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All Bell ceremonies

  • Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation

     |  Amsterdam


    Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation

    Dr. Annemien van den Bosch, cardiologist and chairman of the Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation, opened the stock exchange to draw more attention for scientific research into cardiovascular diseases in Erasmus Medical Center.

    About World Heart Day

    World Heart Day is on September 29. On this day, attention is paid worldwide to how we can keep the most important organ of our body healthy and thus prevent cardiovascular disease. In the Netherlands alone, we already have 1.4 million patients and more than 100 people die every day from cardiovascular disease. Therefore research is desperately needed.

    About Erasmus MC Thorax Center

    Erasmus MC Thorax Center is a center of excellence for cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery and lung diseases. In terms of patient care, top clinical research and education the center belongs to the top of the world for more than 50 years already. Pioneering treatment methods and techniques have been developed or introduced here, such as the first heart transplants, the first heart valve through the groin, ultrasound research, the soluble stents, the stents that dispense medication and the 4D-scan of the heart.

    By raising funds, the Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation provides a powerful boost to innovative research at the Thorax Center, often in collaboration with other parties at home and abroad. Our goal is to accelerate scientific research to save even more lives and prevent unnecessary suffering.

    For more information:

    Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation 20190927 Erasmus MC Thorax Foundation
  • Partners at Work

     |  Amsterdam


    Partners at Work

    Arthur van der Wal, CEO of Achmea Real Estate & Finance, sounds the gong as representative of Partners at Work’s clients. This is to thank them for their commitment on the diversity theme by actually appointing women in top positions.

    Partners at Work is the executive search firm for a new generation of leaders in the financial and professional services sector. Since its establishment in 2003, the organization has made an important contribution to m / f diversity at the top of the business community.

    Recently Partners at Work received the "Executive Search Award 2019" from the Talent to the Top Foundation.

    According to the Monitoring Committee of the Talent to the Top Foundation, Partners at Work is an appealing example for other executive agencies when it comes to appointing women to the top of the business world. The Executive Search Code monitor provides insight into how search agencies are committed to appointing women to top positions and what results they are achieving.


    For more information:

    Partners at Work 20190925 Partners at Work
  • Fund Seminar

     |  Amsterdam


    Fund Seminar

    Rob de Haas, Conference Chairman of Fund Seminar, sounds the gong to open the trading day. Fund Seminar will be celebrating its 10th anniversary on Thursday the 26th of September. Rob has been involved since the very beginning.

    About Fund Seminar

    Once started as a relationship event, Fund Seminar has become the largest event for independent wealth managers and financial advisors in the Netherlands. With an online platform and multiple events each year, Fund Seminar has become an integral part of the world of independent wealth management.

    The 10th anniversary of Fund Seminar will take place on Thursday 26 September. Participants can get inspired by workshops from no less than 29 asset managers, a keynote from Maurice van Tilburg (Euronext) and an economists' panel consisting of Bob Homan (ING), Hans Betlem (IBS), Gerwin Wijnia (InsingerGilissen) and moderator Rob Jansen (BNR Beurswatch).

    For more information:

    Fund Seminar 20190924 Fund Seminar
  • Fondsnieuws

     |  Amsterdam



    Michiel Smith, Senior Marketing & Communication Manager, luidt de gong om meer aandacht te besteden aan de 12e editie van het Fondsevent. Fondsevent is het grootste platform voor beleggingsprofessionals in Nederland en vindt maandag 30 september plaats in de Prodentfabriek in Amersfoort.


    Over het Fondsevents

    Het Fondsevent is het grootste kennis- en netwerkevent in Nederland voor private bankers, vermogensbeheerders en beleggingsadviseurs. Alle banken in Nederland doen aan het event mee.


    Het Fondsevent werd voor het eerst gehouden in 2008, één week na de ondergang van zakenbank Lehman Brothers dat de grootste beurscrisis sinds 1945 in luidde. Jaarlijks vindt het event plaats in samenwerking met gerenommeerde asset managers en de grootbanken.

    Fondsnieuws, opgericht in juli 2008, is een zelfstandig dochterbedrijf van de FD Mediagroep. Het is behalve in Nederland ook actief in de twee andere landen van de Benelux.


    Voor meer informatie:

    20190923 Fondsnieuws
  • Week van de Belegger

     |  Amsterdam


    Week van de Belegger

    Ferry Roersma, managing director of initiator TRIPLE I, sounds the gong in honour of the Week of the Investor. He acknowledges that consumers have an ever-growing need for information concerning personal finance. Especially now that the Netherlands are changing from a welfare state to a self-care state, personal financial responsibility becomes more and more important. The Dutch are, now more than ever, concerned with money, responsible investing, and alternatives to make their savings pay out.

