Listing Equities on Euronext markets

Explore the listing options for your stocks

Listing your company on Euronext markets gives you the funds to finance your growth and provide liquidity to existing shareholders. You benefit from easy access to capital to fuel your future growth, increased global profile and access to liquidity. Once your company is public, you can use our markets to raise additional funds.

The Euronext equities listing offer is available in the Raise Capital section of this website.

Visit Raise Capital

Euronext Markets as of December 2024

18 countries

European teams presence


Active institutional investors

1,440+ listed SMEs

#1 Exchange for SMEs in continental Europe



Listing types

Primary Listings

Raise funds through the sale and listing of shares

Private placement
A sale of shares directly to a select group of qualified investors

Direct listing
List shares without raising funds

Secondary listings

Market follow on
Raise additional funds

Dual listing
Already listed on another exchange? Dual list on Euronext markets to access European investors

Learn more about listing types

Euronext Markets

We have a market to match your company’s size and ambition.

Euronext Access & Access+ Euronext Growth Euronext
The first step for start-ups and SMEs For high-growth SMEs For larger established companies

Learn more about our markets

Listing Rules, Fees and Forms

Here you can find the documents related to Equity listing.

Rules, Fees and Forms
