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Euronext Clearing Business Continuity Plan

Euronext Clearing as part of the Euronext Group (Euronext) is committed to adhere to its Business Continuity Management Framework.

Euronext considers the Business Continuity Management a key process to be fully integrated and aligned with the Group strategy, objectives and culture, in order to ensure that the Group operates within its overall risk appetite. Euronext Clearing is hence required to observe a monitoring and non-compliance handling procedure, that includes self-certification, reporting and escalation of breaches obligations for each business unit part of the Group.

Euronext Clearing owns a Business Continuity Plan (BCP), also covering Disaster Recovery issues. The BCP reflects the Euronext Clearing policy aimed to identify, assess and reduce operational risks through the implementation of technical and organizational preventive and contingency measures. The plan also defines the organizational structure necessary for drafting, maintaining and activating them, and for managing the “crisis”.

Business Continuity Plan

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