    About BeleggersFair 2019

    De BeleggersFair is the biggest investment event in the Netherlands and focuses on information and education for both the novice and the highly experienced investor. Annually the event is visited by around 3.000 private investors, who want to boost their knowledge and their investment ability. This year is the events 5th year anniversary which in turn proves that it fulfils an important need among private investors.


    More than fifty financial heavyweights and investment gurus will attend the 27th  September to share their knowledge and visions with visitors. Just like every year there will also be time for investment tips. And of course, there is enough time for the speed courses and masterclasses. Besides this, chairman of the day Roelof Hemmen will present the Cashcow Awards for the best financials of the year.


    TRIPLE i

    Week of the investor and de BeleggersFair are an initiative by TRIPLE i. The financial multimedia publisher thus takes its responsibility to strengthen involvement within the financial market as broadly as possible.   

    For more information:

    Week van de Belegger 20190920 Week van de Belegger
  • a.s.r. and Lezen & Schrijven

     |  Amsterdam


    a.s.r. pensioenen and the Foundation Lezen & Schrijven celebrate partnership

    Former low literates Lenie and Naziha sound the gong to celebrate the start of a partnership between a.s.r. pensioenen and the Foundation Lezen & Schrijven. It kicks off with a donation of 20,000 euros.

    About a.s.r. and Stichting Lezen en Schrijven

    In the Netherlands, 2.5 million adults have difficulty reading, writing and/or calculating. This has a major impact on their personal lives. Those who cannot read and write well, experience more difficulty in finding a job, often live less healthily and have less control over money matters. Mastering a language simply makes you stronger.

    The Foundation, together with its partners, strives to help as many people as possible in the Netherlands, to learn how to read, write, calculate and have digital skills.

    Folkert Pama, director of customer service at a.s.r. pensions: ‘We have found a partner in the Foundation Stichting Lezen & Schrijven that matches the mission of a.s.r., to make people self-reliant. It’s important cause. And this is how we hope to contribute in make pensions understandable as well.’

    Geke van Velzen, director of the Foundation Lezen & Schrijven: ‘For the Foundation, cooperation with the business community is an integral part of tackling low literacy. With organizations such as a.s.r. we can achieve more, in an attempt to reduce and prevent low literacy. We look forward to a long and successful collaboration.

    For more information about the Stichting:

    For more informationa about a.s.r. Pensioenen:

    a.s.r. and Lezen & Schrijven 20190919 a.s.r. and Lezen & Schrijven
  • MT Next Generation Leadership

     |  Amsterdam


    MT Next Generation Leadership

    Remy Gieling, chief editor MT & Sprout, sounds the gong to commemorate the launch of the 10th edition of the MT Next 50.


    About MT Next 50

    The editorial staff of MT is proud to present the 10th edition of the Next Leadership 50: the curated list of the most promising leadership talent in The Netherlands. MT believes that better leaders create a better world. Therefore MT selects the best knowledge on management and leadership from (inter)national sources and shares practical insights from current executives and senior leaders.

    During the ceremony MT celebrates the selection of next generation leaders who embrace change and enable sustainable growth at some of the largest companies in The Netherlands. This year the editors in collaboration with top (inter)national business schools and executive search firms, have selected leadership talent from Randstad, HEMA, USG People, Philips, Aegon and many others.

    For more information:

    MT Next Generation Leadership 20190918 MT Next Generation Leadership
  • Dutch Creativity Festival

     |  Amsterdam


    Dutch Creativity Festival

    Dinesh Sonak, Managing Director of ADCN, the Club for Creativity, sounds the gong for the first edition of the Dutch Creativity Festival.

    About Dutch Creativity Festival

    The festival, 20 & 21 September at The Student Hotel in Amsterdam, presents educational and playful sessions with the best creative people in the Netherlands – from the worlds of arts and culture, business and technology, education and sustainability.

    The festival’s goal is to stimulate Dutch creativity – how can we become smarter and better creators? What can we learn from the creativity of Rembrandt, the world champions robot soccer, the secret service, IDFA’s artistic director, Philips Design, and the smartest innovators in e.g. architecture, fashion, advertising, film and food?

    For more information:

    Dutch Creativity Festival 20190917 Dutch Creativity Festival
  • Gijs and Wally

     |  Amsterdam


    Gijs and Wally

    Aad van Hall, the son of Resistance Banker Walraven van Hall will perform the Gong ceremony.

