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Kurs og seminarer

Oslo Børs har en rekke spennende arrangementer med fokus på ulike fagområder i børs- og finansmarkedet.

Country Title Date Location Event Type
Norway Kurs i løpende forpliktelser for børsnoterte selskaper - Virtual classroom in English Course
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - Tjuvholmen allé 16, Oslo | Course delivered in Norwegian Course
Norway Utvikling av bærekraftstrategi på styrenivå - Dronning Eufemias gate 71, Oslo | Course delivered in Norwegian Course
Norway Børsens løpende forpliktelser for obligasjonsutstedere - Tjuvholmen allé 16, Oslo | Course in Norwegian Course
Country Title Date Location Event Type
Norway Markedsmisbruksforordningen (MAR) - Tjuvholmen allé 16, Oslo | Course delivered in Norwegian Course
Norway Børsrettsdagen - Hotel Bristol, Oslo or virtually Course
Norway Dynamic tariffs and their impact on consumers - Virtual Classroom Webinar
Norway Green bond framework: Best practices from Posten Bring and SEB - Euronext Oslo Børs Breakfast
Norway Navigating tomorrow’s energy landscape - Virtual Classroom Webinar
Norway Guide to CSRD for listed companies - Virtual Classroom Webinar
Norway How Euronext CSDs are helping companies realise best practices in Corporate Governance - Virtual Classroom Webinar
Norway ESG Investing Insights: Exclusive Interview with Norges Bank Investment Management - Webinar Webinar
Norway Børsrettsdagene - Hotel Bristol, Oslo Course
Norway Kurs i løpende forpliktelser for børsnoterte selskaper - Virtual classroom Course
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - Virtual classroom Course
Norway Nord Pool's role in the energy transition - Oslo Webinar
Norway How can Euronext CSDs help companies realise best practice in Corporate governance? - Copenhagen / Oslo Webinar
Norway A practical approach to ESG reporting and investor targeting in Norway - Oslo Webinar
Norway Blue Economy and Salmon - Oslo Webinar
Norway The benefits of granular renewable energy certificates - Oslo Webinar
Norway Issuer Forum webinar - Webinar
Norway Børsrettsdagene - Oslo Course
Norway Course for Board Members - Hybrid event - Virtually or at Law Firm Wiersholms premises – Dokkveien 1, Oslo, Norway Course
Norway Investor Relations Fundamentals course - Online Course
Norway Utvikling av gode rammeverk for ESG rapportering - Online Course
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer (på norsk) - Online Webinar
Norway Velkommen til Investor Relations seminar 8. Juni arrangert av NIRF og Oslo Børs - Bjørvika Konferansesenter, Dronning Eufemias gate 6 A, Oslo Seminar
Norway Introducing the OBX® ESG Index Online Webinar
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - Mars 2022 - Online Webinar
Norway Et velfungerende egenkapitalbevis - Online Webinar
Norway Børsrettsdagene - Online Course
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - December 2021 - Online Webinar
Norway Webinar om MAR og digitale generalforsamlinger - Online Webinar
Norway Sustainable Finance & Reporting Summit - Online Webinar
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - Online Webinar
Norway Webinar om Markedsmisbruksforordningen (MAR) - Online Webinar
Norway Børsrettsdagen - ONLINE Webinar
Norway Course for board members - ONLINE Webinar
Norway Sentrale emner i børs- og verdipapirrett - Oslo Børs, Tollbugata 2, Oslo Webinar
Norway Børskurset for styremedlemmer - Online Webinar
Norway Webinar: Sustainable financing - Online Webinar
Norway Webinar: Sustainability Reporting 2020 - Online Webinar
Norway Kurs i Børsens løpende forpliktelser - aksjer AVLYST - Tollbugata 2. Oslo Workshop
Banner of the 2025 Calendar of Courses - Written in Norwegian

Kurskalender 2025

Euronext Oslo Børs og vårt Academy tilbyr et bredt utvalg av kurs for norske børsnoterte og nylig børsnoterte selskaper. For mer informasjon, vennligst kontakt Academy på 

One slider containing some of the educational and training services by Academy. Click on the button to view Academy's website and suite of courses.

Education and training

Academy supports listed companies in their “life as a listed companies” journey with a number of training session for their C-suite and board. Below a short description of the highly recommended courses for newly listed companies.