securities Porto manages a Fund Management Service, which provides Financial Intermediaries and Investment Fund Management Entities, the following functionalities:

Registration and control:

Of units/shares of investment funds (open-end and closed-end) including ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), with whole or fractional quantities.


The settlement of operations over units/shares of investment funds /ETFs.

The processing of corporate actions:

Associated to units/shares of investment funds /ETFs.

Order routing:

The automated handling of subscriptions and redemptions of units/shares of investment funds which uses an order routing mechanism.

Support Documentation

  • PDF

INTERBOLSA Circular 1/2019

English Version

INTERBOLSA Circular 1/2019 English
  • PDF

Sistema de Fundos de Investimento

Portuguese Version

Portuguese Sistema de Fundos de Investimento /sites/default/files/2023-07/20190809_ib_descricao-funcional-fundos-de-inv-abertos-registados-na-ib.pdf
  • PDF

funds Order Routing

English Version

English funds Order Routing /sites/default/files/2023-07/funds_orderrouting.en_.pdf