    About Gijs and Wally

    With his brother Gijs, ‘Wally’ secretly collected an amount equal to half a billion Euros during the Germany occupation. This money was distributed amongst 150.000 persons by men and women on bikes.

    Those in need were, among others, families whose husbands were at sea when the Nazi’s occupied the Netherlands and who decided to sail for the Allies. The Nazi’s stopped the payments to their families. Money was also distributed to families who were hiding Jews or of men who refused to go to work in German war industry.  And they supported 30.000 families of the railroad workers who went on strike from September 1944 to the end of the occupation in May 1945. Railroad workers went on strike on 17 September 1944, 75 years ago tomorrow.

    For more information:

    Gijs and Wally 20190916 Gijs and Wally
  • Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

     |  Amsterdam


    Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

    On the occasion of the opening of the Cyber ​​Resilience Center Brainport (CWB), director Alexis Barron will sound the gong.

    About CWB

    The CWB is located on the Brainport Industries Campus in Eindhoven. In the center, companies from the high-tech industry work together to be more resilient to cyber-attacks.

    It is possible for companies from this sector to join the CWB whereby the companies can also benefit from each other's experiences and solutions in order to become more resilient to digital espionage and sabotage.

    Twenty-two companies are already connected from the start. This number will rise to fifty at the end of this year and will grow to more than one hundred and fifty in 2020. Threat information is shared and the CWB is connected to the National Cyber ​​Security Center (NCSC), part of the Ministry of Justice and Security, and to the Digital Trust Center, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate (EZK).

    The high-tech sector is the first non-vital sector in the Netherlands that is allowed to receive and process this type of closed information via the CWB. The support from both ministries is of great value.

    For more information:

    Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport 20190913 CWB
  • KLM Open

     |  Amsterdam


    KLM Open

    Marcel Welling, CEO of The International Golfclub, sounds the gong for the opening of the first day of KLM Open. This year, the KLM Open is celebrating its 100th edition and KLM celebrates its 100th anniversary. For this special edition, the KLM Open takes place at The International in Amsterdam, close to Schiphol, the heart of KLM's operation.

    With 100 editions, the KLM Open is one of the oldest and existing international open golf tournaments in Europe and even in the world. In 1912 the first edition was held at The Hague Golf & Country Club. The 100th edition of the KLM Open will start on Thursday 12 September. The KLM Open has illustrious winners such as Seve Ballesteros, Bernhard Langer, Payne Stewart, Colin Montgomerie, Lee Westwood, Darren Clarke, Martin Kaymer and Joost Luiten.

    About the KLM Open and the 100th edition in 2019

    The 100th edition of the KLM Open will be played from 12 to 15 September 2019 at The International golf course in Amsterdam. The KLM Open is organized by TIG Sports and supported by title sponsor KLM and partner ING Private Banking.

    For more information:

    KLM Open 20190912 KLM Open
  • IPO Prosus

     |  Amsterdam


    IPO Prosus

    Bob van Dijk, Group CEO of Naspers, opens trading in Prosus, the global consumer internet group and one of the largest technology investors in the world.


    Prosus will comprise all internet interests outside of South Africa formerly held by Naspers, the South African internet and media group. Prosus has holdings in Tencent, the Chinese internet-based technology and cultural enterprise, the Russian internet business Group, payment technology company PayU, OLX, the global online marketplace, as well as food delivery services iFood (Brazil), Delivery Hero (Germany) and Swiggy (India). Naspers will keep a 73% stake in Prosus and publicly list the remaining shares.

    IPO Prosus 20190911 Prosus-2
  • IMC Weekendschool Basis

     |  Amsterdam


    IMC Weekendschool Basis Starts off the new school year

    To start off the new school year, several pupils of the IMC Basis programme sound the gong.

    About IMC Basis

    IMC Basis is an educational program at primary schools, developed by Stichting IMC Weekendschool. At a growing number of primary schools throughout the Netherlands, in underprivileged areas, students of grades seven and eight (ages 9 to 11) get the chance to acquire the skills, knowledge and motivation that they need to develop to the fullest of their capabilities, to grow beyond their limits, and learn to make motivated choices for their future. The students participate in IMC Basis weekly for three hours, over two years, during school hours. Professionals (volunteers) introduce students to a wide range of topics, including journalism, law, medicine, entrepreneurship and IT.

    We envision that within ten years IMC Basis education is an accepted and integrated part of the Dutch school system. Already, IMC Basis has scaled up from six to thirty-four locations in the Netherlands in the last couple of years. In the coming years the program will prepare for scaling up to 50 IMC Basis schools, and to then continue scaling up on the basis of field-findings, research outcomes, and continuing conversations with educational policy makers.

