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a.s.r. school challenge 2017


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a.s.r. school challenge 2017 sounds gong at Amsterdam exchange

Jos Baeten, CEO a.s.r., opens trading at the Amsterdam exchange of Euronext with  ​a group of 11 and 12-year-old pupils of primary school De Spits from Lunetten to mark the start of the a.s.r.​ ​school challenge​.

This is the second year that a.s.r. (ticker symbol: ASR) organizes the a.s.r. school challenge: a sustainability competition for primary schools in the Province of Utrecht. The school that comes up with the best sustainable idea wins € 12,500 to put towards realizing the idea. The a.s.r. school challenge is supported by the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC) and the Utrecht Provincial Executive. Given that De Spits is competing in the challenge for the second time, they have been selected to join Jos Baeten in sounding the gong to open trading.

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