    IMC Weekendschool was founded in 1998 with support of IMC Financial Markets & Asset Management.

    For more information:

    IMC Weekendschool Basis 20100910 IMC Weekendschool Basis
  • TechShare

     |  Amsterdam



    The Dutch participants and partners of the fifth edition of the Euronext TechShare program 2019-2020 sound the gong to open trading. TechShare is an educational program specifically aimed at fast-growing and innovative tech companies, who want to know more about the process around an initial public offering. The program helps owners and directors of tech companies to better understand the function and dynamics of the financial markets. CEOs of the participating parties are better able to assess the possibilities of a listing and their opportunities in relation to their strategy and growth ambitions.

    The official start of TechShare 2019-2020 is at the the Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship in Rotterdam, on 21 September. In cooperation with Euronext, this internationally renowned business school in Rotterdam provides a two-day campus for all participants. All companies and partners from both Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland are present. Throughout the year, various workshops and interactive sessions take place, with all local partners and companies.

    Dutch partners of the TechShare program are ABN AMRO, AFS Group, Baker McKenzie, Brainport Development /Brainport Network, CFF Communications, Deloitte, Kempen & Co, NLGroeit and Rutgers & Posch. Each partner exposes a specific subject within the process of a possible listing during their workshop. In addition to the detailed information, TechShare provides all the participants with many valuable new contacts.

    For more information:

    TechShare 20190909 Techshare
  • La Perla

     |  Paris


    Pascal Perrier, CEO of La Perla Fashion Holding N.V, opens the trading day in Paris.

    LA PERLA FASHION HOLDING N.V lists on Euronext Growth.

    La Perla Fashion Holding N.V. is a holding company that is active in the luxury fashion industry. 

    La Perla La Perla 20190906
  • Amsterdam City Swim

     |  Amsterdam


    Amsterdam City Swim

    Petra Hillenius, ALS patient, sounds the gong to draw more attention for ALS research.


    About Amsterdam City Swim

    The Amsterdam City Swim draws attention to the still deadly disease ALS and has the goal to raise as much donation money as possible for research into ALS. Unfortunately there still is   no solution for the disease. On the 8th of September, next to the adult participants, 200 children will jump in the canals. Together they will swim the 6th edition of the Amsterdam City Swim for Kids (the last 700 meters of the course).


    For more information:

    Amsterdam City Swim 20190906 Amsterdam City Swim
  • JLL

     |  Amsterdam


    JLL 50 years

    The bell ceremony commemorates the 50th birthday of JLL on the 5th of September. Pieter Hendrikse, CEO of JLL The Netherlands, sounds the gong.


    About JLL

    JLL is a leading professional services firm that specializes in real estate and investment management. A brokerage firm of mixed British/American origin, Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL) in its current establishment is the result of a merger that took place in 1999 between Jones Lang Wootton (GB) and LaSalle Partners (USA). Although JLL’s history goes back to late 18th century, it did not happen until after World War II that the broker launched its expansion outside of the British Isles. Firstly setting foot in New Zealand and Australia, laying a foundation with several subsidiaries and partnerships. JLL today employs more than 170 staff in the Netherlands from offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Eindhoven and continues to prove its success by consistently contributing to Netherlands’ notable real estate transactions.


    For more information:

    JLL 20190905 JLL
  • Steptember

     |  Amsterdam



    Prof. Dr. Erik Scherder, teacher Clinical Neuropsychology at de Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, and Elinde, a girl with cerebral parese, sound the gong together to officially start “Steptember”, where participants will take 10,000 steps every day for people with cerebral parese (CP).


    From Tuesday September 3rd until Monday September 30th, more than 6500 people will make a daily 10,000 steps. The campaign can already boast a record number of participants, stock exchange company Euronext is one of the participating companies.


    About CP Netherlands

    CP Netherlands is the association by and for people with cerebral palsy. They represent over 18,000 people with cerebral palsy. CP Netherlands supports and helps people with cerebral palsy and parents of children with CP to get the most out of their lives with this impairment. Moreover, CP Netherlands provides information and tools for identification and recognition and stimulates research.


    What is cerebral palsy

    Cerebral palsy (spasticity) is an early damage to or congenital defect in the brain that leads to one or more physical impairments. Cerebral palsy is the most common physical impairment among children. One in four hundred babies are born with cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is incurable.


    This year, the Steptember campaign will take place in the Netherlands for the seventh time.


    For more information and registration:

    Steptember 20190904 Steptember